
MOELLER, JOHANN FRIEDRICH: German Lutheran theologian; b. at Erfurt Nov. 13, 1789; d. at Magdeburg Apr. 20, 1861. He was educated at the gymnasium in Erfurt and the University of Göttingen. In 1814 he became teacher of catechet ics and methods at the teachers' seminary of Eo furt, in the following year also deacon of the Bar fiisser-Kirche, in 1829 regular pastor, in 1831 senior of the Evangelical ministry, and in 1832 councilor of the consistory. By the publication of religious poems, Christengldck and Chridenwandel in re ligiosen Gesdngen (Erfurt, 1817), he attracted the attention of Claus Harms (q.v.) with whom he came into personal relation. His activity at Er furt, though successful, was hampered by the hos tile attitude of the so-called Old Lutherans, who resisted all attempts at conformity with the Prus sian Union. In 1843 he was appointed general su perintendent of Magdeburg, and here, too, had to face struggles with rationalistic elements such as the Friends of Light (q.v.), and with the ecclesias tical administration of the province. His failing health compelled him in 1857 to lay down his office as general superintendent, but he still remained for some time first preacher of the cathedral church in Magdeburg. During his activity at Erfurt, in the interest of religious instruction in the public schools, he published Ueber die erste Behandlung des Relvimxsunterrichts in den unteren Klasaen der Volkmthule, i., Die eigentliche Gotteslehre (Erfurt, 1824); and Unterlagen der Gotteserkenntnis in der christlichen Volksschule (2 ed., 1836). Other pub lications, prompted by the same tendency, are: Leit faden and Spruehbuch zum Konfiawnandenunter richt nach dem Katechisrma Luthers (Magdeburg, 1850); Hdndreiehung der Kiruhe an die SChule zum Eingang in die heiligen zehn Gebote Gates (1850); Kateehetisch-evangelische Unterweisung in den hei ligen zehn Geboten Goths nach dem Katechismus Lutheri (1854). His first collection of spiritual poems was followed by Der christliche Glaube und das christliche Leben; geistliche Lieder and Geadnge für Kirche, Schule, and Haul (Erfurt, 1822) from which Harms made a number of selections for his hymn-book; toward the close of his life Moller published another collection, Geistliche Dichtungen and Gesdnge anf Unterlage der heidigen Schrift (Mag- deburg, 1852).

(W. Möller†.)

MOELLER, LARS OTTO: Danish pastor and author; b. in Taarup parish, Denmark, Feb. 20, 1831. He received his education at Horsens' Skole (B.A., 1852), and at the University of Copenhagen (candidate in theology, 1858); became chaplain at Gylling in 1860, and provost in 1870. He is justly renowned for his original contributions to Danish theology, grounded in the school of Nicolai Grundt vig (q.v.), but original and independent and opposed to the "new Grundtvig school." His chief work is Genldan%ngen eller Jesu Christi Liv, Dod og Opatan.. delse til Verdens Frelae (1884). In defense of Grundt vig's ideas he has written S»aaabidrog tit at oplyse den kirkelige Anskuelses Berettigelae (1866); Det faldns Menneakea Gen ft;delse og Fornyedse ved Daab og Nad ver (2d ed., 1872); Det gienopreiste Menneskes Tjeneste i Ordets Forkyndelae og Bekendelae (1877). Other works are: Til Forstaaelse og Bedommelae of Nutidena FritBnkeri (1881; a vigorous attack on infidelity); Den kristelige Vished eller Troert8 fadde Forvisning (1892); Noget om Determiniarne og Frihed (1893). His attitude to the New Testament is shown in: Den Eaxangeliske Historic eller Herrens Liv pas Jorden (2d ed., 1892); Forsog til en kort Forklaring over St. Joh. Aabenbaring (1888); and to the Old Testament in: En Opdrager til Christua for dem " som ikke have Lover "; En Betragtning of de 10 Buds Forhold tit Hedningernea Sandhedalov . (1899); Nogle Sto#epunkter under Bed6m. naelsen egf det gl. Test. (1893). His ability as a preacher was made known to wide circles by Fra Gylling Kirke. En Adrgang Prddikener (1899). JOHN O. EVJEN.


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