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J. W. McGarvey
A Commentary on Acts of Apostles (1863)


      This electronic edition of J. W. McGarvey's A Commentary on Acts of Apostles has been transcribed from the text of the seventh edition (Lexington, KY: Transylvania Printing and Publishing Co., 1872). The commentary, without external links to Scripture references, was first published online with Dr. Hans Rollmann's Restoration Movement Texts at Memorial University of Newfoundland.

      This electronic edition is in the public domain and may be freely distributed and used for personal, non-commerical, or commerical purposes. Although no permission is required for use of this work, the editor does appreciate hearing about how it is being used to promote Bible study and to honor our Soon-Coming King.

      The electronic edition differs from the printed text in the following regards: (1) Pagination of the printed text has been reprented by the page number within brackets following the last complete word on the page. (2) The footnotes of the printed edition have been rendered as sequentially numbered notes at the end of each chapter. (3) Greek words and phrases have been transliterated and set in bold italics.

      The following apparatus details corrections and alterations of the printed text of A Commentary on Acts of Apostles as presented in this electronic edition.

 Page       Printed Text [ Electronic Text
 -----      ------------------------------------------------------------
 Chapter 1

 Chapter 2
 p. 29:     the term baptism [ the term baptism
 p. 30:     19, 20. So much [ 19-21. So much
 p. 37:     Matt. xxii: 42-6. [ Matt. xxii: 42-46
 p. 41:     means "an account of [ means "on account of
 p. 43:     term immersion, [ term immersion,
 p. 47:     Rom. xv: 16, [ Rom. xv. 26,

 Chapter 3
 p. 50:     (2) who, seeing Peter [ (3) who, seeing Peter
 p. 52:     hightened [ heightened
 p. 53:     Matt. xvii: 14. [ Matt. xvii: 19, 20
            17-18. At the point [ 17, 18. At this point
 p. 54:     Receive [ Receive
 p. 55:     and repentance, [ and "repentance,"

 Chapter 4
 p. 67:     36. After stating [ 36, 37. After stating
            having land, [ (37) having land,

 Chapter 5
 p. 70:     term apostles, [ term apostles,

 Chapter 6
 p. 79:     See vii: 5, 8 below. [ See vii: 58, below.
 Chapter 7

 Chapter 8
 p. 96:     The term desert [ The term desert
 p. 100:    Tregelle's [ Tregelles'
            1 Tim. vi: 13. [ 1 Tim. vi: 12.
 p. 104:    2 Tim. ii. 17, 17. [ 2 Tim. ii. 17, 18.
 p. 105:    to it; [ to it;
 p. 107:    plunging, or being [ plunging, or being
 p. 110:    hight of folly [ height of folly
 p. 111:    term baptism [ term baptism
            term baptism, [ term baptism,

 Chapter 9
 p. 118:    Matt. ix: 16; [ Matt. ix: 1-6;
 p. 119:    do n't hear [ don't hear
 p. 128:    36-43. From the midst [ 36-42. From the midst

 Chapter 10
 p. 136:    Westminster Conf., Westminster Confession,

 Chapter 11
 p. 146:    term disciple, [ term disciple,
 p. 149:    Matt. xi: 24; [ Matt. x: 24;
 p. 150:    the name saint, [ the name saint,

 Chapter 12

 Chapter 13
 p. 159:    (6) "But [ (8) "But
 p. 163:    (21) Brethren, [ (26) Brethren,
 p. 170:    the word appointed. [ the word appointed.
            Rom. xiii. 2. [ Rom. xiii. 1.

 Chapter 14
 p. 175:    Com. xiii: 9. [ Com. xiii: 1.

 Chapter 15

 Chapter 16
 p. 193:    Gal. v: 1. [ Gal. v: 2.
 p. 197:    1 Cor. xii: 18-20. [ 1 Cor. vii: 18-20.
 p. 199:    2 Cor. 9, 10. [ 2 Cor. xii: 9, 10.
 p. 201:    And a certain woman [ (14) And a certain woman
 p. 204:    It there were infants [ If there were infants
 p. 205:    hightened [ heightened
 p. 209:    30, 31. Leading [ 31, 32. Leading
            (30) They said, [ (31) They said,
            (31) And they [ (32) And they
            "As the body without faith is dead, [ "As the body without the
               spirit is dead,
            James ii: 21. [ James ii: 26.
 p. 210:    the term believe, [ the term believe,

 Chapter 17
 p. 221:    By special providence, [ By special providence,

 p. 229:    the term Paul [ the term Paul
            Priscilla and Aquila are subjects of the verb sailed
               understood: [ Priscilla and Aquila are subjects
               of the verb sailed (understood):
            after Aquila. [ after Aquila.
 p. 231:    the term Lord [ the term Lord

 Chapter 19
 p. 233:    the term disciple, [ the term disciple,
            The term believed [ The term believed
 p. 237:    remark, (chapter xvi: 8,) [ remark (chapter xvi: 8, 9,)
 p. 240:    hight, [ height,

 Chapter 20
 p. 242:    Ib. i: 8: vii: 5. [ Ib. i: 16; vii: 5.
 p. 243:    Gal. i: 6-10. [ Gal. ii: 6-10.
            1 Cor. xvi: 2; ix: 1, 2. [ 1 Cor. xvi: 2; 2 Cor  ix: 1, 2.
 p. 251:    terms repentance and faith [ terms repentance and faith
 p. 252:    definition of faith [ definition of faith
            the term "repentance" [ the term repentance

 Chapter 21
 p. 259:    Col. ii: 14, 17. [ Col. ii: 14, 16, 17.

 Chapter 22

 Chapter 23
 p. 270:    while the spearmen [ while the spearmen

 Chapter 24
 p. 273:    Jos. Ant. xx: 17. [ Jos. Ant. xx: 7, 1.
            Jos. Ant. xx: 17. [ Jos. Ant. xx: 7, 2.

 Chapter 25

 Chapter 26
 p. 279:    incontestible [ incontestable

 Chapter 27

 Chapter 28

      Addenda and corrigenda are earnestly solicited.

Ernie Stefanik
373 Wilson Street
Derry, PA 15627-9770

Created 7 June 1997.
Updated 16 October 1998

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J. W. McGarvey
A Commentary on Acts of Apostles (1863)

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