

RELIGIOUS PEDAGOGY, HARTFORD SCHOOL OF: An institution organized and equipped solely for the purpose of accomplishing in religious education what the high-grade normal school or college does in secular education. Founded by the Rev. David Allen Reed at Springfield, Mass., it was incorporated Jan. 28, 1885, under the name "School for Christian Workers." Its course of study was enlarged in 1892, and again in 1897, when it was given the name "Bible Normal College." In Mar., 1902, it was moved to Hartford, Conn., that it might carry on its work in affiliation with Hartford Theological Seminary. At the same time the requirements for admission and graduation were still further strengthened in anticipation of a more strictly professional type of work. On Apr. 14, 1903, the school was reincorporated under the laws of Connecticut and received its present name, together with authority to confer the bachelor's, master's, and doctor's degree in religious pedagogy.


The school is interdenominational and is open to both men and women. The increasing demand from churches and other religious organizations for thoroughly trained teachers is conclusive evidence that a new profession is rapidly developing within the church. To pioneer this new profession, and to secure and thoroughly equip men and women who are qualified by nature and preliminary training to fill it, is the central design of the school.

The work involves three central ideas: The Bible; the child; and the teacher. It is grouped into three departments of study, namely: studies relating to the Bible; studies relating to man; and studies relating to teaching. These studies are designed to afford an accurate, teaching knowledge of the Bible and cognate subjects; an understanding of the individual and social nature of man, with special reference to the child; and the training of the teacher in the essentials of scientific pedagogy. They are intended to give students a professional equipment for positions as Sunday-school superintendents; normal, field, city, district, and primary superintendents; city, home, and -foreign missionaries; pastors' assistants, and superintendents and teachers in reformatory and charitable institutions.

The school is under the direction of a board of eighteen trustees. In number of students it has had a sure and steady growth. The number enrolled in all courses, both regular and special, in 1904 was 54; in 1910, 130. The faculty is constituted as follows: President William Douglas Mackenzie, D.D., of Hartford Theological Seminary, president of the institution and professor of Christian doctrine; Rev. Charles Stoddard Lane, A.M., vice-president and professor of church history; Rev. Edward H. Knight, D.D., dean of the faculty and professor of New-Testament language and literature; George E. Dawson, Ph.D., professor of psychology; Edward P. St. John, Pd.M., professor of pedagogy; Rev. Edward E. Nourse, D.D., professor of Old-Testament language and literature; Miss Orissa M. Baxter, professor of home economics.

The school has no endowment, and meets its annual expenses (in 1910, $13,000) chiefly by gifts from individuals, churches, and Sunday-schools.



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