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Abbot, Ezra, 379.

Abbot, George, Archbishop, 42.

Abbott, Lyman, 384.

Abolitionists, 82, 282, 284.

Adams, Charles Francis, 131.

Adventists, 336.

Albany, 69.

Albrights, 229.

Alexander, Dr. Gross, 348.

Alexander VI., pope, 3, 57.

Allen, Professor A. V. G., 156, 159, 382.

Allen, Professor J. H., 250.

Alliance, Evangelical, 408.

America: providential concealment of, 5; medieval church in, 2; Spanish conquests and missions in, 6-15; French occupation and missions, 16-29; English colonies in, 38-67, 82-126; Dutch and Swedes in, 68-81; churches of New England, 88; Quaker colonization, 109-117; other colonists, 120-124; diverse sects, 127-139; Great Awakening, 157-180; Presbyterians, 186; Reformed, 187; Lutheran, 188; Moravian, 189; Methodist, 198; severance of colonies from England and of church from state, 221; Second Awakening, 233; organized beneficence, 246; conflicts of the church, 261; dissension and schism, 292; immigration, 315; the church in the Civil War, 340; reconstruction and expansion of the church, 351; theology and literature, 374; political union and ecclesiastical division, 398; tendencies toward unity, 405.

American Bible Society, 256, 408.

American Board of Missions, 252-255.

American Missionary Association, 255, 314.

Andover Theological Seminary, 251, 271.

Andrew, Bishop, 302.

Andrews, E. B., 340.

Andrews, W. G., 177, 179.

Anglican Church established in American colonies, 51, 61, 64, 65.

Antipopery agitation, 312, 325.

Antislavery. See Slavery.

“Apostasy, the southern,” 277, 346.

“Applied Christianity,” 385.

Apprenticeship obsolete, 364.

Arminianism, 504, 222.

Armstrong, General S. C., 356.

Asbury, Bishop Francis, 200.

Awakening, the Great, 53, 81, 126, 141, 157, 181.

Awakening, the Second, 233, 242.

Bachman, John, 278.

Bacon, B. W., 380.

Bacon, David, 246.

Bacon, Francis, 4o.

Bacon, Leonard, 84, 94, 502, 113, 134, 227, 260, 272, 278, 287, 408.

Bacon, Nathaniel, 63.

Baird, Charles W. and Henry M., 388.


Baltimore, first Lord, 54; second Lord, 56.

Bancroft, George, 19, 21, 22, 24, 27, 29, 41, 116, 117, 383.

Baptist Young People’s Union, 369.

Baptists: in Virginia, 53; in Carolina, 64; in Rhode Island, 106; in Massachusetts, 130; in Pennsylvania, 146; in the South, 149; services to religious liberty, 221; antislavery, 222; become Calvinists, 223; found Brown University, 248; undertake foreign missions, 253; divide on slavery, 303; pioneer work, 332; plan of Christian union, 411.

Barclay, Robert, 112, 117.

Barnes, Albert, 294.

Baxter, George A., 237.

Baxter, Richard, 66, 121.

Beecher, Edward, 294, 383.

Beecher, Henry Ward, 341, 351, 384.

Beecher, Lyman, 230, 243, 251, 263, 286, 294, 383.

Belcher, Governor, 168.

Bellamy, Joseph, 156, 181.

Bellomont, Lord, 79.

Bellows, Henry W., 383.

Benezet, Anthony, 203.

Bennett, Philip, 48.

Bennett, Richard, 50.

Berkeley, Governor Sir William, 49, 50, 51, 63.

Bethlehem, Pa., 189.

Biblical science, 378.

Birney, James G., 273, 274, 275, 283.

Bishops, Anglican, consecrated, 213, 304.

Bishops, Catholic, consecrated, 215.

Bishops, colonial, not wanted, 206.

Bishops, Methodist, consecrated, 219.

Bishops, Moravian, 124, 193.

Bissell, Edwin C., 380.

Blair, Commissary, 52.

Blair, Samuel, 16o, 167.

Blake, Joseph, 63.

Boehm, Martin, 228.

Bogardus, Everard, 70.

Boyle, Robert, 66.

Bradford, Governor William, 94, 97.

Brainerd, David, 18o, 183, 247.

Bray, Thomas, 61, 62, 66.

Breckinridge, Robert J., 281, 378.

Brewster, Edward, 43, 44.

Brewster, William, 44, 83.

Briggs, Charles A., 380.

Brooks, Phillips, 384.

Brown, Francis, 379.

Brown, Tutor, 131.

Browne, J. and S., at Salem, 97.

Browne, W. II., 55, 59.

Bryce, James, 404, 405.

Buck, Richard, 42, 44.

Buckley, James M., 201, 202, 218, 219, 240, 241.

Buckminster, 251, 383.

Bushnell, Horace, 105, 176, 375, 383, 409.

Cahenslyism, 392.

Calvert, Cecilius, 56.

Calvert, George, 54, 55.

Calvert, Leonard and George, 56, 59.

Calvinism: in New England, 103, 225; among Baptists, 223; in the Presbyterian Church, 294.

Campanius, John, 76, 150.

Campbell, Douglas, 74.

Campbellites, 242.

Camp-meetings, 233.

Canada, 18-29.

Cane Ridge revival, 235.

Carolinas colonized, 62.

Carroll, Bishop John, 214.

Carroll, Dr. H. K., 335, 369.

Cartier, Jacques, 17.

Cartwright, Peter, 232.

Catholic Church, Roman: Revived and reformed in sixteenth century, 4. Spanish missions a failure, 10-15. French missions, their wide extension and final collapse, 17-29. Persecuted in England, 36. In Maryland, 56. Way prepared for, 185. Organized for United States, 215. Conflict with “trusteeism,” 216, 310; with fanaticism, 312. Gain and loss by immigration, 318322. Modified in America, 323-396. Methods of propagation, 330. Its literature, 394. Its relation to the Church Catholic, 324, 416, 418.

Cavaliers in Virginia, 51.

Champlain, 17, 20, 28.

Channing, William Ellery, 251, 30T, 383.


Charity Organization, 409.

Charles II. of England, 51, 62, 78.

Charter: of Massachusetts, 90; transferred to America, 98.

Charter of the Virginia Company: revoked, 48.

Chauncy, Charles, 170.

Chautauqua, 233, 363.

Cherokee nation, 265.

Chickasaws and Choctaws, 23.

Chinese immigration, 336.

Church polity in New England, 88, 95, 99, 102.

Clark, Francis E., 368.

Clarke, James Freeman, 383.

Clergy: of Virginia, 52; of Maryland, 6i.

Cleveland, Aaron, 204.

College settlement, 370.

Colleges, 48, 52, 102, 160, 172, 173, 176, 231, 247, 271.

Colonization in Africa, 257.

Congregationalists: in New England, 99; in New Jersey, 109; moving west, 137; coöerate with Presbyterians, 220; college-builders, 333; work at the South, 355.

Conservatism of American churches, 311.

Copland, Patrick, 47, 48, 50.

Cornbury, Lord, 80, 121, 135, 141.

Corwin, E. T., 69, 71, 78, 80, 121, 139.

Covenanters in New Jersey, 110.

Cumberland Presbyterians, 241.

Cutler, Timothy, 131, 156, 169.

Dabney, Robert L., 378.

Dale, Sir Thomas, 43, 45.

Davenport, James, 170.

Davenport, John, 49, 102.

Davies, Samuel, 173.

Deerfield, 21.

De la Warr, Lord, 41, 43.

Dewey, Orville, 383.

Dickinson, Jonathan, 160, 294.

Disciples, 242, 414.

Divisions of Christendom, 31.

Dominicans, 9, 10, 32.

Dorchester, Daniel, 322, 335, 357, 358, 359, 361.

Douglas, Stephen A., 341.

Dow, Lorenzo, 240.

Drunkenness prevalent, 286.

Dubbs, Joseph H., 121.

Dudley, Governor, 98.

Dueling, 263.

Duffield, George, 294.

Dunster, President, 130.

Durand, William, 49.

Durbin, David P., 240.

Dutch church, 68, 78, 109, 134.

Dutch in Carolina, 64.

“Dutch, Pennsylvania,” 118.

Dwight, Timothy, 230, 242, 375, 387.

Eaton, Theophilus, 102.

Eddy, Richard, 225, 228.

Edmundson, William, 64.

Edwards, Jonathan, 156, 169, 172, 179, 247, 294.

Edwards, Jonathan, the younger, 222, 225, 273.

Elder, M. T., 322, 331.

Eleuthera colony, 50.

Eliot, John, 66, 102, 150, 152.

Embury, Philip, 199.

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 298, 383.

Emmons, Nathanael, 251, 305, 375.

Endicott, John, 90, 93, 94.

England, religious parties in, 33, 43.

Episcopal Church: in Virginia, 38-53; in Maryland, 60; in Carolina, 6.467, 148; in New York, 78-80, 135; in Pennsylvania, 119; in Georgia, 124; in New England, 128, 129, 131-134; hostile to revivals, 177, 306; extreme depression, 2,; consecration of bishops, 212; resuscitation, 304; violent controversy, 306; rapid growth, 308; specialties of, in evangelization, 334; reconstruction after Civil War, 352; Pan-Anglican Synod, 412.

Epworth League, 369.

Establishment of religion: in Virginia, 45, 51-53; in Maryland, 61; in the Carolinas, 64, 65, 148; in New York, 78-80; in New England, 91, 97, 100, 102, 128, 129. Disestablishment, 174, 221.

Evangelical Association, 229.

Evangelization at the South, 356.

Evangelization at the West, 327.

Evarts, Jeremiah, 267, 271, 286.

Exscinding Acts, 167, 297, 353.


Fanaticism of Spanish church, 4, 8.

Fanaticism, antipopery, 6o, 61, 312.

Finney, Charles G., 375.

Fisher, George Park, 182, 382.

Fisher, Sidney George, 118, 120, 143-145.

Fitch, John, 150.

Fletcher, Governor, 79, 80.

Florida, 9, 10, 22.

Foster, R. V., 236, 238.

Fox, George, 34, 65, 114, 117, 149.

Franciscans, 10, 11, 12, 32.

Franklin, Benjamin, 118.

Fraser, John, 335.

Frelinghuysen, Domine, 81, 134, 141, 142, 163.

Frelinghuysen, Senator, 267.

French missions: projected, 17; extinguished, 185, 220.

Fuller, Dr. and Deacon, 94.

Gates, Sir Thomas, 42.

Georgia, 122, 205, 264, 285.

German exiles, 53, 139.

German immigration, 117, 120, 187, 318.

Gladden, Washington, 385.

Gosnold, Bartholomew, 38.

Gough, John B., 289.

Great fortunes and great gifts, 359.

Greatorex’s collection, 393.

Green, Ashbel, 204.

Green, S. S., 122.

Green, W. H., 380.

Gregory, Caspar Rene, 379.

Griffin, Edward Dorr, 251, 383.

Griswold, Alexander V., 304.

Gurley, R. R., 273.

Hale, Edward Everett, 367, 386.

Half-way Covenant, 104.

IIall, Isaac H., 379.

Hamilton, J. Taylor, 190, 198.

Hampton Institute, 356.

Hand, Daniel, 360.

Hard times in 1857, 342.

Harrison, Thomas, 49, 5o, 60.

Hart, Levi, 204.

Hastings, Thomas, 387, 392.

Haupt, Bible-work, 380.

Haverhill, Mass., 21.

Hawkins, John, 289.

Helps, Arthur, 7, 8.

Higginson, Francis, 90.

High-church party: in Episcopal Church, 306, 308, 323, 407; in Presbyterian Church, 295, 407.

Hill, Matthew, 121.

Hilprecht, Dr., 379.

Historical theology, 381.

Hitchcock, Roswell D., 382.

Hobart, John Henry, 304, 407.

Hodge, Charles, 378, 381.

Holland: colony from, in New York, 68; not the source of New England institutions, 74; Pilgrims in, 86; mission from, to Germans, 194.

Hooker, Thomas, 102, 138.

Hopkins, Samuel, 151, 181, 183, 184, 204, 205.

Hopkins, Stephen, 44.

Hopkinsianism, 294.

Hudson, Henry, 68.

Hughes, John, 310, 351.

Huguenots, 37, 53, 62, 64, 65, 81, 139.

Humphrey, Heman, 286.

Hunt, Robert, 38, 41.

Huntington, Frederic D., 384.

Hurst, John F., 382.

Hutchinson, Ann, 101, 106.

Hymn-writers, 387.

Indians: evangelization of, 46, 47, 57, 71, 74, 76, 150, 151, 179, 246; Indian churches, 131.

Induction refused to unworthy parsons, 51.

Immigration, 315, 317, 357.

Infidelity, 219, 230.

Institutional Church, 369.

Intemperance, 75, 205, 285.

International sectarian councils, 412.

Ireland, 318.

Iroquois, 20, 23, 25.

Jackson, Helen Hunt, 264.

Jacobs, Henry E., 71, 121, 188, 190, 196, 198.

James I. of England, 36, 38, 44, 47, 48, 90.

James II. of England, 110, 112.

Jamestown, 30-45.

Jarratt, Devereux, 173.

Jefferson, Thomas, 221, 230, 305.

Jerks, the, 239, 240.

Jesuits, 4, 10, 26, 28, 29, 32, 56, 57, 71, 150, 214.


Jogues, Father, 71, 150.

Johnson, President Samuel, 132.

Johnson, Thomas Cary, 297, 314, note, 354.

Journalism, 333, 344.

Judson, Adoniram, 253.

Kansas-Nebraska Bill, 284, 341.

Kansas Crusade, 341.

Keith, George, 119, 133, 149.

Keith, Governor, 120.

Kieft, Governor, 70, 71.

King, Thomas Starr, 383.

King’s Chapel, Boston, 224.

Kirby, William, 294.

Kirk, Edward Norris, 383.

Knapp, Jacob, 288.

Lanphier, Jeremiah, 342.

La Salle, 18.

Las Casas, 9, 152.

Laud, William, 48.

Lea, Henry Charles, 382.

Leon, Ponce de, 9.

Leyden, 45, 83, 86.

Liberty, religious: in Eleuthera, 50; in Maryland, 56, 59; in Carolina, 63; in New York, 72; in New Jersey, 111; in Pennsylvania, 116; in Georgia, 123; defended by Makemie, 136; favored by sectarian division, 174; promoted by Baptists, 221.

Literature of American church, 374-395.

Littledale, R. F., 26, 27, 28.

Liturgics, 386, 394.

Locke, John, 62, 64.

Lodge, H. C., 62, 70, 117, 153.

Log College, 142, 160, 162, 172.

Logan County, Kentucky, 232, 234.

Louisiana, 23, 27, 220.

Lutherans, 72, 120, 146, 188, 190, 232.

Luther League, 369.

Madison, James, Bishop, 232.

Madison, James, President, 402.

Maine, 20, 21, 23, 410.

Makemie, Francis, 121, 136.

Maria Monk, 312.

Marshall, John, 232.

Maryland, 49, 54-62.

Mason, John M., 263.

Mason, Lowell, 392.

Massacres, 2, 10, 11, 12, 48, 71, 76, 151, 194.

Mather, Cotton, 107, 153.

Mayhews, the, 150.

McConnell, S. D., 151, 170, 179, 211, 224.

McGee brothers, 233.

McGready, James, 233.

McIlvaine, C. P., 351.

McMasters, John Bach, 240.

Megapolensis, Domine, 71, 77, 150.

Menendez, 10.

Mennonites, 72, 117, 153.

Mercersburg theology, 377, 388.

Methodism: tardy arrival in America, 198; spreads southward, 201; rapid growth, 202; against slavery and intemperance, 205; receives bishops, 219; divided by the slavery agitation, 301; in pioneer work, 332; at the South, 353; Ecumenical Conference, 413; consolidation of Methodist sects, 414.

Michaelius, Jonas, 69.

Millerism, 336.

Mills, Samuel J., 248, 256.

Minuit, Peter, 69, 70, 76.

Missionary societies, 62, 252, 253, 255, 257, 258, 367.

Missions, American: to Indians, 179, 246, 265; to the West, 220, 327; to the South, 355.

Missions, foreign, 252, 255, 257, 358.

Missions to America: Icelandic, 2; Spanish, 6-16; French, 17-29; of the S. P. G., 62, 66, 67, 8o, 126, 131, 133, 135, 140, 177; of the church of Holland, 195.

Missionary Ridge, 268.

Mississippi, the, 18, 21, 256.

Missouri Compromise, 270, 271, 284.

Mobs: antipopery, 321; pro-slavery, 283.

Montesinos, 9.

Montreal, 17, 20.

Moody, Dwight L., 344, 388.

Moor, Thoroughgood, 135.

Moore, George Foot, 380.

Moravians: in Georgia, 124; in Pennsylvania, 189, 193; missions to Indians, 194; their liturgies, 394.

Mormonism, 335.


Morris, Colonel, 79.

Morris, Samuel, 173.

Morse, Jedidiah, 251.

Morton, Thomas, 88.

Muhlenberg, Henry M., 191-198.

Mulford, Elisha, 378.

Munger, Theodore T., 384.

Murray, John, 225.

Music, church, 391, 394.

Nansemond church, 48, 49, 59.

Nationalism of the Puritans, 100, 101, 128, 132, 137, 176.

Native American party, 313, 321.

Neill, E. D., 44, 51, 59.

Neshaminy, 142.

Nevin, John W., 377.

Newark, no, 160.

New Brunswick, 162.

New England Company, 66.

New England theology, 181, 374.

New Englanders moving west, 80, 137.

New Haven theology, 294, 298.

New Jersey, 109-112.

New Jerusalem Church, 229.

New Londonderry, 160.

Newman, A. H., 131, 255, 275.

New Mexico, 6, Ir.

New-School Presbyterians, 294, 346, 355.

New-Side Presbyterians, 166.

New York, 68-81; diversity of sects, 134.

Nicholson, Governor, 52.

Nicolls, Governor, 78.

Nitschmann, David, 124, 193.

Northampton, 104, 155-159.

Norton, Andrews, 299.

Nott, Eliphalet,;63.

Nursing orders and schools, 368.

Oberlin College, 314.

Occum, Samson, 179.

Oglethorpe, James, 123.

O’Gorman, Bishop, 2, 15, 23, 24, 28, 216, 312, 321, 396.

Old-School Presbyterians, 295, 345, 353.

Old-Side Presbyterians, 166.

Orders in Roman Church, 330.

Ordination in New England, 96, 100.

Otis, Deacon, 360.

Otterbein, Philip William, 228.

Paine, Thomas, 230.

Palatines, 37, 53, 118, 140, 187.

Palfrey, John G., 98, 99, 100, 383.

Palmer, Ray, 387.

Pam-Methodist Conference, 413.

Pam-Presbyterian Alliance, 412.

Pan-Anglican Synod, 412.

Park, Edwards A., 151, 182, 184, 204, 305, 375.

Parker, Theodore, 300.

Parkman, Francis, 18.

Parliament of Religions, 418.

Pastorius, 117.

Penn, William, 112, 115, 143.

Persecutions, 36, 51, 107, 110, 130.

Pierpont, James, 81.

Pierpont, Sarah, 156.

Pierson, Abraham, 109, 150.

Pilgrims, 45, 83, 84, 86, 88, 93.

Plan of Union, 220, 258, 293.

Pocahontas, 46.

Pond, Enoch, 378.

Population of United States: in 1790, 315; in 1850, ibid.

Porter, Ebenezer, 286.

Pott, Governor, 55.

Presbyterians: in Scotland and Ireland, 37, 110; in America, 110, 121; in New York, 136; schism among, 166; rapid growth, 186; alliance with Congregationalists, 206; earnestly antislavery, 268; dissensions among, 292; the great schism, 296; characteristics as a sect, 332; new schisms and reunions, 346, 353, 355; liturgical movement, 388; early unproductiveness in theology and literature, 394; international alliance, 412.

Princeton College, 173, 175.

Princeton Seminary, 251, 380.

Prohibitory legislation, 290.

Protestant sects and Catholic orders, 330-334.

Protestantism in Europe divided, 3134.

Provoost, Bishop, 212, 213, 232.

Psalmody, 182, 387, 391-393.

Pulpit, the American, 382.

Puritan jurisprudence, 113; sabbatarian extravagance provokes reaction, 371.


Puritans: not Separatists, 43; in Virginia, 44-50; in Maryland, 59; antagonize the Separatists, 82; settle at Salem, 90; fraternize with the Pilgrims, 94; church order, 96; the great Puritan exodus bringing the charter, 98; intend an established church, zoo; exclude factious dissenters, 101; divergences of opinion, 103; in New Jersey, 109; Puritan church establishments fail, 108, 128, 174; Nationalist principle succumbs to Separatist, 176.

Quakerism: a reaction from Puritanism, 113; its enthusiasm, 114; its discipline, 114; anticipated in continental Europe, 115; Keith’s schism, 119; Quaker jurisprudence, 143; failure in civil government, 144; and in pastoral work, 145; its sole and faithful witness at the South, 149; the only organized church fellowship uniting the colonies, 150; Hicksite schism, 314.

Quakers: persecuted in England, 36; in Virginia, 51, 53; missions in Carolina, 64; persecuted in New York, 73; and in Massachusetts, lot; dominant in New Jersey, 110; and in Pennsylvania, 116; excluded from Evangelical Alliance, 408.

Quanta Cura, bull, with Syllabus, 352, 396.

Quebec, 17, 20.

Raleigh, Sir Walter, 39, 62.

Redemptioners, 187.

Reformation in Spain, 4.

Reformed Church, German: begins too late the care of German immigrants,140; long unorganized, 146; persists in separation from other German Christians, 195.

Reformed-drunkard ethics, 290.

Reformed Dutch Church: tardy birth in New York, 69; and languishing life, 74, 78; revival under Frelinghuysen, 81, 134, 141, 163.

Relly, James, 225.

Requirimiento of the Spanish, 9.

Restoration of the Stuarts, 51.

Revival of 1857, 342.

Revival of Roman Catholic Church, 214.

Rhode Island, 92, 106, 107.

Rice, David, 237.

Rice, Luther, 253.

Ripley, George, 299.

Rising, Governor, 77.

Robinson, Edward, 378.

Robinson, John, 83, 85, 86, 92.

Robinson, “One-eyed,” 173.

Rolfe, John, 46.

Roman Catholic. See Catholic.

Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 87.

Rush, Benjamin, 226, 286.

Ryan, Archbishop, 324.

Sabbath observance, 371.

St. Andrew’s Brotherhood, 369.

St. Augustine, 10.

St. Lawrence, the, 17.

Salem, 90, 96.

Saloons, tippling, 285, 288.

Saltonstall, Gurdon, 132, 133.

Salvation Army, 370.

Salzburgers, 37, 124, 125.

Sandys, Archbishop, and his sons, 44, 47.

Satolli, Monsignor, 396.

Saybrook Platform, 132, 137.

Schaff, Philip, 377, 382.

Schenectady, 21.

Schism: in Presbyterian Church, 167, 241, 297, 346, 353; among Congregationalists, 249; among Unitarians, 298; in Methodist Church, 302, 303; among Baptists, 303; among Quakers, 314; healed, 355; compensations of, 107, 304, 354, 404.

Schlatter, Michael, 195.

Schools: for Virginia, 47, 48, 52; in New York, 70, 75; in New England, 103; in New Jersey, 110; in Pennsylvania, 196.

Scotch-Irish: in Virginia, 47; in Carolina, 64; in Maryland, r21; in Pennsylvania, 122; in New York, 136; in the Alleghanies, 146; in the Awakening, 160; principles and prejudices of, 186.

Screven, William, 64.

Scrooby, 44, 83.

Seabury, Samuel, 212.


Sects: European imported, 31-34; in New York, 72, 134, 140; in Rhode Island, to6; in New Jersey, 109; the German, 117, 120; multiply against established churches, 174; enfeebling effect of, 188; reconstruct themselves, 208; competition of, 328; characteristics of, 332; multitude of, 400; mischiefs of, 403.

Seminaries, theological, 249. Separatists, 33, 44; at Scrooby, Leyden, and Plymouth, 81-95; in Rhode Island, 107; their principle prevails, 176.

Sewall, Samuel, 152.

Seybert commission, 338.

Shaftesbury, Lord, 62.

Shedd, W. J. G., 382.

Sisterhoods, 368.

Slater educational fund, 357, 360.

Slavery: of Indians, 8, 9, 152; of negroes, in Florida, Jo; in Virginia, 48; in all colonies, 147; condemned in Massachusetts, 152; and in Pennsylvania, 153; increased cruelty of, 153. Kindness to slaves, 154, 179, 246, 271. Constant and unanimous protest of the church against slavery, 203-205, 222, 268-277. Beginning of a pro-slavery party in the church, 277; propagated by terror, 279-282. Pro-slavery reaction at the North, 282. Unanimous protests against extension of slavery, 284. Slavery question in Presbyterian Church, 296; in Methodist Church, 301; in Baptist Convention, 303. Failure of compromises, 340. The Kansas Crusade, 341. Apostasy of the southern church complete, 346. Diversity of feeling among northern Christians, 347. Slavery extinguished, 285, 351.

Smalley, John, 225.

Smith, Eli, 273, 378; Henry Boynton, 381; Henry Preserved, 38o; John, 38-42, 47; Ralph, 90.

Smylie, James, 277.

Smyth. Newman, 384.

Social science in seminaries, 369, 386.

Societies, charitable, 252-259, 295, 407.

Society P. C. K., 67.

Society P. G. in Foreign Parts, 62, 67; missions in Carolina, 67; in New York, 8o, 120, note, 135, 140; in Pennsylvania, 119; in New England, 131-133.

Society P. G. in New England, 66.

Sophocles, E. A., 379.

Southampton insurrection, 279.

Spain: Reformation in, 3; conquests and missions of, 7.

Spiritualism, 337-339.

Spotswood, Governor, 52.

Spring, Gardiner, 353.

Standish, Myles, 88.

Stiles, Ezra, 204, 222.

Stoddard, Solomon, 104, 155.

Stone, Barton W., 234.

Storrs, Richard S., 384.

Stowe, Mrs. H. B., 250.

Strawbridge, Robert, 200.

Strong, Augustus H., 378.

Stuart, Moses, 378.

Sturtevant, J. M., 294.

Stuyvesant, Peter, 71, 73, 77.

Sumner, Charles, 283.

Sunday observance, 371.

Sunday-schools, 258, 362.

Swedenborgians, 229.

Swedes, 75-77.

Syllabus of errors condemned by the pope, 352, 396.

Synod: “Reforming,” 105; Presbyterian, 136; disrupted, 167; excision of, 297; of Virginia, 346.

Talcott, Governor, 168.

Talmage, Thomas De Witt, 385.

Taylor, Nathaniel W., 294, 375.

Temperance: efforts for, 75, 205, 206; the Reformation, 285-291; early legislation, 75, 288; “Washingtonian movement,” 288; Prohibitionism, 290.

Tennent, Gilbert, 142, 162, 165, 167, 169.

Tennent, William, 141, 160.

Tennent, William, Jr., 180.

Thayer, Eli, 341, 342.

Thayer, Joseph H., 379.

Theological instruction, 81, 217, 249.


Theological seminaries, 249, 251, 252.

Theology, New England, 181, 243, 294, 355.

Theology, systems of, 375, 378.

Thomas, Allen C. and Richard H., 114, 139, 143.

Thomas, John R., 393.

Thompson, Joseph P., 404.

Thompson, Robert Ellis, 122, 147, 176, 346, 394.

Thomson, William M., 379. Thornwell, James H., 314, note, 378.

Tiffany, Charles C., 65, 71, 120, 131, 134, 173, 207, 210, 213, 224, 232.

Torkillus, Pastor, 76.

Tracy, Joseph, 162, 169, 172, 179.

Trumbull, Henry Clay, 362, 379.

“Trusteeism” 215, 310.

Tuttle, Daniel S., 335.

Tyler, B. B., 236, 238, 242.

Union, Christian: tendencies and attempts, 107, 191, 194, 206, 220, 349, 405, 406.

Unitarianism, 224, 249, 383.

United Brethren, 228.

Unity, real, in the church, 175, 324, 325, 334, 419; manifestation of it yet future, 36, 417, 419.

Universalism, 225-228.

Van Twiller, Governor, 70.

Vermont, 21.

Vincent, John H., 363.

Virginia, 38-53, 55, 173.

Virginia Company, 40, 44, 48, 54.

Voluntary system, 244, 261, 328.

Vose, James G., 107.

Walker, Williston, too, 104, 386.

Walloons, 69.

War: between France and England, 21, 184; the Seven Years’, 22, 24; Revolutionary, 202, 209; the Civil, 348, 365; produces schisms and healings, 353, 355.

Ward, William Hayes, 379.

Ware, Henry, 249, 383.

Ware, Henry, Jr., 251, 299, 383.

Warren, George William, 393.

Washingtonianism, 288.

Watts, Isaac, 158, 168, 182, 387, 391.

Wayland, Francis, 383.

Welsh immigrants, 118.

Wesley, Charles, 124, 125.

Wesley, John, 124, 159, 198, 200, 202, 217, 285.

Westminster League, 369.

Westminster Sabbath law, 371.

Westward progress of church, 219, 327, 358.

Wheelock, Eleazar, 179.

Whitaker, Alexander, 43, 46, 150.

White, Father, 57, 59.

White, John, 89.

White, Bishop William, 210, 212, 213.

Whitefield, George, 126, 163, 168, 173, 175, 177.

Wiggles worth, Michael, 103.

William and Mary, College of, 52.

Williams, Roger, 100, 106, 150.

Williams College, 248.

Wilson, Henry, 273, 274, 281.

Winchester, Elhanan, 226.

Wingfield, Governor, 39.

Winthrop, John, 49, 98.

Wise, John, 102.

Women’s C. T. Union, 367.

Women’s Crusade, 366.

Women’s mission boards, 367.

Woods, Leonard, 378.

Woolman, John, 150, 203.

Ximenes, Cardinal, 3.

Yale College, 230, 243.

Yeo, John, 60.

Young Men’s Christian Association, 343, 364, 409.

Young People’s Society of Christian Endeavor, 368, 409.

Young Women’s Christian Association, 366.

Zinzendorf, 124, 189, 190, 192.

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