Christian Classics Ethereal Library

Guyon, Madame Jeanne Marie Bouvier de la Mothe (1647-1717)

French quietist author


Works about Madam Guyon

Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability -- from Herbermann, Charles George (1840-1916)

Autobiography of Madame Guyon

Madame Guyon -- from The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge


Works by Madam Guyon

Autobiography of Madame Guyon

Description: Madam Guyon is a heretic to some, but a saint to others. Living at a time when being charged as heretic was a matter of civil law, Madam Guyon was imprisoned and persecuted for her unyielding stance against the religious authorities in France. Guyon wrote her autobiography while being held at the infamous Bastille. Often associated with the Quietist movement, Guyon advocated mystical experience as a means of growing closer to God. Many would consider her view of the church paradoxical. Guyon taught the Reformation principles of sola gracia and sola fide while she clung to the Roman Catholic Church, even as she was persecuted for her theology. Is Madam Guyon a heretic or a saint? Read her autobiography and decide for yourself.

Andrew Hanson
CCEL Intern

Complete Poetical Works (Author of section)

Short and Easy Method of Prayer

Description: This little book, A Short and Easy Method or Prayer, was written for a few individuals who wanted to love God with their whole hearts by Madame Guyon, a celebrated French mystical writer of the Quietist school. This book gives simple instructions in contemplative prayer, prayer without words or distinct ideas. It also encourages readers to accept all things as from God's hand. At the time of printing, which was a rather stormy era in France religious history, the work resulted in Madame Guyon being both attacked and defended by some of the most brilliant writers of her day, even resulting in her imprisonment for a time. The work continues to attract strong defenders and critics, but many find in it a fruitful way to seek God.

Short method of prayer, and Spiritual torrents, tr. by A.W. Marston


Song of Songs of Solomon / Explanations and Reflections having Reference to the Interior Life (Author)

Description: Song of Songs of Solomon is Madame Guyon's commentary, of sorts, on the Songs of Solomon. Imprisoned and persecuted for her mystic views, she provides her own allegorical and somewhat mystical interpretation of Songs of Solomon. She interprets the book in terms of Christ and the Church. In particular, she focuses on the "Spiritual Marriage"--where the soul has "permanent and lasting possession" of the divine. Her Song describes the different stages that the believer goes through on the way to maturation in Christ and the possession of the divine. Although Madame Guyon's interpretation is somewhat controversial, it remains powerful and is able to move one's heart towards God.

Tim Perrine
CCEL Staff Writer

Spiritual Progress ()

Description: Spiritual Progress is a collection of five powerful works intended for daily devotions and personal reflection. These five inspiring works are composed by three closely linked mystical thinkers of the 17th century--Francois Fenelon, Madame Guyon, and Pere La Combe. Fenelon, an archbishop, wrote the first two works, Christian Counsel and Spiritual Letters, which illustrate his keen sense of spiritual counsel. Madame Guyon, a close friend of Fenelon, wrote the next works, Method of Prayer and On the Way to God, which indicate the importance of constant prayer. Pere La Combe, the spiritual director of Madame Guyon, wrote the final work, Spiritual Maxims, which emphasizes the importance of desire and love for God. Each stirring work is divided into short chapters, making Spiritual Progress ideal for morning or evening devotions. It is thus a wonderful book full of guidance for one's spiritual progress.

Tim Perrine
CCEL Staff Writer

Spiritual Torrents

Description: In this powerful spiritual autobiography, Madame Jeanne Guyon compares her life to rushing torrent passing through many various experiences and eventually death. In spite of incredible pain and sadness, Guyon's faith remained strong throughout her entire life. Her understanding of God's grace is both profound and inspiring. Spiritual Torrents is an intimate and powerful look at the life of a true believer and the journey of faith amidst suffering-an encouraging read for anyone.

Luke Getz

CCEL Staff Writer

Translations from the French of Madame de la Mothe Guion (Author)

Description: In March of 1703, Madame Guion (or Guyon) went to live with her son in isolation after her seven years of imprisonment for charges of heresy. During these last fifteen years of her life, she spent much of her time either in prayer or writing religious poetry. William Cowper, a poet and lyricist in his own right, has brought the English-speaking world quality translations of many of Guyon’s poems. As in the original French, Guyon’s verse reflects her mystical character and passionate search for the divine. The ideas contained within her work, while condemned by some Christians, have influenced evangelical Protestants in particular. Renowned evangelist Charles Spurgeon numbers among her admirers.

Kathleen O’Bannon
CCEL Staff

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Calvin College. Last modified on 10/17/18. Contact the CCEL.
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