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7s, double.

Longing for rest.


Does the gospel word proclaim

Rest for those that weary be?

Then, my soul, put in thy claim—

Sure that promise speaks to thee:

Marks of grace I can not show,

All polluted is my best;

But I weary am, I know,

And the weary long for rest.

2 Burdened with a load of sin,

Harrassed with tormenting doubt,

Hourly conflicts from within,

Hourly crosses from without;


All my little strength is gone,

Sink I must without supply;

Sure upon the earth is none

Can more weary be than I.

3 In the ark the weary dove

Found a welcome resting-place;

Thus my spirit longs to prove

Rest in Christ, the Ark of grace;

Tempest-tossed I long have been,

And the flood increases fast;

Open, Lord, and take me in,

Till the storm be overpast!

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