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THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO LUKE - Chapter 24 - Verse 52

Verse 52. They worshipped him. The word worship does not always denote religious homage. See Barnes "Mt 2:11".

Comp. Lu 14:10. But here it is to be remarked,

1st. That they offered this worship to an absent Saviour. It was after he left them and had vanished out of their sight. It was therefore an act of religion, and was the first religious homage that was paid to Jesus after he had left the world.

2nd. If they worshipped an absent Saviour—a Saviour unseen by the bodily eye, it is right for us to do it. It was an example which we may and should follow.

3rd. If worship may be rendered to Jesus, he is divine. See Ex 20:4,5

{q} "worshipped him" Mt 28:9,17

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