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Subject Index

Abraham's walk with God, h039

Adoration of the Creator, h001, h022

Adult schools, h348

Affliction, h179, h182

After Divine Service, h355

All ages praising God, h350

Almightiness of God, h031

Angels and men, h035

Angels and men praising God, h091

Anniversary, h251

Appeal from children, h312

Ark of safety, h019, h020

Ascension day, h134

Ask and receive, h112

Assurance of hope, h174

Babel, h021

Backslider returning to God, h171

Barnabas, h138

Believing trust in Jehovah, h197

Bereavement, h178

Bethlehem, h052

Bible, h024, h026

Birds and flowers, h277

Birth, Death, and Judgment, h218

Birthday, h247

Body and soul, h223

Brotherly love, h199

Burial Ground, preparation of, h303

Calvary, h050, h057, h060


of Wesleyan Methodism, h252

of a Christian Church, h202

of a Christian Sisterhood, h332

of the Brethren's Eldership and Missions, h273

of the Moravian Church, h271

of the United Brethren at Hernhut, h272

Change and progression, h147

Charity, h137, h164

School, h345


appeal from poor, h312

numbering their days, h328

praising God, h334

praying for grace, h316

scriptural examples of, h331

worshipping God, h347, h349

China evangelized, h265


confession and supplication during prevalence of, h290

thanksgiving for removal of, h291, h292

visitation of, h289


He saved others, c., h125

His fight and conquest, h158

amidst His people, h131

birth of, h033, h052, h090

died for sinners, h125

in various characters, h165

names and offices of, h017

our example in suffering, h060, h126

renewal in image of, h166

the Friend of children, h315

the Prince of peace, h059

walking with, h315


love to children, h326

mission, h058

universal reign, h266, h267


Israel, h055

confidence and stability, h335

graces, h164

soldier, h043, h331

unity and peace, h007

Christmas, h250

Church, h264

a lighthouse, h143

consecration of, h295

glorious and impregnable, h201

its peace and prosperity, h100

militant and triumphant, h200

on laying foundation stone of, h294

the universal, h139

Close of the year, h284

Closet prayer, h078

Communion of saints, h109, h114

Complaint, h181

Confession and repentance, h173

Covenant of peace, h110

Covenanting with God, h038, h124

Creation, h002, h003

God seen in, h004

all invites to worship God, h012

Creator-Spirit, h018

Daily prayer, h080

David, h331

Day of grace, h118

after Judgment, h236

Day's journey, prayer for, h192

Deafness, h243

Death, h230

and sin conquered, h232

support in, h231


from captivity, h045

from malignant disease, h045

from perils at sea, h045

from trouble, h190

in the wilderness, h045

of God's people, h045

Deluge, escape from, h020

Despondency, h184

corrected, h185

Doxologies, h334, h356

Earth, full of God's goodness, h010

Erection of a Sunday School, h313

Eternity, h238

Evening thoughts, h081


trials of, h176

walk of, h167

Faith, Hope and Charity, h164

Fall and restoration of man, h013, h014, h016


altar, h206

table, h207

Farewell to a missionary, h254


Christian, symbols of, h152

Church, reception into, h150

bond of, h155

of heavenly travellers, h153

of saints, h149

Female Friendly Society, h285

Fervent supplication, h082

Field of the world, h258

Flight of time, h222

Flock of Christ, h054, h161, h343

Flood, h019

For ever with the Lord, h234, h238

Garden thoughts, h259


exhorted to praise God, h087

gathering of, h256

Gethsemane, h060, h129

Gifts and graces, h137, h164

Gloria Patri, h353

Glory to God in songs of praise, h090


guards his people, h145

in all things, h004, h005, h022

long-suffering of, h047

majesty of, h041

universally worshipped, h092


blessing to Abraham, h039

image in his saints, h186

law, h027

mercy, h188

providence and goodness to children, h327

Good Shepherd, h040, h054, h103, h161, h305, h306, h343

Gospel blessings, h283

Grace and glory, h163

Of Jesus Christ, h124

day of, h118

Grave, h308

Gypsies, call to, h242

Hallelujah!, h094, h310

Happiness in Christ, h314

Harvest, h278, h279

of both worlds, h282


contrition of, h065

given to God, h168, h318


antepast of, h229

in prospect, h157

invitation to go to, h119

on earth, h228

preparation for, h227

the saints' Home, h234

Heavenly longings, h132

Heritage of God's people, h051, h195

Holy Scriptures, h025

Horeb, h048

Hosanna to Christ, h325, h336, h339

Hospital, public, h286, h287

Humiliation of Christ, h124

Humility, h187, h319

Image of Christ, h122, h166, h177

Infant School, h342

Isaac, h331

Israel, restoration of, h241


name of, h034, h075

our pattern, h126

Jews, invitation to, h240

Joseph, h331


hymn, h094

of Baptist Missionary Society, h269

of Christian Sisterhood, h332

of Church Missionary Society, h270

of London Missionary Society, h261

of Religious Tract Society, h274

of Sunday School Union, h340, h341, h352

of a minister, h310

year of, h263

Juvenile Missionary Meeting, h258

Labrador, h273

Lapse and improvement of time, h203

Laying foundation stone

of a church, h294

of a church and cemetery, h298

of a place of worship, h296, h300

Life and death, h214

and judgment, h215, h218, h233

preparation for, h221

Life's eternal issues, h219

Light and truth, h037

natural and spiritual, h321

Lighthouse, h143

Living and dead, their states, h226

Lord's Day worship, h095, h114

Prayer, h063, h140

Supper, h129, h130

Love to the triune God, h175

Lovest thou Me?, h191

Loxley, h339

Luther, h253

Mariners, h244

Mary Magdalene, h053

mother of Jesus, h053

sister of Lazarus, h053

Mary's choice, h144

Mercies acknowledged, h204

Messenger of peace, h305

Messiah manifested, h033, h058

Messiah's peaceful triumphs, h253

Midnight, h212

Millennial anticipations, h266, h268


appointment of, h305

death of, h307, h308, h309, h311

Ministers, meeting of, h306


death of a, h264

success, h260

work, h255, h259

Moment, the value of, h224

Morning, h208, h209, h210

Moses, h331

death of, h049

in the desert, h048

Naaman, h331

Name above every name, h075

Nativity of Christ, h093, h239


and grace progressive, h147

voices of, h243

Neff, Felix, hymn of, h225

Negroes, h262

New creation, h018

Night thoughts, h213

Noon, h211

Old age, h220

Old and Young Praising God, h336

Omnipotence of God, h145

Omnipresence of God, h042

Omniscience of God, h030, h042, h117


a chapel and Sunday school, h304

of a place of worship, h297, h299, h301

Organ, for opening of an, h302

Orphan Asylum, h344

Our Master Jesus, h262

Parents and family of mankind, h013

Parting of Christian friends, h135

Past and present, h185

present, future, h216

Peace of mind, h177

invitation to, h245

Pentecost, h136, h251, h322

Pilgrimage of life, h026, h055, h147, h153, h169

prayers on, h193

Pisgah-vision, h049

Praise and thanksgiving, h086


acceptance and guidance in, h077

closet, h078

confidence in, h076

daily, h080

exercise of faith in, h067

for Christ-likeness, h111

for Divine manifestations, h196

for Divine mercy, h173

for a blessing on the Word, h098

for a change of heart, h160

for an aged minister, h309

for an obedient heart, h318

for bread, in time of scarcity, h276

for grace in self-knowledge, h108, h169

for gracious obedience, h083

for humility, h187

for peace of mind, h177

for preservation from sinful words, h330

for spiritual assistance, h159

for spiritual blessings, h320

for the Holy Spirit's influence, h084

in affliction, h179, h182

in bereavement, h178

perseverance in, h074

pleading in, h073

preparation of heart for, h065

resolution in, h066

scriptural examples of, h069

the Lord's, h063, h140

through Christ alone, h068, h075

to give the heart to God, h148

wants and wishes in, h064

what it is, h062

Prayers, our Saviour's, h071

Prince of Peace, h059

Prisoner of the Lord, h183

Promised land, h049

Providence, h022, h141, h205

Divine, chooses our lot, h146

and grace, h142

Public worship, h098, h099, h101, h103, h105, h106

Ragged Schools, h346

Recovery from drowning, h288

Redeemer, a refuge of safety, h031

Redemption, gratitude for, h123

Resignation, h085

Rest for the soul, h023


Christ's, h128

power of, h127

Rivelin, h339

Ruth, h331


in a sick chamber, h183

on earth and in heaven, h351

rest, h011

schools, h351

universal, h268

vows, h139

worship in the sanctuary, h102

Saints and sinners, h235

Samuel, h331

School, erection of, h313

Schools, National and British, h343

Scriptural examples for the young, h331

Seeking the Lord, h121


deception, h036

discoveries, h170

knowledge, h169

Separation on earth, re-union in heaven, h338

Sheffield Infirmary, h286

Sick chamber meditation, h183

Sin, its universality, h032

Sinai, h050

Solomon's prayer, h070


of saints in glory, h157, h238

of songs, h089

Soul, the, h008

deception of the, h036

ransomed by death of Christ, h315

temple of the, h009

Spirit and Word of God, h257

Spiritual worship, h104

Still small voice, the, h198

Sunday School

anniversary, h337

evening song for, h120

meeting, h322

teacher, death of, h333

union, h324

Surrender of all to God, h180

Tabor, h050

Te Deum Laudamus, h093

Teacher, h305

death of a, h333

Testimonies of God, h041

Thanksgiving for harvest, h279


Marys, h053

mountains, h050

Time, life, and man, h217

past, present, future, h046

To-day, h222

Tongue, government of the, h329

Tribulation and prayer, h172

Trinity worshipped, h175, h195

Trumpet of salvation, h044

Trust in the Lord, h189

Union, Christian, symbolized, h154

Unity in faith, hope, and feeling, h323

Vain confidence, h036

Vows and prayers of youth, h317

Wadsley Church Schools, h339

Waiting upon God, h097, h108, h115, h116

Walk of faith, h167

War and peace, h044, h088

Warrior, Christian, h043

Watch and pray, h162

Watchman, h305

Waters of life, h056, h057

Wharncliffe, h339

Whitsuntide, h322

Wisdom, h029, h351

prayer for, h037, h070, h072

Word of God, h028, h117

Working for God, h156

Worthy the Lamb, h089

Young and old praising God, h336

Youth vowing to serve the Lord, h317

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