CCEL Governance

The Christian Classics Ethereal Library is located at Calvin University. Previous locations include Wheaton College, Illinois (1995–99) and the University of Pittsburgh (1993–95). A board of directors, which is a part of the Calvin University governance structure, governs the CCEL. The current members of the board are

  • Harry Plantinga, Professor of Computer Science, Calvin University (Director)
  • Janel Curry, Dean for Research and Scholarship, Calvin University
  • Britt Dennison, Product Manager, New Media, Zondervan Publishing House
  • Glenn Remelts, Director of the Library, Calvin University (Chairman of the Board
  • Lugene Schemper, Theological Librarian, Calvin University
  • Thomas Scofield, Professor of Mathematics, Calvin University
  • Richard Plantinga, Professor of Religion, Calvin University
  • John Bolt, Professor of Systematic Theology, Calvin Seminary

Harry Plantinga is the Director
Nyna Sykes is the Business Manager
Remington Steed is the Programmer/Analyst
Ken Verhulst is the Digial Library Coordinator.

Students, and former students, who have worked on the project include Debby Anema, Luke Baker, Nathan Beach, Eric Bengtson, Jason Bode, Byron DeVries, Adam Emerson, Erich Enke, Matt Hanchett, Josh Holtrop, Brian Johnson, Matt Johnson, Steve Kline, David Koop, Matt Koop, Ben Meyer, Wes Morgan, Jimmy Osborn, Eric Plantinga, Jeff Plantinga, Andrew Proper, Kyle Schlansker, Rebecca Sutton, Jonathan Spalink, Brian Tol, Jon VanHofwegen, and David Vos.

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