Christian Classics Ethereal Library

Brownlie, John (1857-1925)

Translator of Greek hymns


Works by John Brownlie

Hymns from the East

Description: Collected hymns.

Hymns from the Greek Office Books

Description: Collected hymns.

Hymns from the Morningland

Description: Collected hymns.

Hymns of the Apostolic Church

Description: The beloved Scottish pastor John Brownlie received an honorary doctoral degree from Glasgow University for his brilliant work in hymnology. Skilled with the Greek language, he took it upon himself to translate some of the hymns of the early church Fathers—the inheritance of every Christian. In Hymns of the Apostolic Church, Brownlie gifts the church with poetic translations of ancient and medieval hymns, his English renderings rivaling the beauty of the original Greek. Among others, he translated the works of venerated saints, such as Clement of Alexandria and Gregory of Nazianzus.

Kathleen O’Bannon
CCEL Staff

Hymns of the Early Church

Description: Translations, selections, and suggestions from Greek and Latin hymns. "Brownlie's translations have all the beauty, simplicity, earnestness, and elevation of thought and feeling which characterize the originals" [Julian's Dictionary of Hymnology]

Hymns of the Early Church: Translations from the Poetry of the Latin Church

Description: Collected hymns.

Hymns of the Greek Church

Description: Collected hymns.

Hymns of the Holy Eastern Church

Description: Translations, selections, and suggestions based on hymns in the Greek service books. "Brownlie's translations have all the beauty, simplicity, earnestness, and elevation of thought and feeling which characterize the originals" [Julian's Dictionary of Hymnology]

Hymns of the Russian Church

Description: Translations, selections, and suggestions from the Russian Orthodox hymns. "Brownlie's translations have all the beauty, simplicity, earnestness, and elevation of thought and feeling which characterize the originals" [Julian's Dictionary of Hymnology]

Indexes to Hymn Translations by John Brownlie

Description: Indexes automatically generated from the ThML etext at CCEL.

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This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library at
Calvin College. Last modified on 10/17/18. Contact the CCEL.
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