




First. We do not read in the Scriptures, that Mary, who was a natural daugh­ter of the impure and sinful flesh of Adam, was without sin and pure, as Micron con­fessed before us all, at the discussion, or:

Secondly. That such pure, innocent, spotless and blessed fruit, as was Christ Jesus, was born of such impure, sinful flesh, guilty of death, as was the flesh of Mary, since she was a daughter of the impure seed of Adam, as Micron says, or:

Thirdly. That Adam had two seeds, of which the one was holy and pure, as was Christ, and the other sinful and impure, as we are; as must be concluded from the doc­trine of Micron, or:

Fourthly. That Christ was born of the Father, from eternity, that he was seated separate from the Father, and outside of the Father, from eternity, as Micron and Herman confessed before us all, or:


Eleventhly. That the Word, or the eter­nal Son of God, without mother (I write it according to their foundation), thus united himself with a son of man, without father; that he accepted, or took on the same, that he dwelt therein, and thus became one per­son and son, as is the foundation and doc­trine of our opponents, or:

Twelfthly. That there were two sons in Christ, as was heard, of which one was vis­ible, passive, and earthly‑the other invisi­ble, impassive, and heavenly, as is the foun­dation and doctrine of our opponents, or:

Thirteenthly. That the divine nature thus united itself with the human nature (whereby he means, two perfect sons) into one person, which he so often repeats, or:

Fourteenthtly. That such a union of God's Son and Mary's son, as Micron says, should be compared to the union of the body and soul of man, or:

Fifteenthly. That such a divided, double, earthly and heavenly, righteous and un­righteous, pure and impure Christ was promised by the prophets, and preached by the apostles, as Micron says, without any truth, or:

Sixteenthly. That Christ was God and man in such a sense as Micron teaches, or:


Eighteenthly. That the Son of God is called the son of man, and the son of man is called the Son of God, by reason of such union, as our opponents assert, without any Scripture, or:


Twentieth. That the flesh of Christ was sinful, and guilty of death, as John A'Lasco (with whom Micron agrees) blasphemously teaches, or:

Twenty‑first. That the word, which from the beginning was God, thus took its tab­ernacle, tent, or dwelling in our flesh, as John A'Lasco philosophizes, or:

Twenty‑second. That the Son of God thus covered his divinity with humanity, so long as he was upon earth, as John A'Las­co writes, or:

Twenty‑third. That the one who had transgressed, also, had to requite it in his nature, as is the foundation of our oppo­nents, or:

Twenty‑fourth. That the Son of God ful­filled the law and reconciled the Father in our flesh, as is the foundation of our oppo­nents, or:

Twenty-fifth. That we could not have partaken, unto salvation, of his heavenly and spiritual attributes, such as his life, holiness, righteousness, merits, &c., if Christ had not had our human nature, form and substance, as Micron writes, or:

Twenty‑sixth. That the son of man, who is confessed to be the Son of God by Peter, by John the Baptist, by the angel and by all the Scriptures, said in any part of Scripture: No, I am not the Son of God, but he that dwelleth in me whom you do not see, is the Son of God, and for his sake 379I am called his Son, as is the doctrine of our opponents, or:

Twenty‑seventh. That the angel Gabriel told Mary that such a divided son would be conceived in her, Luke 2:28, as Micron garbles it, or:

Twenty‑eighth. That Christ Jesus was not God's Son, according to his most holy humanity, as well as according to his eter­nal divinity, as our opponents teach, or:

Twenty‑ninth. That the man Christ was of earth and was called heavenly, only, on account of some honorable attributes as Micron writes, or:

Thirtieth. That the flesh and blood of the seed of Adam, as our opponents say, that the flesh of Christ is the true bread of life, on account of some divine attributes as they garble the word of Christ, Jn. 6:51, or:

Thirty‑first. That Abraham and Isaac were called the autores or origin, in the Scriptures, that it should not be attributed to strange men, as Micron says, without the Scriptures, or:

Thirty‑second. That Christ took on him our sinful form as John A'Lasco says, Phil. 2:7, or:

Thirty‑third. That Christ took on him the seed of Abraham, as Micron garbles the text of Heb. 2:16, or:

Thirty fourth. That Christ partook of the flesh and blood of the children by gen­eration, as our opponents garble or falsely explain the text, Heb. 2:14, or:

Thirty‑fifth. That God was manifested in our flesh, as our opponents explain the Scripture of Paul, 2 Tim. 3:5, or:

Thirty‑sixth. That Christ dwelt in our flesh by generation, as our opponents ex­plain, 1 Jn. 2:4, or:

Thirty‑seventh. That we are to compare to purity the most holy flesh of Christ with the cleanness of the animals which were de­clared clean, as Micron compared Acts 10:15, or:

Thirty‑eighth. That the most holy flesh of Christ Jesus was flesh of our impure, sinful flesh; as our opponents make the poor people believe, or:

Thirty‑ninth. That Christ would be the Immanuel in our flesh as our opponents claim, or:

Fortieth. That Christ and we, are breth­ren on account of the flesh, as Micron teach­es the unrepentant, ignorant world, without the truth, or:

Forty‑first. That the children of the devil, such as liars, haters, murderers, adulterers of the Scriptures, blasphemers, &c., are Christ's brethren and sisters as well as the children of God, as we must conclude from the teachings of our opponents, or:

Forty‑second. That the Son of God united himself with human nature, that is, with a man of the flesh of Mary, and that he ascended with such flesh, as Micron un­scripturally garbles Eph. 4:10, or:

Forty‑third. That our flesh is seated at the right hand of the Father, as is the doc­trine of our opponents, or:

Forty‑fourth. That Christ is our Head, and we, his body, members and brethren, on account of the flesh, as we must under­stand it from the teachings and foundation of our opponents, or:

Forty‑fifth. That a man of the impure, sinful seed of Adam is our Advocate, Medi­ator, Reconciler and High Priest with God the Father; and, that with him we should worship, honor and serve him as the true and living God, as our opponents teach.

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