


AFTER they had been a few days in the city, Herman and his followers called some of us together and desired a discussion with them, and after many broad assertions he said unto them, "I am a teacher, and would like to have a teacher put against me; for I 355have heard that Menno was to be in the city. Therefore I would have him or some other teacher to discuss with me. For I have had discussions with hundreds of yours, and when they would be vanquished they would invariably appeal to their teach­ers." Behold, thus he spoke! I might here write a good deal about his false preten­sions and ambitious expressions; also about his infamous talk behind my back, and seeking if he could not find a splinter about me to magnify into a beam and to tie this upon my back as a sign of shame. Also, how he inquired of an unconscious child about my secret shelter, &c. But, as it can not be serviceable to the reader, therefore I will commend it to the Lord, and leave the shame of Herman untouched, that the read­er may not think that I wish to retaliate evil with evil, from which may the Lord for­ever save me. Yet it is my heart's desire that he would be more truthful, and more impartial of heart, and that he would fear the Lord, his God, more.

The discussion was agreed upon with Herman and his fellows upon this condi­tion: That they were to tell none where the discussion took place (as I was a poor, weak man, hated of all the world). Upon which they, on their part, gave our breth­ren their hands that they would never tell it. But how they kept their word their deeds have shown. For it was but a short time until it was known in the streets of Emden where Menno lived, and that Micron and his fellows had a discussion with him. And besides, they have published it in print, to all the world. If honorable, pious persons are not bound to respect their word and pledge (which is considered the same as an oath by all reasonable people) better than this, I will leave to the judgment of all readers, both those for and against me. But there are many who think that they cannot misuse us.

In the same manner they have been un­grateful to the city which showed more mer­cy to them than all Eastland and Denmark, when in midwinter they knew not where to find shelter; as they, with their unsalted, partial writings, have made the city sus­picioned by lords, princes and other cities, that the city maintained us; while the city knew no more of my sojourning than they knew of the hour of their death.

Lastly, they registered the names of some good persons who had not merited such treatment, that they might be known in all countries to which they might move. A re­ward of thousands has been offered for the apprehension of one and his little children, who have rendered them such great services if the Lord, by his grace, do not prevent it. If they had now, in all this considered the unfeigned, pure love (which wishes harm to none, much less does it), common honesty, and their word and honor, since such a course instructs none upon the earth, nor makes them better in God, and appears more like the work of a traitor, than of a pious man; then, according to my opinion, the evangelical, christian character, spirit, discipline and reasonableness would have been more uniform than it now is. The Lord's word is true: The fruit shows what the tree is, Matt. 12:33. Behold, thus have they acted who pretend to be christians and say that we are heretics; who call upon God as their witness and judge that they have faithfully described the discussion, while they are well aware that the first sen­tence they wrote was a falsehood. And how quite untrue it is, will, by the grace of the Lord, be shown by self‑evident truths from my following explanation of the dis­cussion between Herman and myself.

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