Christian Classics Ethereal Library

Forsyth, Peter Taylor (1848-1921)

Scottish Congregationalist divine


Works about P. T. Forsyth

P. T. Forsyth -- from The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge

Forsyth, Peter Taylor (1848-1921) -- from Wikipedia Article


Works by P. T. Forsyth

Soul of Prayer

Description: This book challenges its reader, convicting like a refining fire. As a theologian, Forsyth had first admired the liberal theology of the late 19th century, but then had abandoned it, feeling that it failed to address the seriousness of sin and justice. In this devotional examination of prayer, Forsyth prompts readers to probe their hearts as they commune with God. He delves deeply into human motivations, values, and understanding, surveying prayer’s practice and purpose at its most visceral foundations. Though difficult to read at times because so involved, those who study Forsyth’s book often come to treasure the experience.

Kathleen O’Bannon
CCEL Staff

Work of Christ

Description: In the preface to this collection of lectures, P.T. Forsyth writes, “There is no region where religion becomes so quickly theology as in dealing with the work of Christ.” He notes that theology, especially theology that deals so much with the “personal religion of sinful men” is apt to change, and thus it would seem an impossible matter to actually write a book on the matter with any hope of it having lasting effects. Forsyth’s work has remained a classic, however, perhaps because of his acknowledgment of the challenge he faced, and his humility in offering what he hoped would be a useful tool for people just beginning to develop their theology on Christ’s atoning work. This book of theology is a powerful reminder for all who read it that our theology and faith is centered first and foremost on the cross, and Forsyth expounds on this with a powerful rhetoric and thoughtful articulation.

Laura de Jong
CCEL Staff Writer

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Calvin College. Last modified on 10/17/18. Contact the CCEL.
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