Of Communion with God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost by John Owen

Title: Of Communion with God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost
Author: Owen, John (1616-1683)
Description:In 1657, John Owen produced one of his finest devotional treatises, probably the substance of a series of sermons. He examines the Christian’s communion with God as it relates to all three members of the Holy Trinity. He leads us by green pastures and still waters, and lays open the exhaustless springs of the Christian’s hidden life with God. Twenty years after its publication, Of Communion with God provoked the scoffing remarks of a Rational ecclesiastic. In his reply, Owen vindicates himself from the various mystical sentiments that were ascribed to him.
Print Basis:The Banner of Truth Trust, Edinburgh, 1965.
Status:Proof-read and ThML markup added.
CCEL Subjects:All; Classic; Christian Life
LC Call no:BT972
LC Subjects:

Doctrinal theology

Invisible world (saints, demons, etc.)




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