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8,bvesz Revivals of Religion THE NEW SCHAFF-HERZOG 8

REVESZ, IMRE: Hungarian Reformed; b. at Debreczin (116 m. e. of Budapest) Jan. 14, 1826; d. there Feb. 13, 1881. He was educated at Debreczin (1841-51), and after completing his studies at Vienna, Berlin, and in Switzerland, became, in 1856, pastor at Debreczin. In 1861 he was elected to the Reichstag, though he resigned a few months later to devote himself exclusively to pastoral and literary labors. He distinguished himself in the defense of his church, when, in 1856, Leo Thun, the Austrian minister of public worship, drafted a new system of government for the Hungarian Protestants which completely destroyed consistorial independence. Three years later an imperial patent was issued directing the Hungarian Lutherans and Reformed to organize in accordance with the royal charter. Both churches protested, while R6vdsz presented arguments from history to show that the autonomy of the Protestant bodies could not be changed without the consent of their own synods. He likewise addressed a memorial to the foreign powers, which was presented, in English translation, to the British ambassador and printed in The Edinburgh Review (1860). He was a member of the Protestant deputation which unsuccessfully sought to gain audience with Francis Joseph I. in Jan., 1860, and after his return he drew up and published a program for passive resistance to the execution of the obnoxious patent. The program was, however, confiscated by the government, and R& v6sz, among others, was summoned to appear before the civil courts. He now wrote his " Defense of the Hungarian Protestant Church " (Sirospatak, 1862; which appeared in its essential parts in German in the Protestantische Kirchenzeitung, 1861). In 1860 the obnoxious patent was withdrawn, and the suits against Rdv6sz and other Protestants were quashed.

In 1870 RAvdsz founded the monthly Figyelmezti, which he conducted for nine years, and in this he combated the German Protestant Union (see PROTESTANT UNION, GERMAN). Among his numerous works, all of them in Hungarian, special mention may be made of the following: " Basal Principles of Protestant Church Organization " (Szarvas, 1856); " Jan Erd6si, the Hungarian Reformer " (Budapest, 1859); " Life and Works of the first Hungarian Reformer, Mathias Bir6 of D6va " (1863); " Calvin's Life and Calvinism " (1864); and a Hungarian translation of the sermons of Frederick William Robertson (3 vols., 1864-69).

BIBLIOGRAPHY: F. Balogh, in The Catholic Presbyterian, London, 1861, pp. 418-427; B. Kuzmani, Urkundenbuch zum bsterreichischen evangeliachen Kirchenrecht, Vienna, 1856.

REVILLE, r@-vii', ALBERT: French Protestant: b. at Dieppe Nov. 4, 1826; d. at Paris Oct. 25, 1906. He was educated in his native city and at the universities of Geneva and Strasburg; was assistant pastor at Nimes in 1847-48; pastor at Luneray in 1848-51; and of the Walloon church at Rotterdam, 1851-73 ; professor of the history of religions in the Co116ge de France, Paris, 1880-1906, as well as president of the section in the tcole pratique des hautes 4tudes for religious sciences in the same city after

1884. He translated J. H. Scholten's Geschiedenis der godsdienst en wijsbegeerte (Leyden, 1853) under the title Manuel d'histoire compare de la philosophic et de la religion (Paris, 1861); and wrote L'Au tltentieitg du Nouveau Testament (1851); De la rdemption (1860); Essais de critique religieuse (1860); Audes critiques sur l'6vangile selon Saint Matthieu (Leyden, 1862); Manuel d'instruction religieuse (1863; Eng. transl., London, 1864); Theodore Parker, sa vie et ses wncvres (1865; Eng. transl., London, 1865); Histoire du dogme de la divinite de Jesus-Christ (1869; 5th ed., 1906; Eng. transl., History of the Doctrine of the Deity of Jesus Christ, London, 1870; revised, 1905); Histoire du diable, ses origines, sa grandeur et sa d9cadence (Strasburg, 1870; Eng. transl., The Devil, his Origin, Greatness, and Decadence, London, 1871); Prolggomenes de l'histoire des religions (1981; Eng. tranal., London, 1884); Les Religions des peuples non-cirdis6s (2 vols., 1883); The Origin and Growth of Religion as illustrated by the Native Religions of Mexico and Peru (Hibbert lectures, London, 1884; French tranal., Paris, 1885); La Religion ehinoise (2 vols., Paris, 1888); and J4sus de Nazareth (2 vols., 1897). BIBLIOGRAPHY: Polybiblion, 1897, pp. 199-203; P. Alphan dAry, in RHR, 1906, pp. 401-423; Revue chritienne, 1896, pp. 416-417; Vigouroux, Dictionnaire, fasc. xxxiv. 10831084.

REVILLE, JEAN: French Protestant, son of the preceding; b. at Rotterdam, Holland, Nov. 6, 1854; d. at Paris May 6, 1908. He was educated at the universities of Geneva, Paris, Berlin, and Heidelberg; was pastor at Sainte-Suzanne (1880--83); teacher of the Evangelical religion in the Lyc6e Henri Quatre, Paris (1884--86); instructor in church history in the 1Jcole pratique des hautes Etudes, Paris (1886-94); and professor of patristics in the Protestant theological faculty of the University of Paris (1894-1907); succeeded his father as professor of the history of religions in the College de France. He was also editor of the Revue de l'histoire des religions after 1884. Among his numerous works special mention may be made of La Religion d Rome sous les &v~res (Paris, 1884); Les Orlgines de l'Episcopat (1894); Paroles d'un litre eroyant (1898); Le Quatrikme .9vangile, son origine et sa valeur historique (1900); Le Protestantisme lib6ral, ses origines, sa nature, sa mission (1903; Eng. transl., Liberal Christianity, its Origin, Nature, and Mission, London, 1903); and Le PropUtisme Ubreu; esquisse de son hist. et de ses destines (Paris, 1906).

BIBLIOGRAPHY: W. Sanday, Criticism of the Fourth Gospel, pp. 2, 28, 31, 200, 256, Oxford, 1905; Journal de GeQve, May 8, 1908; A. Reiyss, in Le Protestant, journal des chr_tiens lib_raum, 1908, pp. 155-156; RHR, June-July, 1908; Vigouroux, Dictionnaire, fuse. xxxiv. 1084.

REVIUS, r@'vf-us, JACOBUS: Dutch theologian; b. at Deventer (8 m. n. of Zutphen) Nov., 1586; d. at Leyden Nov. 15, 1658. He was educated at Leyden (1604-07) and Franeker (1607-10), and in 16101612 visited various foreign universities, particularly Saumur, Montauban, and Orl6ans. Return ing to Holland, he held brief pastorates at Zeddam, Winterswijk, and Aalten in 1613, and by Oct., 1614, had become pastor in his native city, where he remained twenty-seven years. In 1618 he was ap-