
INCAPACITY: The state of being unqualified to receive holy orders. It exists in the cam of unbaptized persons and women. As to, the former, it is obvious. that a person who is to hold an ecclesiastical office must be a member of the Church, and this


membership is gained only by baptism. The canon law provides in a number of places that if a priest is found not to have been baptized, he must receive that sacrament and then be reordamed. The in capacity of women has never been questioned in the Church. According to I Tim. ii. 12; I Cor. xiv. 34, 35, they are not to teach, and Tertullian (De trirg. vet., viii.) expresses the prohibition of any official acts by them in the meet absolute terms: The Council of Laodicea (372) forbids their ordination as wee (viduce), and the first Counbil of Nicwa (325), with several others, as diacmrce or daacoaissm.

(O. Mejer †.)

Bibliography: Bingham, Origines, XIV., iv. 5.

INCARNATION. See Christology XI., § 2; and Virgin Birth.

INCE, WILLIAM: Church of England; b. in London Jane 7, 1825. He was educated at King's College, London, and Lincoln College, Oxford (B.A., 1846), was ordered deacon in 1849 and ordained priest in 1852. He was fellow and tutor of Exeter College, Oxford (1847-78), and subrector (1857-78). He became regius professor of divinity and canon of Christ Church, Oxford, in 1878, and subdean in 1901. He was likewise junior proctor of the University, 1856-57, Whitehall preacher, 1860-62, and chaplain to the bishop of Oxford, 1871-89. Among his publications special mention may be made of Some Aspects of Christian Truth (London, 1862); Religion in the University of Oxford (1874); The Past History and present Duties of the Faculty of Theology in Oxford (Oxford, 1878); and Letter on the Declaration of the English Church Union (1900).


I. Pre-Christian Usage.
Universality of Its Employment (§ 1).
The Hebrew Altar of Incense (§ 2).
The Materials (§ 3).
Symbolism (§ 4).
The Ritual of Incense (§ 5).
II. In the Christian Church.
In the Patristic Period (§ 1).
In the Roman Catholic Church (§ 2).
Ritual of Incense (§ 3).


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