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Psalm 35

Prayer for Deliverance from Enemies

Of David.


Contend, O L ord, with those who contend with me;

fight against those who fight against me!


Take hold of shield and buckler,

and rise up to help me!


Draw the spear and javelin

against my pursuers;

say to my soul,

“I am your salvation.”



Let them be put to shame and dishonor

who seek after my life.

Let them be turned back and confounded

who devise evil against me.


Let them be like chaff before the wind,

with the angel of the L ord driving them on.


Let their way be dark and slippery,

with the angel of the L ord pursuing them.



For without cause they hid their net for me;

without cause they dug a pit for my life.


Let ruin come on them unawares.

And let the net that they hid ensnare them;

let them fall in it—to their ruin.



Then my soul shall rejoice in the L ord,

exulting in his deliverance.


All my bones shall say,

“O L ord, who is like you?

You deliver the weak

from those too strong for them,

the weak and needy from those who despoil them.”



Malicious witnesses rise up;

they ask me about things I do not know.


They repay me evil for good;

my soul is forlorn.


But as for me, when they were sick,

I wore sackcloth;

I afflicted myself with fasting.

I prayed with head bowed on my bosom,


as though I grieved for a friend or a brother;

I went about as one who laments for a mother,

bowed down and in mourning.



But at my stumbling they gathered in glee,

they gathered together against me;

ruffians whom I did not know

tore at me without ceasing;


they impiously mocked more and more,

gnashing at me with their teeth.



How long, O L ord, will you look on?

Rescue me from their ravages,

my life from the lions!


Then I will thank you in the great congregation;

in the mighty throng I will praise you.



Do not let my treacherous enemies rejoice over me,

or those who hate me without cause wink the eye.


For they do not speak peace,

but they conceive deceitful words

against those who are quiet in the land.


They open wide their mouths against me;

they say, “Aha, Aha,

our eyes have seen it.”



You have seen, O L ord; do not be silent!

O Lord, do not be far from me!


Wake up! Bestir yourself for my defense,

for my cause, my God and my Lord!


Vindicate me, O L ord, my God,

according to your righteousness,

and do not let them rejoice over me.


Do not let them say to themselves,

“Aha, we have our heart’s desire.”

Do not let them say, “We have swallowed you up.”



Let all those who rejoice at my calamity

be put to shame and confusion;

let those who exalt themselves against me

be clothed with shame and dishonor.



Let those who desire my vindication

shout for joy and be glad,

and say evermore,

“Great is the L ord,

who delights in the welfare of his servant.”


Then my tongue shall tell of your righteousness

and of your praise all day long.

17. O Lord! how long wilt thou look on? The meaning of the word which I have translated how long, is ambiguous in the Hebrew. In Latin it signifies, How long wilt thou see it, and suffer it without uttering a word? But the other interpretation is equally appropriate, namely, After having seemed to take no notice of the matter for a long time, when wilt thou at length begin to see it? The meaning, however, is substantially the same, for David complains of God’s long forbearance, declaring that while the wicked are running to every excess, God connives at them, and delays too much to take vengeance. And although God inculcates upon the faithful the duty of quietly and patiently waiting till the time arrive when he shall judge it proper to help them, yet he allows them to bewail in prayer the grief which they experience on account of his delay. At the same time, David shows, that in so speaking he is not carried headlong merely by the importunity of his desire, but that he is constrained to it by the extremity of his distress. For he says that they tumultuously rush upon him to take away his life, and he compares them to lions, and calls his soul solitary, or alone. Some think that the expression, only soul, means clear and precious, or well beloved; but such do not sufficiently consider the design of David, as has been stated in the 22nd Psalm at the twenty-first verse.

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