Note 085
From Chapter 2 of the Decline & Fall

The following Itinerary may serve to convey some idea of the direction of the road, and of the distance between the principal towns.

1. From the wall of Antoninus to York, 222 Roman miles
1. London 227.
2. Rhutupiae or Sandwich 67.
3. The navigation to Boulogne 45.
4. Rheims 174.
5. Lyons 330.
6. Milan 324.
7. Rome 426.
8. Brundusium 360.
9. The navigation to Dyrrachium 40.
10. Byzantium 711.
11. Ancyra 283.
12. Tarsus 301.
13. Antioch 141.
14. Tyre 252.
15. Jerusalem 168.

In all 4080 Roman, or 3740 English miles. See the Itineraries published by Wesseling, his annotations; Gale and Stukeley for Britain, and M. d'Anville for Gaul and Italy.

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