
FUNK, FRANZ XAVER: German Roman Catholic; b. at Abtsgmund, Württemberg, Oct. 12, 1840; d. at Tübingen Feb. 24, 1907. He studied in Tübingen (Ph.D., 1863) and at Rottenburg, and was ordained to the priesthood in 1864. He then studied for a year in Paris, and was lecturer in the Wilhehnstift at Tübingen 1866-70. In 1870 he was appointed professor of church history, patrology, and archeology at Tübingen. He wrote Zina and Witcher (Tübingen, 1868); Geschichte des kirchlichen Zinsverbotes (1876); Die Echtheit der ignatianischen Briefe (1882); Lehrbuch der Kirchengeschichte (Rottenburg, 1886); Dxtrina duodeeim apostolorum (Tübingen, 1887); Die katholieette LandesuniverSittit Ellwangen (1889); Die apostolischen Konstitutionen (Rottenburg, 1891); Kirchengeschichtliche Abhandlungen urtd Untersuchungen (3 vols., Paderborn, 1897-1907); Das Testament unseres Herrn und die venuandten S chriften (Mainz, 1901); and Dddascalia et Constitutionm apostolorum (2 vols., 1905).

FUNK, ISAAC KAUFMANN: Lutheran; b at Clifton, O., Sept. 10, 1839. He was graduated at Wittenberg College in 1860 and was ordained to the Lutheran ministry in 1861. He was pastor at Carey, 0.,1862-64 and of St. Matthew's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Brooklyn, 1865-72. He then resigned from the ministry, and after a tour of Europe, Egypt, and Palestine was associate editor of The Christian Radical (Pittsburg, Pa.) 1872-73 and of The Union Advocate (New York) 1873-75. In 1876 he founded The Metropolitan Pulpit and in the following year The Complete Preacher, merging the two in 1878 into The Homiletic Monthly, which has been called The Homiletic Review, since 1885. He established The Voice, a total-abstinence paper, in 1880, The Missionary Review in 1888, and The Literary Digest in 1889. In 1878 he entered into partnership with Adam Willis Wagnalls, founding the publishing firm which was incorporated in 1890 as the Funk & Wagnalls Company. He has thus been instrumental in publishing a large number of theological works, among which mention may be made of The Jewish Encyclopedia, the Schaf-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, and The Standard Bible Dictionary. He is editorin-chief of A Standard Dictionary of the English Language, and has edited G. Croly's Salathiel under the title Tarry Thou Till 1 Come (New York, 1901), and has written The Next Step in Evolution (New York, 1902); The Widow's Mile and Other Psychic Phenomena (1904); and The Psychic Riddle (1907).


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