
ESCOBAR, MARINA DE: Spanish mystic; b. at Valladolid 1554; d. there July 9, 1633. She was a near relative of Antonio Escobar y Mendoza (q.v.), and a pupil and penitent of the Jesuit Ludovico da Ponte, who trained her in the spirit of his order. She attained renown by her extraordinary promotion of prayer of the heart, by her wonderful visions, and as a reformer of the Spanish branch of the Brigittines (see Bridget, Saint, of Sweden and the Brigittine Order). Many Roman Catholic writers term her " Blessed" and " Honorable," while Alban Stolz even calls her "Saint."

(O. Zöckler.)

Bibliography: The original Vita was by F. Cachupin, 2 vols., Madrid, 1684-73, Lat. transl. by M. Hanel, Prague, 1872-88. Cf. KL, iv. 890--891.

ESCOBAR Y MENDOZA, ANTONIO: Spanish Jesuit; b. at Valladolid 1589; d. there July 4, 1669. He was a scion of a distinguished family of intense piety, and was noteworthy for his asceticism and his energy as a preacher and priest. His literary productivity was enormous, his works filling eightythree volumes. He began his literary career with the epics San Ignacio de Loyola (Valladolid, 1813) and Historic de la Virgen Madre de Dios (1618), but the remainder of his writings are devoted either to exegesis or to moral theology. To the former category belong, among others, In Evangelic Sanctorum commentarii (6 vols., Lyons, 1642-1648); In. Evangelic temporis comtnentarii (6 vols., 1647-48); Yetvs ac Novurn Testamentum littzralibm et moralibus coramzntariia illvstratum (8 vols., 1652-1667); and a number of commentaries on individual books of the Bible, among which special mention may be made of his In Cantica commentarii, sine de Mario Deiparre elogiis (Lyons, 1669). The fame of Escobar is chiefly based, however, on his works on moral theology, of which the Surnmtcla casZCUm conscientiu; (Pampeluna, 1627) is the shortest, the Urtiversct= theolagite maralis receptiores absque life sententio? (7 vols., Lyons, 16526) the longest, and the Iriber theologies moralis viginti-guattuor Soeietatis Jesu doctoribus reseratus (1664) the best known. The last-named work summarizes the contributions of Escobar's chief predecessors to probabilistic casuistry. A certain apparent laxity in ethics exposed the author to many attacks, particularly from Pascal in his Lettrea provincutles, while the Roman .Catholic world gradually formed an unfavorable judgment of the work. The parliaments of Paris, Rennes, and Rouen condemned the book to be burned, and modern Jesuits disavow the work more or less completely.

(O. Zöckler.)

Bibliography: A. and A. de Backer, BiblioWqrse des Ecrivaina de la comPagnie de Jdaua ii. 172-178, Brussels, 1853; J. Huber, Der Jeeuitenorden, pp. 282-31b, Berlin, 1873; H. Hurler, Nontenclafor literarius, ii. 229-231, Innsbruck, 1893; KL, iv. 892.


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