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                             "WHY WE NEED"

                           The Lord's Supper


1. In this series, I have sought to emphasize why we need......
   a. God               e. The Gospel of Christ
   b. The Bible         f. Baptism into Christ
   c. Jesus Christ      g. The Church of Christ
   d. The Holy Spirit

2. We now turn our attention to the Lord's Supper, also known as...
   a. The Communion - 1Co 10:16
   b. The Breaking Of Bread - Ac 2:42; 20:7
   c. The Eucharist, from the Greek eucharisteo, "giving of thanks",
      which Christ did at the time of its institution - Mt 26:26-27

3. The Lord's Supper is a simple act, in which Christians...
   a. Partake of unleavened bread, and drink of the fruit of the vine
   b. Do so together, as they assemble for that very purpose

4. Why do we need the Lord's Supper?  I suppose one could simply say...
   a. It was instituted by the Lord Himself - cf. Mt 26:26-28
   b. It's observance was commanded by the Lord - cf. 1Co 11:24-25

[But to encourage stronger appreciation for the Supper, and a greater
commitment to keeping its observance, let's first review...]


      1. The Biblical evidence is that it was done on the first day of
         the week
         a. Christians came together on the first day of the week to
            "break bread" - Ac 20:7
         b. "Breaking bread" is likely a reference to the Lord's Supper
            - cf. 1Co 10:16-17
      2. Other indications of a weekly observance:
         a. The church at Corinth was coming together to eat the Lord's
            Supper, though they were abusing it - cf. 1Co 11:17-22
         b. Instructions concerning the collection suggest their coming
            together was on the first day of the week - cf. 1Co 16:1-2
      -- Following the divinely approved example of Christians in the
         Bible, we know God approves of a weekly observance on the first
         day of the week

      1. The earliest historical evidence outside the Bible confirms the
         day and frequency
         a. The Didache (ca. 95 A.D.) indicates Christians were to come
            together on the first day of the week to break bread
            - Didache 14:1
         b. Justin Martyr (ca. 150 A.D.) records how Christians
            assembled on Sunday and partook of the Supper - Apology I, 67
         c. "...the early church writers from Barnabas, Justin Martyr,
            Irenaeus, to Clement of Alexandria, Origen and Cyprian, all
            with one consent, declare that the church observed the first
            day of the week. They are equally agreed that the Lord's
            Supper was observed weekly, on the first day of the week."
            - B. W. Johnson, People's New Testament
      2. Religious scholars confirm this was the practice
         a. "As we have already remarked, the celebration of the Lord's
            Supper was still held to constitute an essential part of
            divine worship every Sunday, as appears from Justin Martyr
            (A.D. 150)..." - Augustus Neander (Lutheran), History Of
            Christian Religion And Church, Vol. I, p. 332
         b. "This ordinance (the Lord's Supper) seems to have been
            administered every Lord's day; and probably no professed
            Christian absented themselves..." - Thomas Scott
            (Presbyterian), Commentary On Acts 20:7
         c. "This also is an important example of weekly communion as
            the practice of the first Christians." - A. C. Hervey
            (Episcopalian), Commentary On Acts 20:7
         d. "It is well known that the primitive Christians administered
            the Eucharist (the Lord's Supper) every Lord's day."
            - P. Doddridge (Congregationalist), Notes On Acts 20:7
      -- The overwhelming consensus of extra biblical sources supports
         our conclusion that the Biblical practice was to observe the
         Lord's Supper each first day of the week

[Even so, some who would agree that when done it should be on the first
day of the week are not always diligent to observe the Supper each week.
Perhaps they need to be reminded of...]


      1. Note Paul's account as given by the Lord Himself - 1Co 11:
         a. We eat the bread in memory of His body
         b. We drink the cup (fruit of the vine) in memory of His blood
      2. We therefore commemorate the death of Jesus on the cross - Mt
         a. Whose death make the new covenant possible - He 9:16
         b. Whose blood was shed for the remission of sins - Ep 1:7
      -- Is not the memorial of the Lord's suffering, death, and shed
         blood worthy of faithful observance?

      1. We proclaim our faith in the efficacy of the Lord's death
         - 1Co 11:26a
         a. That His death was indeed for our sins
         b. If we don't believe He died for our sins, why keep the
      2. We also proclaim our faith in the Lord's return - 1Co 11:26b
         a. For it is to be done "till He comes"
         b. If we don't believe He is coming, then why keep the Supper?
      -- Is not the proclamation of the Lord's redemption and return
         worthy of faithful observance?

      1. Reflecting upon one's spiritual condition - 1Co 11:28-32
         a. Examining one's self
         b. Discerning the Lord's body
         c. Judging ourselves so as not to be judged
      2. Are we living in a manner that shows appreciation for His
         a. By accepting the grace of God in our lives? - cf. 2Co 5:18-
         b. By living for Jesus who died for us? - cf. 2Co 5:14-15; Ga
      3. Or are we living in a manner that shows disregard for His
         a. By willful sinning - cf. He 10:26-29
         b. By refusing to repent - cf. He 6:4-6
      -- Is not the time for such reflection worthy of faithful

      1. It is a fellowship or sharing in the blood of Christ - 1Co 
         a. As we partake, we commune with the blood of Christ
         b. Perhaps in the sense of reinforcing blessings we enjoy
            through the blood of Christ
      2. It is a fellowship or sharing in the body of Christ - 1Co 
         a. As we partake, we commune with the body of Christ
         b. Perhaps in the sense of reinforcing fellowship together in
            the body of Christ (i.e., the church), as we break bread
      -- Is the communion that we have with the Lord's blood and body
         worthy of our faithful observance?

      1. The disciples "came together" to break bread - Ac 20:7
      2. Eating of the same bread reflects our oneness in Christ - 1Co 
      3. Thus Christians were to wait for one another - 1Co 11:33
      -- Is the not the fellowship we have with one another in Christ
         reflected in the Supper worthy of faithful observance?


1. The first Christians "continued steadfastly" in its observance...
   a. Just as they did in the apostles' doctrine, fellowship and prayer
      - Ac 2:42
   b. Coming together on the first day of the week for that very purpose
      - Ac 20:7
   c. Coming together every first day of the week, as supported by
      historical sources

2. Christians today should never lose sight of the significance of the
   Lord's Supper...
   a. As a memorial of the great sacrifice Jesus paid for our sins
   b. As a proclamation of our faith in the Lord's death and His return
   c. As a time for reflection and rededication of our service to the
   d. As a communion or sharing in the body and blood of the Lord
   e. As a means for building fellowship with one another in the body of

Do we appreciate our need for the Lord's Supper today?  The frequency
and manner of our observance reveals the extent of our understanding of
the need for this wonderful ordinance...
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