
« Prev Ah! this heart is void and chill Next »



"Having a desire to depart."--Phil. 1:23.

"Ach, uns wird das Herz so leer."


transl., Sarah Findlater, 1855

Ah! this heart is void and chill

'Mid earth's noisy thronging--

For the Father's mansions still

Veh'mently is longing!

ln the garments once so strong,

Now are rents distressing;

And the sandals borne so long,

Heavily are pressing.

Oh I to be at home, and gain

All for which we're sighing--

From all earthly want and pain

To be swiftly flying.

With this load of sin and care,

Then no longer bending,

But with waiting angels there,

On our Lord attending!

Ah! how blessed, blessed they

Who have rightly striven,

And rejoice eternally

With their Lord in heaven!

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