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To THE IMPARTIAL READER:‑I see and observe, honest reader, that many books, printed in Latin and also written German books, are circulated and read, concerning the incarnation of the Lord, which, in my opinion, so slander our reputation, that those who read or hear them read, shut their noses and mouths at our approach; therefore I feel myself compelled, First, to reply to some accusations of John A'Lasco, wrongfully preferred against me. Secondly, to advance my confession and faith of Christ Jesus, the Son of God; and, Thirdly, to solve and criticise according to divine truth, as far as the grace of God is given me, his principal points with which he re­futes our foundation and faith. This I do not for my own sake, for I am well aware that my truths, with him, are lies, and that I will remain, as did all the holy apostles and prophets, the learned heretics and impor­ters, even if Christ spake in and through me, poor, ignorant creature, with the same power as that with which he spake former­ly through the apostles and prophets. But I do this from the pure love of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and his holy word; from love for my beloved brethren, and also, from a heart inclined towards my oppo­nents, that Christ Jesus the Son of the Al­mighty and great God, may be made mani­fest as a true Son of his heavenly Father; that the Scriptures may remain unbroken; and that the afflicted, hungering consciences, which would gladly follow the right, may see and know it and thus thank the Al­mighty and eternal Father with cheerful hearts, through his first and only begotten Son, Christ Jesus; that, also, the God fear­ing reader may know through whom he is reconciled with his God; and that we es­tablish our foundation not otherwise than by the clear and positive Scriptures and in­controvertible truth.

Behold, for this reason have I yet under­taken this labor before my death. I, who in my weakness, every day look for the dis­solution of this earthly tabernacle with res­ignation; that I may leave behind me a sure testimony and memento, how honestly or dishonestly, how highly or how triflingly, how greatly or how insignificantly I have es­teemed the Lord Jesus Christ, my only and eternal Surety, Consolation, Refuge, Deliver­er and Savior, during the period of my serv­ice; for I am aware how we are upbraided and slandered.

Therefore have I divided this book in three parts. The first part is a reply to some articles and accusations without re­gard to the foundation of our actions of which John A'Lasco accuses and blames us, without any truth whatever.

The second part, is my confession of the origin and descent of the flesh of Christ, demonstrated according to the power of the Scriptures.

The third part contains the principal ob­jections, particularly of John A'Lasco to our foundation, which are overwhelmingly answered according to the word of God. I have so divided it, that the reader may not become confused, but may obtain a better and more intelligent understanding and sense of our writings.

I desire and pray all my readers, for the sake of Jesus, whether they are learned or unlearned, favorable or unfavorable, to read my writings with an unprejudiced mind and attentively and intelligently; to read them frequently; to compare them with the Scriptures, and weigh them in the balance of the Scriptures; I pray them to believe the Scriptures, and not the long and many 141writings, teachings and the colorings of the learned; that they will examine the foundation without bitterness, and believe the surest truth, and follow it in the fear of God, and give him due praise, as becomes all reasonable people, according to the christian name. I doubt not but that all those who read them with due attention, will soon find that the foundation, doctrine and faith of our opponents concerning Christ, the Son of God, is deceiving and er­roneous, and that our foundation is the foundation and testimony of the Holy Scriptures; yea, that it is the power and the truth.

I would further pray, that the reader do not think hard of it if I call falsehood, lies; and rebuke evil‑doing. I trust, by the grace of God, to do so without any bitter feeling, and with as temperate words as possible; and further, not to become impatient if I sometimes repeat the same words and mat­ter, when necessary; and also that at the end, he will not judge me without consider­ation and intelligence; and thus become angry with me. For I do nothing more than reasonable purging, according to the truth; nothing more than prove my faith and hope, to be in accordance with the Scriptures, and uphold the honor and praise of my Lord and Savior‑something which I am not only called to do verbally, and with my pen, but also with my life‑blood, if his glory demand it.

May the beloved Lord, the faithful Son of the true and living God, to whom be all honor and praise, grant all kind and dis­creet readers a mind desirous to examine diligently, and enlighten the intelligent hearts to understand rightly. Amen.


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