

[Page i]



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Dictionary of Christ
and the Gospels











Edinburgh: T. & T. CLARK, 38 George Street

New York: CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS, 153-157 Fifth Avenue



Printed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . February 1908

Reprinted . . . . January 1909 and July 1913

[Messrs. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, have the sole right of publication of this
DICTIONARY OF CHRIST AND THE GOSPELS in the United States and Canada.]







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In issuing the second volume of the DICTIONARY OF CHRIST AND THE GOSPELS, the Editor desires, first of all, to thank his colleagues and contributors for the interest that they have taken in the work. He desires, further, to express his gratitude for the reception which the first volume has met with. All concerned in it are ready to confess that the task of producing a Dictionary which could be spoken of as really worthy of its subject has been beyond them. And they have felt this only the more as the work has proceeded. But reviewers have generously recognized the fact that no trouble has been spared to make the Dictionary as worthy as possible; and the public everywhere, but especially preachers of the Gospel, have responded. It is hoped that the second volume will be found to be not inferior to the first.

The Appendix belongs to the original idea. It was felt from the beginning that the articles which it contains should be placed in a group, apart from the general alphabetical order.


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I. General

Alex. = Alexandrian.

Apoc. = Apocalypse, Apocalyptic.

Apocr. = Apocrypha, Apocryphal.

Aq. = Aquila.

Arab. = Arabic.

Aram. = Aramaic.

Assyr. = Assyrian.

Bab. = Babylonian.

c. = circa, about.

Can. = Canaanite.

cf. = compare.

ct. = contrast.

D = Deuteronomist.

E = Elohist.

edd. = editions or editors.

Egyp. = Egyptian.

Eng. = English.

Eth. = Ethiopic.

f. = and following verse or page: as Ac 1034f.

ff. = and following verses or pages : as Mt ll28ff..

Gr.= Greek.

H = Law of Holiness.

Heb. = Hebrew.

Hel. = Hellenistic.

Hex. = Hexateuch.

Isr. = Israelite.

J = Jahwist.

J" = Jehovah.

Jerus. =Jerusalem.

Jos. = Josephus.

LXX = Septuagint.

MSS = Manuscripts.

MT = Massoretic Text.

n. = note.

NT = New Testament.

Onk. = Onkelos.

OT = Old Testament.

P = Priestly Narrative.

Pal. = Palestine, Palestinian.

Pent. = Pentateuch.

Pers. = Persian.

Phil. = Philistine.

Phoen. = Phoenician.

Pr. Bk. = Prayer Book.

R = Redactor.

Rom. = Roman.

Sam. = Samaritan.

Sem. = Semitic.

Sept. = Septuagint.

Sin. = Sinaitic.

Symm. = Symmachus.

Syr. = Syriac.

Talm.= Talmud.

Targ. = Targum.

Theod. = Theodotion.

TR = Textus Receptus.

tr. = translate or translation.

VSS =Versions.

Vulg. = Vulgate.

WH = Westcott and Hort's text.

II. Books of the Bible

Old Testament.

New Testament.

Gn = Genesis.

Ex = Exodus.

Lv = Leviticus.

Nu = Numbers.

Dt = Deuteronomy.

Jos = Joshua.

Jg = Judges.

Ru = Ruth.

1 S, 2 S = l and 2 Samuel.

1 K, 2 K = l and 2 Kings.

1 Ch, 2 Ch = 1 and 2 Chronicles.

Ezr = Ezra.

Neh = Nehemiah.

Est = Esther.


Ps = Psalms.

Pr = Proverbs.

Ec = Ecclesiastes.

Ca = Canticles.

Is = Isaiah.

Jer = Jeremiah.

La = Lamentations.

Ezk = Ezekiel.

Dn = Daniel.

Hos = Hosea.

Jl = Joel.

Am = Amos.

Ob = Obadiah.

Jon = Jonah.

Mic = Micah.

Nah = Nahum.

Hab = Habakkuk.

Zeph = Zephaniah.

Hag = Haggai.

Zec = Zechariah.

Mal = Malachi.

Mt = Matthew.

Mk = Mark.

Lk = Luke.

Jn = John.

Ac = Acts.

Ro = Romans.

1 Co, 2 Co = 1 and 2 Corinthians.

Gal = Galatians.

Eph = Ephesians.

Ph = Philippians.

Col = Colossians.

1 Th, 2 Th = 1 and 2 Thessalonians.

1 Ti, 2 Ti = 1 and 2 Timothy.

Tit = Titus.

Philem = Philemon.

He = Hebrews.

Ja = James.

1 P, 2 P = 1 and 2 Peter.

1 Jn, 2 Jn, 3 Jn = l, 2, and 3 John.


Rev = Revelation.



1 Es, 2 Es = 1 and 2 Esdras

Ad. Est = Additions to Esther.

Wis = Wisdom.

Sir = Sirach or Ecclesiasticus.

Bar = Baruch.

Three = Song of the Three Children.

To = Tobit.

Jth = Judith.

Sus = Susanna.

Bel = Bel and the Dragon.

Pr. Man = Prayer of Manasses.

1 Mac, 2 Mac = l and 2 Maccabees.






III. English Versions

Wyc. = Wyclif's Bible (NT c. 1380, OT c. 1382, Purvey's Revision c. 1388).

Tind. = Tindale's NT 1526 and 1534, Pent. 1530.

Cov. = Coverdale's Bible 1535.

Matt. or Rog. = Matthew's (i.e. prob. Rogers') Bible 1537.

Cran. or Great = Cranmer's 'Great' Bible 1539.

Tav. = Taverner's Bible 1539.

Gen. = Geneva NT 1557, Bible 1560.

Bish.= Bishops' Bible 1568.

Tom. = Tomson's NT 1576.

Rhem.= Rhemish NT 1582.

Dou. = Douay OT 1609.

AV = Authorized Version 1611.

AVm = Authorized Version margin.

RV = Revised Version NT 1881, OT 1885.

RVm = Revised Version margin.

EV = Auth. and Rev. Versions.

IV. For the Literature

AHT = Ancient Hebrew Tradition.

AJSL = American Journal of Sem. Lang. and Literature.

AJTh = American Journal of Theology.

AT = Altes Testament.

BL = Bampton Lecture.

BM = British Museum.

BRP = Biblical Researches in Palestine.

CIG = Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum.

CIL = Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum.

CIS = Corpus Inscriptionum Semiticarum.

C0T = Cuneiform Inscriptions and the OT.

DB = Dictionary of the Bible.

DCA = Dictionary of Christian Antiquities.

EBi = Encyclopaedia Biblica.

EBr = Encyclopaedia Britannica.

EGT = Expositor's Greek Testament.

EHH = Early History of the Hebrews.

ERE = Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics.

ExpT = Expository Times.

GAP = Geographie des alten Palästina.

GGA = Göttingische Gelehrte Anzeigen.

GGN = Nachrichten der königl. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen.

GJV = Geschichte des Jüdischen Volkes.

GVI = Geschichte des Volkes Israel.

HBA = Handwörterbuch des biblischen Altertums.

HCM = Higher Criticism and the Monuments.

HE = Historia Ecclesiastica.

HGHL = Historical Geog. of Holy Land.

HI = History of Israel.

HJP = History of the Jewish People.

HPM = History, Prophecy, and the Monuments.

HPN = Hebrew Proper Names.

HWB = Handwörterbuch.

ICC = International Critical Commentary.

IJG = Israelitische und Jüdische Geschichte.

JBL = Journal of Biblical Literature.

JDTh = Jahrbücher für deutsche Theologie.

JE = Jewish Encyclopedia.

JQB = Jewish Quarterly Review.

JRAS = Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society.

JSL = Journal of Sacred Literature.

JThSt = Journal of Theological Studies.

KAT = Die Keilinschriften und das Alte Test.

KGF = Keilinschriften u. Geschichtsforschung.

KIB = Keilinschriftliche Bibliothek.

LB = The Land and the Book.

LCBl = Literarisches Centralblatt.

LOT = Introd. to the Literature of the Old Test.

LT = Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah [Edersheim].

MNDPV = Mittheilungen u.Nachrichten d. deutschen Pal.-Vereins.

NHWB = Neuhebräisches Wörterbuch.

NKZ = Neue kirchliche Zeitschrift.

NTZG = Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte.

ON = Otium Norvicense.

OP = Origin of the Psalter.

OTJC = The Old Test. in the Jewish Church.

PB = Polychrome Bible.

PEF = Palestine Exploration Fund.

PEFSt = Quarterly Statement of the same.

PSBA = Proceedings of Soc. of Bibl. Archæology.

PRE = Real-Encyklopädie für protest. Theologie und Kirche.

QPB = Queen's Printers' Bible.

RB = Revue Biblique.

RE = Realencyklopädie.

REJ = Revue des Etudes Juives.

RP = Records of the Past.

RS = Religion of the Semites.

RWB = Realwörterbuch.

SBE = Sacred Books of the East.

SB0T = Sacred Books of Old Test.

SK or TSK = Theol. Studien und Kritiken.

SP = Sinai and Palestine.

SWP = Memoirs of the Survey of W. Palestine.

ThL or ThLZ = Theol. Literaturzeitung.

ThT = Theol. Tijdschrift.

TS = Texts and Studies.

TSBA = Transactions of Soc. of Bibl. Archæology.

TU = Texte und Untersuchungen.

WAI = Western Asiatic Inscriptions.

WZKM = Wiener Zeitschrift für Kunde des Morgenlandes.

ZA = Zeitschrift für Assyriologie.

ZAW or ZATW = Zeitschrift für die Alttest. Wissenschaft.

ZDMG = Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft.

ZDPV = Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins.

ZKSF = Zeitschrift für Keilschriftforschung.

ZKW or ZKWL = Zeitschrift für kirchliche Wissenschaft und kirchl. Leben.

ZNTW = Zeitschrift für die Neutest. Wissenschaft.

ZThK = Zeitschrift f. Theologie u. Kirche.

A small superior number designates the particular edition of the work referred to: as KAT2, LOT3.



Rev. Robert M. Adamson, M.A., Ardrossan.

Rev. Walter Frederick Adeney, D.D., Professor of Theology and Principal of the Lancashire College, Manchester.

Rev. Gross Alexander, S.T.D., late Professor of New Testament Greek and Exegesis in Vanderbilt University, Nashville.

Rev. Willoughby C. Allen, M.A., Chaplain, Fellow, and Lecturer in Theology and Hebrew, Exeter College, Oxford.

Rev. Frederick Lincoln Anderson, M.A., D.D., Professor of New Testament Interpretation, Newton Theological Institution, Mass.

Rev. Benjamin Wisner Bacon, D.D., LL.D., Lit.D., Professor of New Testament Criticism and Exegesis in Yale University, New Haven.

Rev. P. Mordaunt Barnard, B.D., late Rector of Headley, Epsom.

Rev. J. Vernon Bartlet, M.A., D.D., Professor of Church History in Mansfield College, Oxford.

Late Rev. Francis R. Beattie, Ph.D., D.D., LL.D., Professor of Apologetics and Systematic Theology in the Presbyterian Theological Seminary of Kentucky.

Very Rev. John Henry Bernard, D.D., D.C.L., Dean of St. Patrick's and Archbishop King's Professor of Divinity in the University of Dublin.

Rev. Harry Bisseker, M. A., The Leysian Mission, London.

Rev. Andrew Bogle, M.A., Leith.

Rev. Albert Bonus, M.A., Alphington, Exeter.

Rev. George H. Box, M.A., late Hebrew Master, Merchant Taylors' School, London, Rector of Linton, Ross.

Rev. E. P. Boys-Smith, M.A., Vicar of Hordle, Brockenhurst.

Rev. J. B. Bristow, B.D., Rector of Clondalkin, Co. Dublin.

Rev. Morison Bryce, Baldernock, Milngavie.

Rev. A. E. Burn, D.D., Rector of Handsworth, Birmingham, and Prebendary of Lichfield.

Rev. Adam G. Campbell, M.A., Afton, New Cumnock.

Rev. R. J. Campbell, M.A., City Temple, London.

Rev. William M. Christie, Aleppo.

Rev. Dugald Clark, B.D., Glassary, Lochgilphead.

Rev. John S. Clemens, B.A., B.D., Principal of Ranmoor College, Sheffield.

Rev. Camden M. Cobern, Ph.D., D.D., Professor of the English Bible and the Philosophy of Religion in Allegheny College, Meadville, Pa.

Rev. Arthur W. Cooke, M.A., Newcastle-on-Tyne.

Rev. James Cooper, D.D., Professor of Ecclesiastical History in the University of Glasgow.

Rev. Henry Cowan, D.D., Professor of Church History in the University of Aberdeen.

Rev. Hugh H. Currie, B.D., Keig, Aberdeen-shire.

Rev. Edgar Daplyn, Child's Hill, London.

Right Rev. Charles Frederick D'Arcy, D.D., Bishop of Clogher.

Rev. Edward Charles Dargan, D.D., LL.D., formerly Professor of Homiletics and Ecclesi-ology in the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ky.

Rev. Percy Dearmer, M.A., Vicar of St. Mary's the Virgin, Primrose Hill, London.

Rev. Francis Brigham Denio, D.D., Professor of Old Testament Languages and Literature in Bangor Theological Seminary, Maine.

Rev. James Denney, D.D., Professor of New Testament Language, Literature, and Theology in the United Free Church College, Glasgow.

Rev. Marcus Dods, D.D., Principal and Professor of Exegetical Theology in the New College, Edinburgh.

Rev. James Donald, D.D., Keithhall, Inverurie.

Rev. Henry E. Dosker, D.D., LL.D., Professor of Ecclesiastical History in the Presbyterian Theological Seminary of Kentucky.

Rev. F. Homes Dudden, D.D., Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford.

Rev. Alexander A. Duncan, B.D., Auchterless, Aberdeenshire.

Rev. Hugh Duncan, B.D., Garturk, Coatbridge.

Rev. W. H. Dundas, B.D., Rector of Magheragall, Lisburn.

Rev. William Henry Dyson, Edgerton, Huddersfield.




Rev. George Boardman Eager, D.D., LL.D., Professor of Biblical Introduction and Pastoral Theology in the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ky.

Right Rev. Rowland Ellis, D.D., Bishop of Aberdeen and Orkney.

Rev. Cyril W. Emmet, M.A., Vicar of West Hendred, Berks.

Rev. W. Ewing, M.A., Edinburgh.

Rev. R. A. Falconer, D.Litt., D.D., President of the University of Toronto, Canada.

Rev. J. H. Farmer, B.A., LL.D., Dean in Theology and Professor of New Testament and Patristic Greek in M'Master University, Toronto.

Rev. C. L. Feltoe, D.D., Rector of Duxford, Cambridge.

Rev. Adam Fyfe Findlay, M.A., Arbroath.

Rev. Rev. J. Dick Fleming, B.D., Professor of Systematic Theology and Ethics in Manitoba College, Winnipeg.

Rev. Frank Hugh Foster, Ph.D., D.D., Professor of History in Olivet College, Michigan.

Rev. William Barrett Frankland, M.A., late Fellow of Clare College, Cambridge, and Assistant-Chaplain at Giggleswick School.

Rev. Robert Sleightholme Franks, M.A., B.Litt., Birmingham.

Rev. Norman Fraser, B.D., Edinburgh.

Rev. Henry William Fulford, M.A., Fellow of Clare College, Cambridge.

Rev. Alfred Ernest Garvie, D.D., Principal of New College and Professor of Ethics, Theism, and Comparative Religion in New and Hackney Colleges, London.

Rev. Owen H. Gates, Ph.D., Librarian and Instructor in Hebrew in Andover Theological Seminary, Mass.

Rev. Lucien Gautier, D.D., Ph.D., Honorary Professor of Old Testament Exegesis and History, Geneva.

Rev. Alfred S. Geden, M.A., Professor of Biblical Literature and Exegesis in Richmond College, Surrey.

Rev. Richard Glaister, B.D., Kirkcudbright.

Rev. Calvin Goodspeed, D.D., LL.D., Professor of Systematic Theology in Baylor University, Waco, Texas.

Rev. George Pearce Gould, M.A., Principal of Regent's Park College, London.

Rev. Thomas Gregory, M.A., Kilmalcolm.

Rev. Canon Charles T. P. Grierson, B.D., Rector of Seapatrick, Banbridge, Co. Down.

Rev. G. H. Gwilliam, B.D., Rector of Remen-ham, Henley-on-Thames.

Rev. James 0. Hannay, M.A., Rector of Augh-aval, Westport, Co. Mayo.

Rev. J. M. Harden, B.D., Headmaster, Kilkenny College.

Rev. Charles Harris, D.D., Vicar of Claverley Wolverhampton, late Lecturer in Theology in St. David's College, Lampeter.

Rev. D. A. Hayes, Ph.D., S.T.D., LL.D., Professor of New Testament Exegesis in Garrett Biblical Institute, Evanston, Ill.

Rev. W. J. Henderson, B.A., Principal of the Baptist College, Bristol.

Rev. R. Travers Herford, B.A., Stand, Whitefield, Manchester.

Rev. John Herkless, D.D., Professor of Church History in the University of St. Andrews.

Rev. W. W. Holdsworth, M.A., Professor of New Testament Language and Literature in Handsworth College, Birmingham.

Rev. A. Mitchell Hunter, M.A., Cardross, Dumbartonshire.

Rev. H. L. Jackson, M.A., Vicar of St. Mary's, Huntingdon.

Rev. Arthur Jenkinson, Innellan, Greenock.

A. J. Jenkinson, M.A., Fellow of Brasenose College, Oxford.

Rev. M. P. Johnstone, B.D., Fraser burgh.

Rev. E. Griffith-Jones, B.A., Principal and Professor of Theology in the Yorkshire United College, Bradford.

Friedrich Wilhelm Ferdinand Kattenbusch, D.D., Ph.D., Ord. Professor of Dogmatics in the University of Halle.

Rev. John Kelman, D.D., Edinburgh.

Rev. W. S. Kerr, B.D., Vicar of Bally waiter, Co. Down.

Rev. David M. W. Laird, M.A., Edinburgh. Rev. J. C. Lambert, D.D., Fenwick, Kilmarnock.

Rev. Harrington C. Lees, M.A., St. John's Vicarage, Kenilworth.

Rev. Robert Leggat, Berwick-on-Tweed.

Rev. John Robert Legge, M.A., Buckhurst Hill, Essex.

Rev. Thomas M. Lindsay, D.D., Principal and Professor of Church History in the United Free Church College, Glasgow.

Rev. William F. Lofthouse, M.A., Professor of Old Testament Languages and Literature in the Theological College, Handsworth, Birmingham.

Rev. Charles Scott Macalpine, B.D., Manchester.

Rev. A. B. Macaulay, M.A., Dundee.

Rev. C. A. M’donald, B.D., Arrochar, Dumbartonshire.

Rev. John Edgar M'Fadyen, M.A. (Glas.), B.A. (Oxon.), Professor of Old Testament Literature and Exegesis in Knox College, Toronto.

Rev. George M'Hardy, D.D., Kirkcaldy.

Rev. George M. Mackie, D.D., Chaplain to the Church of Scotland at Beyrout, Syria.

Rev. Duncan A. Mackinnon, M.A., Mary kirk, Kincardineshire.

Rev. Robert Mackintosh, D.D., Professor of Christian Ethics, Apologetics, and Sociology in the Lancashire Independent College, Manchester.

Right Rev. Arthur J. Maclean, D.D., Bishop of Moray.

Rev. A, H. M'Neile, B.D., Fellow and Dean of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge.

Rev. James Edmond M'Ouat, B.D., Logieaimond, Perthshire.

Rev. Robert Macpherson, D.D., Elgin.

Rev. Joseph T. L. Maggs, D.D., Leeds.



Rev. David Samuel Margoliouth, M.A., D.Litt., Laudian Professor of Arabic in the University of Oxford.

Rev. John Turner Marshall, D.D., Principal of the Baptist College, Manchester.

Rev. Newton Herbert Marshall, M.A., Ph.D., Hampstead, London.

Rev. A. Stuart Martin, B.D., Scone, Perth.

Rev. G. Currie Martin, B.D., Professor of New Testament Theology and Patristics in the United College, Bradford.

E. W. Gurney Masterman, M.D., F.R.C.S., F.R.G.S., D.P.H., Jerusalem, Syria.

Rev. Shailer Mathews, D.D., Professor of Historical and Comparative Theology and Dean of the Divinity School in the Unversity of Chicago.

Rev. Andrew Miller, M.A., Glasgow.

Rev. W. J. S. Miller, B.D., Houndwood, Reston.

Rev. George Milligan, D.D., Caputh, Murthly.

Rev. Joseph Mitchell, B.D., Mauchline.

Rev. James Moffatt, D.D., Broughty Ferry.

Rev. W. S. Montgomery, B.D., Abbeyleix, Queen's County.

Rev. R. W. Moss, D.D., Professor of Systematic Theology in the Didsbury College, Manchester.

Rev. Warren Joseph Moulton, M.A., B.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor of New Testament Language and Literature in Bangor Theological Seminary.

Rev. T. Allen Moxon, MA., Vicar of Alfreton, Derbyshire.

Rev. John Muir, B.D., Kirkcowan, Wigtownshire.

Rev. George Murray, B.D., Sauchie, Alloa.

Rev. James Ross Murray, M.A., Manchester.

Rev. James Mursell, M.A., Adelaide, South Australia.

Eberhard Nestle, Ph.D., D.D., Professor at Maulbronn.

Rev. M. R. Newbolt, B.A., Vicar of Iffley, Oxford.

Rev. Albert Henry Newman, D.D., LL.D., Professor of Church History in Baylor University, Waco, Texas.

Rev. Thomas Nicol, D.D., Professor of Biblical Criticism in the University of Aberdeen.

Rev. W. 0. E. Oesterley, B.D., Organizing Secretary of the Parochial Missions to the Jews.

Rev. James Orr, D.D., Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics in the United Free Church College, Glasgow.

Rev. James Patrick, B.D., B.Sc, Burntisland.

Rev. William Patrick, D.D., Principal of Manitoba College, Winnipeg.

Arthur S. Peake, D.D., Professor of Biblical Exegesis and Dean of the Faculty of Theology, Victoria University, Manchester.

Rev. John Robert van Pelt, Ph.D., Methodist Episcopal Church, Lewisburg, Pa.

Rev. Samuel Plantz, Ph.D., D.D., LL.D., President of Lawrence University, Appleton, Wis.

Rev. Alfred Plummer, D.D., late Master of University College, Durham.

Rev. Edward B. Pollard, D.D., Professor in Crozer Theological Seminary, Chester, Pa.

Rev. William Louis Poteat, M.A., LL.D., President of Wake Forest College, N.C.

Rev. Cyril Henry Prichard, M.A., Rector of Wiston, Steyning, Sussex.

Rev. Leighton Pullan, M.A., Fellow and Lecturer of St. John Baptist College, Oxford.

Rev. Frederick J. Rae, M.A., Aberdeen.

Rev. F. S. Ranken, M.A., Rector of South Walsham, Norwich.

Rev. W. H. Rankine, B.D., Glasgow.

Rev. John Reid, M.A., Inverness.

Frank Richards, M.A., Kingswood School, Bath.

Rev. Charles Wesley Rishell, Ph.D., Professor of Historical Theology and Assistant Dean in Boston University, Mass.

Rev. John Edward Roberts, B.D., Manchester.

Rev. Frank Edward Robinson, B.A., Professor of Hebrew and Church History in the Baptist College, Bristol.

Rev. George Livingstone Robinson, Ph.D., D.D., Professor of Old Testament Literature and Exegesis in the M'Cormick Theological Seminary, Chicago.

Rev. Arthur E. Ross, B.D., Rector of Portrush, Co. Antrim.

Rev. Alfred Norman Rowland, M.A., London.

Rev. John Richard Sampey, D.D., LL.D., Professor of Interpretation of the Old Testament in the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ky.

Rev. William Sanday, D. D., LL. D., Litt. D., Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity, and Canon of Christ Church, Oxford, Chaplain in Ordinary to H.M. the King.

Rev. Charles Anderson Scott, M.A., Professor of the Language, Literature, and Theology of the New Testament at Westminster College, Cambridge.

Rev. Ernest F. Scott, B.A., Prestwick.

Rev. Hugh M'Donald Scott, D.D. Professor of Ecclesiastical History in the Theological Seminary, Chicago.

Rev. Robert Scott, D.D., Professor in Wilson College, Bombay.

Rev. Edward Sell, D.D., M.R.A.S., Fellow of the University of Madras and Hon. Canon of St. George's Cathedral, Madras.

Rev. Henry Clay Sheldon, D.D., Professor of Systematic Theology in Boston University.

Rev. Edward Shillito, M.A., London.

Rev. S. J. Ramsay Sibbald, B.D., Crathie, Ballater.

Rev. J. G. Simpson, M.A., Principal of the Clergy School, Leeds.

Rev. W. J. Sparrow Simpson, M.A., Chaplain, St. Mary's Hospital, Ilford.

Rev. John W. Slater, B.D., Scone, Perth.

Rev. David Smith, M.A., Blairgowrie.

Rev. Harold Smith, M.A., Rector of Grimley, Worcester.

Rev. J. Cromarty Smith, B.D., Coatdyke, Coatbridge.



W. Taylor Smith, B.A., Sevenoaks, Kent. Late Rev. J. Soutae, M.A., Tiberias, Palestine.

Alexander Soutee, M.A., D.Litt., Yates Professor of New Testament Greek and Exegesis in Mansfield College, Oxford.

Rev. James Stalkee, D.D., Professor of Church History and Christian Ethics in the United Free Church College, Aberdeen.

Rev. Wilbur Fletcher Steele, M,A., S.T.D., Professor in the Department of Biblical Science of Denver University, Colorado.

Rev. Robert Stevenson, B.D., Gargunnock.

Rev. G. Wauchope Stewart, B.D., Fyvie, Aber-deenshire.

Rev. Robert Laird Stewart, D.D., Professor of Biblical Archaeology in the Theological Seminary of Lincoln University, Pa.

Rev. Darwell Stone, M.A., Pusey Librarian, Oxford.

Rev. G. Gordon Stott, D.D., Musselburgh.

Very Rev. Thomas B. Strong, D.D., Dean of Christ Church, Oxford.

Rev. A. Pollok Sym, B.D., Lilliesleaf.

Rev. John G. Tasker, D.D., Professor of Biblical Literature and Exegesis in Handsworth College, Birmingham.

Rev. R. Bruce Taylor, M.A., London.

Rev. W. H. Griffith Thomas, D.D., Principal of Wycliffe Hall, Oxford.

Rev. Charles H. Thomson, M.A., Constantinople.

Rev. William D. Thomson, M.A., Edinburgh.

Rev. Edward Harper Titchmarsh, M.A., Sheffield.

Rev. Geerhardus Vos, Ph.D., D.D., Professor of Biblical Theology in the Theological Seminary, Princeton, N.J.

Canon G. H. S. Walpole, D.D., Rector Of Lambeth.

Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield, D.D., LL.D., Charles Hodge Professor of Didactic and Polemic Theology in the Theological Seminary of the Presbyterian Church at Princeton, N.J.

George C. Watt, B.D., Edinkillie.

Thomas H. Weir, B.D., M.R.A.S., Lecturer in Hebrew and Arabic in the University of Glasgow.

Johannes Weiss, D.D., Professor of Theology in the University of Marburg.

E. Wheeler, M.A., Canning Town, London.

Rev. B. Whitefoord, D.D., Prebendary of Salisbury Cathedral and Principal of the Theological College, Salisbury.

Owen C. Whitehouse, D.D., Senior Tutor in Cheshunt College, Cambridge.

A. R. Whitham, M.A., Principal of the Culham Training College, Abingdon.

J. R. Willis, B.D., Rector of Preban and Moyne, Rathdrum, Co. Wicklow.

Charles Travers Wood, M.A., Fellow and Lecturer in Hebrew in Queens' College, Cambridge.

H. J. Wotherspoon, M.A., Edinburgh.

Arthur Wright, D.D., Fellow, Tutor, and Vice-President of Queens' College, Cambridge.

T. H. Wright, Edinburgh.

D. G. Young, B.D., Moneydie, Perth.

J. Young, B.D., Paisley.

Andrew C. Zenos, D.D., Professor of Ecclesiastical History in the M'Cormick Theological Seminary, Chicago.


Dictionary of Christ

and the Gospels




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Calvin College. Last modified on 08/11/06. Contact the CCEL.
Calvin seal: My heart I offer you O Lord, promptly and sincerely