

The following list of books is supplementary to the bibliographies given at the end of the articles contained in volumes I.-V., and brings the literature down to September, 1909. In this list each vocabulary entry is printed in capital letters.

ADLER, H.: H. Adler, Anglo-Jewish Memories, and Other Sermons, London, 1909.

AMARNA TABLETS: F. M. Böhl, Die Sprache der Amarnabriefe mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Kanaanismen, Leipsic, 1909.

ANDREWS, E. G.: F. J. McConnell, Edward Gayer Andrews, a Bishop in the Methodist Episcopal Church, New York, 1909.

APOCRYPHA: Ecclesiasticus: The Greek Text of Codex 243. Ed. with a textual Commentary and Prolegomena by J. H. A. Hart, London, 1909.

The Gospel of Barnabas, ed. and transl . . . by L. and Laura Ragg, Oxford, 1909.

APOLOGETICS: W. Baldensperger, Urchristliche Apologie, Strasburg, 1909 J. C. Rickett, Origins and Faith. An Essay of Reconciliation, London, 1909.

H. E. Sampson, Progressive Creation. A Reconciliation of Religion with Science, 2 vols., ib. 1909.

R. M. Wenley, Modern Thought and the Crisis in Belief, ib. 1909.

AUGUSTINE: J. Mausbach, Die Ethik des heiligen Augustinus, 2 vols., Freiburg, 1909.

BABYLONIA: A. Ungnad, Altbabylonische Privaturkunden aus Dilbat, Leipsic, 1909.

BAENTSCH, B.: David und sein Zeitalter, Leipsic, 1907.

BEER, G.: Saul, David, Salomo, Tübingen, 1906; Schabbath ib. 1908.

BEHAISM: H. Dreyfus, The Universal Religion: Behaism, its Rise and Social Import, London, 1909.

E. Hammond, The Splendor of God; being Extracts from the sacred Writings of the Bahais, New York, 1909.

BIBLE VERSIONS: F. Eichler, Die Deutsche Bibel des Erasmus Stratter in der Universitäts-Bibliothek zu Graz. Eine Untersuchung zur Geschichte des Buchwesens im xv. Jahrhundert, Leipsic, 1908.

The Old Testament in Greek According to the Text of Codex Vaticanus, Supplemented from Other Uncial MSS., etc., ed. A. E. Brooke and N. McLean, vol. i., part 2, Exodus and Leviticus, Cambridge, 1909.

G. Henalow, The Vulgate, London, 1909

S. McComb, The Making of the English Bible: with an introductory Essay on the Influence of the English Bible on English Literature, New York, 1909.

M. B. Riddle, The Story of the Revised New Testament, American Standard Edition. [Philadelphia, 1908.]

BIBLICAL CRITICISM: T. Whittaker, The Origins of Christianity. With an Outline of Van Manen's Analysis of the Pauline Literature and an Appendix on Galatians, London, 1909.

BIBLICAL INTRODUCTION: W. Wrede, Origin of the New Testament, London, 1909.

BONIFACE, SAINT: G. Schnürer, Bonifatius Die Bekehnung der deutschen zum Christentum, Mainz, 1909.

BUDDHISM: L. de La Vallée Poussin, Bouddhisme. Opinions sur l'hist. de la dogmatique, Paris, 1909.

V. A. Smith, Asoka, the Buddhist Emperor of India, New York, 1909.

CABALA: S. L. M. Mathers, Kabbalah Unveiled, 3d ed., London, 1907.

CALVIN, J.: A. Lang, Johannes Calvin. Ein Lebenabild zu seinem 400 Geburtstag am 10 Juli, 1909, Leipsic, 1909.

Johannes Calvins Lebenswerk in seinem Briefen Eine Auswahl von Briefen Calvins in deutscher Uebersetzung, 2 vols., Tübingen, 1909.

CAMPANELLA, T.: J. Kvacala, Thomas Campanella, ein Reformer ausgehenden Renaissance, Berlin, 1909.

CANON OF THE BIBLE: Jugie, Histoire du canon de l'Ancien Testament dans l'église grecque et l'église russe, Paris, 1909.

CARMEL: E. von Mülinen, Beiträge zur Kenntnis des Karmels, Leipsic, 1908.

CENSORSHIP, ETC.: T. S. Betten, The Roman Index of Forbidden Books, St. Louis, 1909.

CHURCH HISTORY: C. Bigg, The Origins of Christianity, ed. T. B. Strong, New York, 1909.

L. Duchesne, Early History of the Christian Church. From its Foundation to the End of the Third Century, London, 1909.

CHURCH AND STATE: S. Z. Batten, The Christian State: the State, Democracy and Christianity, Philadelphia, 1909.

CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA: J. Gabrielson, Ueber die Quellen des Clemens Alexandrinus, part 2, Zur genaueren Prüfung der Favorinushypothese, Leipsic, 1909.

COMPARATIVE RELIGION: Add to the bibliography W. Mundt, Völkerpsychologie, Leipsic, 1904 ssq.

K. H. E. de Jong, Das antike Mysterienwesen in religionsgeschichtlicher ethnologischer und psychologischer Beleuchtung, Leyden, 1909.

J. Toutain, Études de mythologie et d'histoire des religions antiques, Paris 1909.

J. H. Leuba, Psychological Orign and Nature of Religion, London, 1909.


D. A. Bertholet, The Transmigration of Souls, ib. 1909.

W. St. C. Tisdall, Mythic Christs and the True: a Criticism of some modern Theories, ib. 1909.

CONWAY, M. D.: Addresses and Reprints 1850-1907, Boston, 1909.

DANTE A.: Inferno, ed. C. H. Grandgent, Boston, 1909. The Convivo, London and New York, 1909.

DEACONESS: E. F. von der Goltz, Der Dienst der Frauen in der christlichen Kirche, Potsdam, 1905.

DOBSCHUETZ, E. VON: Christusbilder (in TU, 1899); Der gegenwärtige Stand der neutestamentlichen Exegese, Tübingen, 1906, Eng. transl., London, 1909.

DOGMA, DOGMATICS: F. Schaeder, Theozentrische Theologie, Leipsic, 1909.

ECKHARDT, M.: Meister Eckhardt's Sermons, Eng. transl., by C. Field, London, 1909.

EGYPT: Texts Relating to St. Mena of Egypt and Canons of Nicacea, in a Nubian Dialect, ed. E. A. W. Budge, London, 1909.

EGYPT EXPLORATION FUND: The Oxyrrhynchus Papyri, part vi., ed. B. P. Grenfell and A. S. Hunt, London, 1908.

ENGLAND, CHURCH OF: W. H. Hutton, History of the Church, 1648-1815, London, 1908.

C. Bullock, The Story of England's Church, London, 1909.

ERASMUS: J. Lindeboom, Erasmus, Onderzoek naar zijne theologie en zijn godsdienstig gemoedsbestaan, Leyden, 1909.

ETHICS: M. Cronin, The Science of Ethics, Vol. i., General Ethics, London, 1909.

EUCHARIST: D. Stone, A History of the Doctrine of the Holy Eucharist, 2 vols., London, 1909.

E. T. Green, The Eucharist, ib., 1908.

FRANCIS OF ASSISI: H. Holzapfel, Handbuch der Geschichte des Franziskanerordens, Freiburg, 1909.

GERHARDT, P.: R. Eckart, Paul Gerhardt. Urkunden und Aktenstücke zu seinem Leben und Kämpfen, Glückstadt, 1909.

GOD: W. N. Clarke, The Christian Doctrine of God, New York, 1909.

A. Daniels, Quellenbeiträge und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Gottesbeweise im 13. Jahrhundert, Münster, 1909.

GOOD WORKS: O. Bensow, Glaube, Liebe, und güte Werke, Gütersloh, 1906.

GOSPELS: D. J. Chapman, Notes on the Early History of the Vulgate Gospels, New York, 1908.

J. Frey, Die Probleme der Leidengeschichte Jesu. Beiträge zur Kritik der Evangelien, part 1, Leipsic, 1907.

A. Harnack, New Testament Studies: II, The Sayings of Jesus, the second Source of St. Matthew and St. Luke, New York, 1908.

H. B. Sharman, The Teachings of Jesus about the Future, according to the Synoptic Gospels, Chicago, 1909.

B. Weiss, Die Quellen der synoptischen Ueberlieferung, Leipsic, 1908.

F. W. Worsley, The Fourth Gospel and the Synoptists, Edinburgh, 1909.

GREGORY NAZIANZEN: Gregoire de Narianw. Discoure funebres en Monneur de son frbre Cesaire et de Basile de Cdsaree. Texte grec, tradudion rangaise, introduction et index par F. B, Paris, 1908.

GREGORY OF NYSSA: Grégoire de Nysse, Discours catéchétique, Texte grec, traduction française, introduction et index par L. Méridier, Paris, 1908.

GREVING, K. M. N. J.: Johann Eck als junger Gelehrter, Münster, 1906; Johann Ecks Pfarrbuch, ib. 1908.

HABAKKUK: B. Duhm, Das Buch Habakkuk, Tübingen, 1906.

F. Nicolardot, Le Composition du livre d'Habacuc, Paris, 1909.

HALL, C. C.: Sermons, New York, 1909; Christ and the Eastern Soul (Barrow Lectures, 1906-07), Chicago, 1909; The Silver Cup: simple Messages to Children from one who loved them, Boston, 1909.

HANNINGTON, J.: W. G Berry, Bishop Hannington. The Life and Adventures of a missionary Hero, London, 1908.

HARMS, C.: F. Zippel, Klaus Harms und die Homilie, Gütersloh, 1908.

HEBREW LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE: J. Meinhold, Die Weisheit lsraels in Spruch, Sage and Dichtung, Leipsic, 1908.

HEGEL, G. W. F.: B. Croce, Lebendiges und Totes in Hegels Philosophie, mit einer Hegel-Bibliographie, Heidelberg, 1909.

HEHN, J. F.: Siebenzahl und Sabbat bei den Babyloniern und im Altern Testament, Leipsic, 1907.

HELLENISM: J. Kaerst, Geschichte des hellenistischen Zeitalters, 3 vols., Leipsic, 1901-09.

HELLENISTIC GREEK: W. H. P. Hatch, in JBL, xxvii (1908), 134-146.

HEMPHILL, S.: History of the Revised Version of the New Testament, London, 1906.

HEXATEUCH: A. F. Puukko, Das Deuteronomium, Leipsic, 1909.

J. Winter and A. Wiinsche, Mechilta. Ein tannaitischer Midrasch zu Exodus. Beiträge von L. Blau, Leipsic, 1909.

HIBBERT LECTURES: W. James, A Pluralistic Universe. Hibbert Lectures at Manchester College on the Present Situation in Philosophy, London, 1909.

HIGH PLACES: G. Dalman, Petra und seine Felsheiligtümer, Leipsic, 1908.

G. L. Robinson, High Places of Petra, in Biblical World, xxxi (1908).

HILARIUS: H. Lindemann, Des heiligen Hilarius von Poitiers Liber mysteriorum, Munster, 1905.

M. Schiktanz, Die Hilarius Fragmente, Breslau, 1905.

HINDUISM: E. B. Havell, Benares, the Sacred City: Sketches of Hindu Life and Religion, Boston, 1908.

HOBBES, T.: A. E. Taylor, Thomas Hobbes, Edinburgh, 1908.

HOENNICKE, G.: Die neutestamentliche Weissagung, Gross-Lichterfelde, 1907; Das Judenchristentum in 1. and 2. Jahrhundert, Berlin, 1908.


HOLLAND, H. S.: Optimism of Butler's Analogy, London, 1908.

HOLTZMANN, O. K. A.: Christus, Leipsic, 1907.

HOLY SEPULCHER: A. Heisenberg, Die Grabeskirche in Jerusalem, Leipsic, 1908.

HOLY SPIRIT: J. Arnal, La Notion de l'esprit, vol. i., Paris, 1908.

J. G. H. Barry, Meditations on the Office and Work of the Holy Spirit, Milwaukee, 1909.

HOLY WATER: H. Theiler, Holy Water and its Significance for Catholics, New York, 1909.

HOMILETICS: J. Edwards, A Primer of Homiletics, Cincinnati, 1908

F. Niebergall, Wie predigen wir dem modernen Menschen? part 1, Untersuchung über Motive und Quietive, Tübingen, 1909.

HONORIUS I.: A considerable literature is indicated in the British Museum Catalogue under "Gratry, A. J. A."

HORTON, R. F.: The Triumphant Life, New York, 1909.

HOW, W. W.: F. D. How, William Walsham How, First Bishop of Wakefield, London, 1909.

HUGUENOTS: J. W. Thompson, The Wars of Religion in France: the Huguenot Catherine de Medici and Philip the Second, 1559-76, New York, 1909.

HUNGARY: W. B. F. Bovill, Hungary and the Hungarians, New York, 1908.

HUSS, J.: Luetzow, The Life and Times of Master John Huss, London, 1909.

HUTTON, W. H.: The Age of Revolution: ... History of the Church 1648-1815, London, 1908.

HYMNOLOGY: J. Donahoe, Early Christian Hymns, London, 1909.

IDEALISM: H. Jones, Idealism as a Practical Creed, Glasgow, 1909.

W. Kingsland, Scientific Idealism, or Matter and Force and their Relation to Life and Consciousness, London, 1909.

M. A. Leblond, L'Idéal du xix. siècle, Paris, 1908.

IGNATIUS OF ANTIOCH: H. de Genouillac, L'glise chrétienne au temps de Saint Ignace d' Antioche, Paris, 1907.

IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA: W. Walker, Greatest Men of the Christian Church, Chicago, 1908.

IMMORTALITY: C. F. Burney, Israel's Hope of Immortality, New York, 1909.

H. Frank, Modern Light on Immortality, Boston, 1909.

E. E. Holmes, Immortality, London, 1909.

J. Thompson, The Doctrine of Immortality. Its Essence relatively and Present Day Aspects, London, 1909.

P. Torge, Seelenglaube und Unsterblichkeitshoffnung im Alten Testament, Leipsic, 1909.

INDIA: W. W. Atkinson, The Inner Teachings of the Philosophies and Religions of India, Chicago, 1909.

J. Richter, A History of Missions in India, New York, 1909.

J. Warneck, Die Religion der Batak. Ein Paradigma für animistische Religionen des Indischen Archipels, Leipsic, 1909.

M.Winternitz, Geschichte der indischen Litteratur, 2 vols., Leipsic, 1908.

INGRAM, A. F. W.: Love of the Trinity, London, 1908; Joy in God, ib. 1909.


BUTLER: J. G.: d. in Washington, D. C., Aug. 2, 1909.

CHARTERIS, A. H.: d. in Edinburgh Apr. 24, 1908.

DRISCOLL, J. F.: Last line should read, "was editor of The New York Review 1905-08."

DUCEY, T. J.: d. in St. James, L. I., N. Y., Aug. 22, 1909.

DUNKERS: In 1908 the general conference of the Dunker Church changed its name to Church of the Brethren.


HUNT, J.: d. at Otford (19 m. s.w. of London) Apr. 12, 1907.




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