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he resigned in 1722, the year before his death. Fleury's reputation rests chiefly upon his Histoire eceldsiastique (20 vols., Paris, 1691-1720), a history of the Church to 1414, written with much detail and moderation of tone from a standpoint of pronounced Gallicanism, but marred by a lack of critical acumen. It was continued to 1778 by Jean Claude Faber and Alexandre la Croix, though with less happy results. In the middle of the nineteenth century the manuscript of Fleury's own continuation to 1517 was discovered at Paris and published in the latest edition of the entire work (Histoire meldsiastique par l'Abbd Fleury, augmentde de quatre livres, 6 vols., Paris, 1640), but is far inferior in value to the preceding part of the work.

For his pupils, Fleury wrote Les Maurs des Israklites (Paris, 1681; Eng. transl., The Manners of the Christians, . . . with Biographical Notes, Oxford, 1872); Las Masum des Chrdtiens (1682); and Grand catdchisme historique (1679). His Institution au droit eccWiatique (Paris, 1692), like his Discours sur lea libertds do l'dglise gallicane (1690), is permeated by a spirit of firm Gallicanism. His pedagogical system was developed in his Traitd du choir et de la mdthode des dtudes (1675). The minor works of Fleury were collected in his Opuscules (5 vols., Nimes, 1780-81). (EUOI~NE C11018Y.)

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Nicdron, Mt"nwires, vol. viii.; L. E. Dupin, Nouvelle bdbliodaque des auteurs ecelaiaetiques, vol. xviii., 35 vols., Paris, 1689-1711; F. R. Guetv6e, Histoire de 1'eglim de France, vols. x., xi., 12 vols., Paris, 1847-56; L. Genay, Un P6dagogue oublih du xviie a0cle, Paris, 1879.

FLICKINGER, DANIEL ~$UMLER: United Brethren in Christ; b. at Sevenmile, 0., May 25, 1824. He was educated at Germantown Academy and was elected corresponding secretary of the United Brethren Church Missionary Society in 1857, being reelected quadrennially until 1885, when he was chosen foreign missionary bishop. lie has been to Africa twelve times and to Germany five times on missionary tours, and has done much work upon the frontiers of the United States, and also among the Chinese. He is the author of Off-hand Sketches in Africa (Dayton, 0., 1857); Sermons (in collaboration with Rev. W. J. Shuey; 1859); Ethiopia: or, Twenty-six Years of Missionary Life in Western Africa (1877); The Church's Marching Orders (1879); and Our Missionary Work from 1863 to 1889 (1889).

BIBLIOGBAFBM D. K. Flickinger, Fifty-five Years of Active Ministerial Life; Preface by Bishop G. M. Mathews, Dayton, 1907.

FLIEDNER, flid'ner, FRITZ: The "apostle of the gospel in Spain," son. of Theodor Fliedner (q.v.); b. at Kaiserewerth on the Rhine, June 10, 1845; d. at Madrid Apr. 25, 1901. He studied at Halle and Tiibingen, and became teacher in a school at Hilden 1868 and chaplain to the legation of the German Empire at Madrid and evangelist in Spain 1870. Besides editing Bldtter Gus ,Spanien, Revista Christians, and Amigo de la infancia, he published. (in Spanish.) lives of Livingstone, Luther, his father, John Howard, Elizabeth Fry, a hymnbook for Sunday Schools, and various other books of Spanish Christian literature. He also published

Pletcher FUedner

BMttter and Bluthen, poems (Heidelberg, 1885-97), Romische Missionspraxis auf den Karolinen (1889); Erzahlungen aua Spanien (1895), Aus meinem Leben, Erinnerungen and Erfahrungen (Berlin, 1900).

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Consult. besides the last work mentioned above, F. G. J. Grape, 8panien and des Evangelium,

Halle, 1896.

FLIEDNER, THEODOR: German philanthropist, founder of the Kaiserswerth Deaconesses' Institute and the modem Protestant order of deacon eases (see DEAcoNEss, III., 2, a); b. at Epstein (7 m. n.e. of Wiesbaden), in Nassau, Jan. 21, 1800; d. at Kaiserswerth (on the Rhine, 6 m. n.n.w. of Dosseldorf) Oct. 4, 1864. He was the son of a clergyman and was himself a plain, unpretending German pastor, of great working power, indefatigable zeal, fervent piety, and rare talent of organization. He studied at Giessen, Gdttingen, and Her born and for a year was tutor in a family at Cologne and had begun to doubt his fitness for the ministry, when he received and accepted, in Nov., 1821, what he considered a providential call, from a small Protestant colony at Kaiserswerth, then a Roman Catholic town of 1,800 inhabitants. The failure of a silk manufactory, upon which the town de= pended largely for support, led him to undertake, in the spring of 1822, a collecting tour to keep his struggling congregation alive. By the end of a week he returned with 1,200 thalers. This was the beginning of much greater thihgs. By experience and perseverance he became one of the greatest beggars in the service of Christ. In 1823 he made a tour of Holland and England, which not only resulted in a permanent endowment of his congregation, but suggested to him the idea of his benevolent institutions. " In both these Protestant countries," he relates, " I became acquainted with a multitude of charitable institutions for the benefit both of body and soul. I saw schools and other educational organizations, almhousm, orphanages, hospitals, prisons, and societies for the reformation of prisoners, Bible and missionary societies, etc.; and at the same time I observed that it was a living faith in Christ which had called almost every one of these institutions and societies into life, and still preserved them in activity. This evidence of the practical power and fertility of such a principle had a most powerful influence in strengthening my own faith."

Fliedner made two more journeys to Holland, England, and Scotland (1832 and 1853), in the interest no more of his congregation, but of his institutions. He also visited the United States in 1849 and assisted in founding the Deaconesses' Institute in Pittsburg with Dr. Passavant at its head (see DEACONESS, III. 2, d, 1 1; PASBAVANT, WILLIAM ALFRED). Twice he traveled to the East, in 1851 to aid Bishop Gobat in founding a house of deaconesses in Jerusalem, and again in 1857, when he was, however, too feeble to proceed farther than Jaffa. King Frederick William IV. of Prussia and Queen Elizabeth took the most cordial interest in his labors for the sick and poor, furnished him liberally with means, and founded in 1847 the Bethany hospital with deaconesses at Berlin after the model of Kaiserswerth. In the