

The following list of books is supplementary to the bibliographies given at the end of the articles contained in vols. I.-VII., and brings the literature down to March, 1910. In this list each title entry is printed in capital letters. It is to be noted that, throughout the work, in the articles as a rule only first editions are given. In the bibliographies the aim is to give either the best or the latest edition, and in case the book is published both in America and in some other country, the American place of issue is usually given the preference.

Abraham a Sancta Clara: Werke in Auslese, ed. H. Strigl, 6 vols., Vienna, 1904-07.

Adam of Bremen: P. W. Kohlmann, Adam von Bremen, Leipsic, 1909.

Adeney, W. F.: See below, God.

Africa: S. A. Donaldson, Church Life and Thought in North Africa, A.D. 200, London, 1909.

J. C. Lambert, Missionary Heroes in Africa, Philadelphia, 1909.

Agriculture, Hebrew: F. Lundgreen, Die Benutzung der Pflanzenwelt in der alttestamentlichen Religion, Giessen, 1908.

Ainger, A.: E. Sichel, The Life and Letters of Alfred Ainger, London, 1910.

Aleandro, G.: J. Paquier, Lettres familières de Jérome Aléandro (1510-40), Paris, 1909.

Amorites: A. T. Clay, Amurru, the Home of the Northern Semites; a Study showing that the Religion and Culture of Israel are not of Babylonian Origin, Philadelphia, 1910.

Anderson, G.: Hitherto Untold, New York, 1910.

Andrewes, L.: An edition of his Manual for the Sick is published, New York, 1909.

Angels: T. Laval, Le Monde invisible, ou traité dogmatique et ascetique des anges, Paris, 1909.

Angelus: The Angelus and the Regina Coeli; with a few short Notes, explanatory and historical, New York, 1910.

Apocrypha: H. M. Hughes, The Ethics of Jewish Apocryphal Literature, London, 1909.

Apologetics: E. Boutraux, Science and Religion in Contemporary Philosophy, London, 1909.

H. C. King, Letters on the Greatness and Simplicity of the Christian Faith, Boston, 1909.

A. S. Peake, Christianity: its Nature and its Truth, New York, 1909.

W. S. Turton, The Truth of Christianity. Being an Examination of the more important Arguments for and against Believing in Christianity, New York, 1909.

C. D. Williams, A Valid Christianity for To-day, ib., 1909.

Arabia: O. Weber, Eduard Glaser's Forschungsreisen in Südarabien, Leipsic, 1909.

Arianism: D. H. von Schubert, Das älteste germanische Christentum, oder der sogenannten "Arianismus" der Germanen, Tübingen, 1909.

Aristotle: The Works of Aristotle are to be translated into English under the editorship of J. A. Smith and W. D. Ross; of this series there have appeared the Parva naturalia, De lineus insecobilibus, Metaphysica.

I. Bywater, Aristotle on the Art of Poetry (Text, Introduction, Transl.), London, 1908-1909.

Arnold, T.: H. M. Butler, Ten Great and Good Men, New York, 1909.

Art and Church: L. von Sybel, Christliche Antike. Einfuhrung in die altchristliche Kunst, vol. ii., Plastik, Architektur, und Malerei, Marburg, 1909.

Asbury, F.: G. P. Mains, Francis Asbury, London, 1910.

Athanasian Creed: W. Hay, The Athanasian Creed, London, 1909.

Atonement: E. DeW. Burton, and J. M. P. and G. B. Smith, Biblical Ideas of Atonement, Chicago, 1909.

Augustine: Scripta contra Donatistas, pars iii., ed. M. Petschenig, Vienna, 1910.

Baalbek: K. Maurer, Baalbek, Darmstadt, 1909.

Bacon, B. W.: See below, John the Apostle.

Bacon, R.: Liber primus Communium naturalium; Partes prima et secunda ed. R. Steele, New York, 1909, also Metaphysica, de viciis contractis in studio, ib., 1909.

Banks, L. A.: The Problems of Youth; A Series of Discourses for Young People on Themes of the Book of Proverbs, New York, 1909.

Barnabas: J. M. Heer, Die versio Latina des Barnabasbriefes und ihr Verhältnis zur altlateinischen Bibel, Freiburg, 1908.

Bellarmine: J. de la Servière, La Théologie de Bellarmine, Paris, 1909.

Bible Text: Der Codex Boernerianus der Briefe des Apostels Paulus in Lidhtdruck nachgebildet, Leipsic, 1909.

Bible Versions: H. von Soden, Das lateinische Neue Testament in Afrika zur Zeit Cyprians, in TU, xxxiii., Leipsic, 1909.

Die aramäischen Bibel-Versionen (Targumim); Targum Jonatan ben Uzziel und Targum Jerusalem, Text, Umschrift, und Uebersetzung . . . von M. Altschüler, vol. i., Genesis, Vienna, 1909.


The Octateuch in Ethiopic, According to the Text of the Paris Codex, With the Variants of Five Other MSS., ed. J. O. Boyd, part i., Genesis, in Bibliotheca Abessinica, ed. E. Littmann, Leyden, 1909.

S. Feist, Etymologisches Wörterbuch der gotischen Sprache, mit Einschluss der sogenannten Krimgotischen, part ii., Halle, 1909.

Bibical Criticism: P. Fiebig, Aufgaben der neutestamentlichen Forschung in der Gegenwart, Leipsic, 1909.

Bibical Theology: A. Schlatter, Die Theologie des Neuen Testaments, Vol. i., Das Wort Jesu, Stuttgart, 1908.

S. E. Keeble, The Social Teaching of the Bible, New York, 1909.

F. S. Schenck, The Sociology of the Bible, ib., 1909.

M. Dibelius, Die Geisterwelt im Glauben des Paulus, Göttingen, 1909.

J. Adams, Israel's Ideal; or Studies in O. T. Theology, Edinburgh, 1910.

Bottome, Margaret: Heart to Heart Letters; being Extracts from the Letters of Margaret Bottome to a Son, New York, 1910.

Bourignon de la Porte, A.: A. R. Macewen, Antoinette Bourignon, Quietist, London, 1909.

Buddhism: H. Hackmann, Buddhism as a Religion; its Historical Development and present Conditions, London, 1909.

Burial: S. KIein, Tod und Begräbnis in Palästina zur Zeit der Tannaiter, Berlin, 1909.

Butler, H. M.: Ten Great and Good Men. Lectures, New York, 1909.

Cabala: Sepher ha-Zohar. Le Livre de la splendeur. Doctrine ésotérique des Israélites, Paris, 1909.

Calvin J.: A. Rüegg, Die Beziehungen Calvins zu Heinrich Bullinger und der von ihm geleiteten zürcherischen Kirche, Zurich, 1909.

Campbell, A.: J. Egbert, Alexander Campbell and Christian Liberty, St. Louis, 1909.

Campion, E.: Works, ed. P. Vivian, Oxford, 1909.

Cemeteries: J. Wilpert, Die Papstgräber und die Cäciliengruft in der Katakombe des heiligen Kallistus, Freiburg, 1909.

Chase, F. H.: Confirmation in the Apostolic Age, London, 1909.

China: See below, Korea.

S. P. Conger, Letters from China, London, 1909.

J. J. M. Degroot, The Religion of the Chinese, New York, 1910.

Feng-Shen-Yen-I. Die Metamorphosen der Götter. Aus dem, Chinesischen . . . by W. Grube, vol. i., Leyden, 1909.

Christmas: R. Beck, Das heilige Weihnachtsfest, Regensburg, 1909.

Christology: J. C. Granbery, Outline of N. T. Christology, Chicago, 1909.

Church: A. M. Fairbairn, Studies in Religion and Theology; The Church in Idea and in History, London and New York, 1910.

Church History: S. A. Donaldson. See above, Africa.

K. Heussi, Kompendium der Kirchengeschichte, 2d half, 2d division, Aufklärung. Neueste Zeit, Tübingen, 1909.

A. C. Flick, The Rise of the Mediæval Church, London, 1909.

Clement VII: C. F. Young, The Medici, i. 436-493, London, 1909.

Clement of Rome: H. Hemmer, Clément de Rome, epître aux Corinthiens. Homélie du ii. siècle, Paris, 1909.

Colenso, J. W.: A. T. Wirgman, Life of James Green, London; 1909. (Dr. James Green was the archopponent of Colenso; and this book in dealing with Green throws much light on Colenso.

Comparative Religion: W. S. Lilly, Many Mansions; being Studies in Ancient Religions and Modern Thought, London, 1907.

F. B. Jevons, An Introduction to the Study of Comparative Religion, New York,1908.

W. O. E. Oesterly, The Evolution of the Messianic Idea. A Study in Comparative Religion, London, 1908.

G. Galloway, The Principles of Religious Development, ib., 1909.

R. R. Marett, The Threshold of Religion, ib., 1909.

E. Mogk, Die Menschenopfer bei den Germanen, in the Abhandlungen of the Royal Saxon Academy, Philological-historical class, vol. xxxvii., no. 17, 1909.

F. Cumont, Les Religions orientales dans le paganisme romain, 2d ed., Paris, 1909.

W. St. C. Tisdall, Comparative Religion, London, 1909.

Conder, C. R.: The City of Jerusalem, London, 1909.

Confirmation. See above, Chase.

Confucius: L. H. Schutz, Die hohe Lehre des Confucius, Frankfort, 1909.

Conscience: G. Hughes, Conscience and Criticism, London, 1909.

Constantinople: E. M. Antoniadi, Beschreibung der Hagia Sophia in Konstantinopel, vol. i., Paris, 1909.

Conwell, R. H.: He Goeth before you, Cleveland, 1910.

Cosmas Indicopleustes: The Christian Topography of Cosmas . . . , ed. with Geographical Notes by E. O. Winstedt, Cambridge, 1910.

Councils: C. J. Hefele, New French transl. of the Conciliengeschichte, Histoire des conciles, augmented with notes, vols. i. . . . iii. 1, Paris, 1907-09.

Creation: W. F. Warren, The Earliest Cosmologies, New York, 1909.

Creighton, M.: Lessons from the Cross, London, 1910.

Dante: W. H. V. Reade, The Moral System of Dante's Inferno, New York, 1909.

P. Toynbee, Dante in English Literature from Chaucer to Cary, 2 vols., ib., 1909.

Quæstio de aqua et terra, ed. and transl. C. L. Shadwell, ib., 1910.

Deaconess: W. M. Tippy, The Socialized Church, New York, 1909.

Divorce: J. P. Lichtenberger Divorce; a Study in Social Causation, New York, 1909.

Dobschütz, E. von: The Apostolic Age, London, 1909.

Doctrine, History of: O. Pfleiderer, The Development of Theology in Germany since Kant, New York, 1909.

Dods, M.: Christ and Man, ed. H. R. Mackintosh, London, 1909.


Driver, S. R.: Modern Research as Illustrating the Bible, London, 1909; Introduction to the . . . O. T., 10th ed., 1909.

Eddy, M. B. G.: G. Milmine, The Life of Mary Baker G. Eddy and the History of Christian Science, New York, 1909.

Egli, E.: Schweizerische Kirchengeschichte, vol. i., 1519-25, Zurich, 1909.

Egypt: J. O. Bevan, Egypt and the Egyptians. Their History, Antiquities, Language, etc., London, 1910.

E. Naville, The Old Egyptian Faith, ib., 1909.

E. A. W. Budge, new ed. of his transl. of the Book of the Dead, ib., 1909.

Egypt Exploration Fund: E. Naville, The Temple of Deir el Bahari, London, 1909. The Monkey Tomb and the Gold Tomb, by T. M. Davis. King Siphtah and Queen Tansorit, by G. Maspero. The Excavations of 1905-07, by E. Ayrton, ib., 1909.

England, Church of: C. S. Carter, The English Church in the Seventeenth Century, New York, 1909.

Church Congress held at Swansea Oct. 4-8, 1909, Official Report, London, 1909.

Epistolæ Obscurorum Virorum: The Latin Text, with an English Rendering, Notes, and an Historical Introduction by Francis Green Stokes, London, 1909.

Erskine, T.: H. M. Butler, Ten Great and Good Men, New York, 1909.

Eusebius of Cæsarea: Kirchengeschichte. Die lateinische Uebersetzung des Rufinus bearbeitet . . . von T. Mommsen, part 3, Einleitungen, Uebersichten und Register, Leipsic, 1909.

Exorcism: F. J. Dölger, Der Exorcismus im altchristlichen Taufritual, Paderborn, 1909.

Ezra and Nehemiah: G. Jahn, Die Bücher Ezra (A und B) und Nehemja . . . , mit Erklärungen der einschlägigen Prophetenstellen und einem Anhang über hebräische Eigennamen; Leyden, 1909.

Fairbairn, A. M.: See above, Church.

Faith: R. J. Drummond, Faith's Certainties, London, 1909.

G. Hoffmann, Die Lehre von der Fides implicita, Leipsic, 1909.

Fénélon, F.: M. Cagnac, Fénélon. Études critiques, Paris, 1909.

Ficker, P. J.: Anfänge reformatorischer Bibelauslegung, i., parts 1-2, Luther's Vorlesung über den Römerbrief 1575-1576, Leipsic, 1908.

Fox, W. J.: R. Garnett, The Life of W. J. Fox, Public Teacher and Social Reformer, 1786-1864, New York, 1910.

Francis Saint, of Sales: M. Hamon, Vie de S. Francis de Sales, 2 vols., Paris, 1909.

Friends, Society of: Elizabeth B. Emmott, The Story of Quakerism, London, 1908.

Amelia B. Gummere, The Quaker in the Forum, Philadelphia, 1910.

Future Punishment: W. R. Savage, The Resurrection of Judgment (St. John v. 29 R. V.); or, Eternal not Endless Punishment the Doctrine of Holy Writ, London, 1909.

Garvie, A. E. Life and Teaching of Paul, Edinburgh, 1910.

Gelzer, H, 1: Add to the works by him Sextus Julius Africanus, 2 parts, Leipsic, 1880-98; Ausgewählte kleine Sehriften, 1907; Byzantinische Kulturgeschiehte, 1909, the last two ed. his son Heinrich.

Geneva: C. Borgeaud, Histoire de l'Université de Genève, Geneva, 1909.

God: W. F. Adeney, The Christian Conception of God London, 1909.

L. Hill, The Two Great Questions; The Existence of God and the Immortality of the Soul, Chicago, 1909.

Goltz, E. Freiherr von der: Add to the works by him Ignatius van Antioch, in TU, xiii. 3 (1895); Nachrichten aus dem evangelischen Predigeraeminar, Wittenberg, 1909.

Goltz, H. Freiherr von der: Kirche und Staat, and Grundlagen der christlichen Sozial-Ethik, both ed. his son, Berlin, 1907-08.

Gore, C.: Orders and Unity, London and New York, 1910.

Gospel and Gospels: C. G. Montefiore, The Synoptic Gospels . . . with Introduction and Commentary, additional Notes by I. Abrahams, vols. i.-ii., London, 1909.

W. Fairweather, The Background of the Gospels; or Judaism in the Period between the Old and New Testaments, New York, 1909.

J. C. Hawkins, Horæ synopticæ. Contributions to the Study of the Synoptic Problems, 2d ed., New York, 1910.

Gottheil, R. J. H.: Semitic Study Series, ed. R. J. H. Gottheil and M. Jastrow Jr., Leyden, 1909.

Grafton, C. C.: A Journey Godward of Doulos lesou Christou (a Servant of Jesus Christ), Milwaukee, 1910 (autobiography).

Hades: M. Landau, Holle und Fegfeuer in Volksglaube, Dichtung and Kirchenlehre, Heidelberg, 1909.

Hall, T. C.: Social Solutions in the Light of Christian Ethics, New York, 1910.

Hamburg, Archbishopric of: F. Curschmann, Die älteren Papsturkunden des Erzbistums Hamburg, Hamburg, 1909.

Hammurabi: A. Ungnad, Keilschrifttexte der Gesetze Hammurapis Autographie der Stele sowie der altbabylonischen, assyrischen und neubabylonischen Fragmenta, Leipsic, 1909.

J. Kohler and A. Ungnad, Hammurabis Gesetz, vol. iii., ib., 1909.

Harmony of the Gospels: H. M. Loudon, The Life of Our Lord in the Words of the Evangelists, London, 1909.

Hartmann, K. R. E. von: O. Braun, Eduard von Hartmann, Stuttgart, 1909.

Hawaiian Islands: N. B. Emerson, Unwritten Literature of Hawaii; The Sacred Songs of the Hula, collected and transl. with Notes and an Account of the Hula, Washington, 1909.

Heinrici, K. F. G.: Beiträge zur Geschichte und Erklärung des N. T., vol. v., Des Petrus von Laodicea Erklärung den Matthäusevangeliums, Leipsic, 1908.

Hexateuch: F. A. Jones, The Dates of Genesis, London, 1909.

W. Engelkemper, Heiligtum und Opferstätten in den Gesetzen den Pentateuch, Paderborn, 1909.

W. A. Van Es, De Eigendom in den Pentateuch, Kempen, 1909.


H. M. Wiener, Essays in Pentateuchal Criticism; Oberlin, 1910 (restates the conservative position).

Hibbert Lectures: 1909, W. James, Pluralistic Universe, London and New York, 1909.

Hinduism: R. B. L. B. Nath, The Bhagwad Gita in Modern Life, Calcutta, 1909.

Hobbes, T.: In Cambridge Modern History, vi. 785 sqq., New York, 1909.

Holland: G. W. Edwards, Holland of To-day, New York, 1909.

Jaarboek der Vereeniging voor nederlandschluthersche Kerkgeschiedenis, ed., J. W. Pont, Amsterdam, 1909.

Holy Spirit: A. C. Dawner, The Mission and Ministration of the Holy Spirit, London, 1909.

Homiletics: A. S. Hoyt, The Preacher; his Person, Method, and Message, New York, 1909.

Horsley, S.: H. H. Jebb, A Great Bishop of One Hundred Years ago. A Sketch of the Life of Samuel Horsley, London, 1909.

Hort, F. J. A.: The Epistle of St. James; Greek Text, Introduction, and Commentary as far as iv. 7, London, 1909, New York, 1910.

Hulsean Lectures: 1909-10, W. E. Chadwick, Social Relationships in the Light of Christianity, London, 1910.

Hume, D.: In Cambridge Modern History, vi. 819 sqq., New York, 1909.

Idealism: C. Werner, Aristote et l'idéalism platonicien, Paris, 1909.

R. C. Eucken, Christianity oral the New Idealism, New York, 1909.

Ignatius of Loyola: See below, Jesuits. J. Thompson, St. Ignatius of Loyola, ed. J. H. Pollen, London, 1909, New York, 1910.

Immortality: See above, God.

Incense: E. G. C. F. Atchley, A History of the Use of Incense in Divine Worship, London, 1909.

India: S. von Ketkar, The History of Caste in India; Evidence of the Laws of Manu on the Social Conditions in India during the third Century A. D., vol. i., New York, 1909.

A. Lillie, India in Primitive Christianity, London, 1909.

Infallibility of the Pope: W. J. S. Simpson, Roman Catholic Opposition to Papal Infallibility, London, 1909.

Inge, W. R.: Faith and its Psychology, London, 1909, New York, 1910.

Isaac of Nineveh: De perfectione religionsa, ed. P. Bedjan, Leipsic, 1910.

Israel, History of: E. E. Jessel, The Unknown History of the Jews. Discovered from the ancient Records and Monuments of Egypt and Babylon, London, 1909.

J. H. Kann, Geschichte der jüdischen Literatur, 2 vols., 2d ed., Hamburg, 1909.

N. Slouschz, The Renaissance of Hebrew Literature (1743-1885), Philadelphia, 1909.

H. Brody and K. Albrecht, The New Hebrew School of Poets of the Spanish Arabian Epoch, London, 1909.

O. A. Tofteen, The Historic Exodus, Chicago, 1909.

B. H. Alford, Old Testament History and Literature, London, 1910.

D. W. Amram, The Makers of Hebrew Books in Italy; being Chapters in the History of the Hebrew Printing Press, Philadelphia, 1910.

A. T. Clay, Amurru, the Home of the Northern Semites; a Study showing that the Religion and Culture of Israel are not of Babylonian Origin, ib., 1910.

N. D. Davis, Notes on the History of the Jews in Barbados, ib., 1910.

Jainism: U. D. Barodia, History and Literature of Jainism, London, 1909.

James: See above, Hort.

Japan: See below, Korea.

H. B. Montgomery, The Empire of the East. A simple Account of Japan as it was, is and will be, Chicago, 1909.

Jefferson, C. E.: Talks on High Themes for Young Christians, Boston, 1909.

Jesuits: In Cambridge Modern History, vi., 386 sqq., 591 sqq., New York, 1909.

A. Astrian, Historia de la Compañia de Jesus en la Asistencia de España, vol. iii., Madrid, 1909.

P. von Hoensbroech, 14 Jahre Jesuit. Persönliches und grundsätzliches, Leipaic, 1909.

T. Hughes, The History of the Society of Jesus in North America Colonial and Federal, London, 1909.

Attention should be called to the important sources available in the Monuments historica societatis Jesu in course of publication in several series at Freiburg since 1894, of which over thirty volumes have already been published, including J. A. de Polanco's Vita lgnatii Loiolæ et rerum societatis Jesu historia, 6 vols., 1894-98, and several series of Epistolæ.

Jesus Christ: W. Bauer, Das Leben Jesu im Zeitalter der neutestamentlichen Apokryphen, Tübingen, 1909.

C. Mommert, Zur Chronologie des Lebens Jesu, Leipsic, 1909.

Jesus Christ, Pictures . . . of: J. Burns, The Christ Face in Art, London, 1909.

John the Apostle: B. W. Bacon, The Fourth Gospel in Research and Debate, New York, 1910.

John of Salisbury: C. I. Webb, John of Salisbury, 2 vols., Oxford, 1909.

Kempis, Thomas a.: J. Williams, Thomas of Kempen, London, 1909.

King, H. C.: The Ethics of Jesus, New York, 1910; also see above, Apologetics.

Kliefoth, T. F. D.: E. Haack, Dr. Theodor Kliefoth, 1910.

Knox, G. W.: The Gospel of Jesus the Son of God; an Interpretation for the modern Man, Boston, 1909.

Korea: H. G. Underwood, The Religions of Eastern Asia, New York, 1910.

Miss A. L. A. Baird, Daybreak in Korea, New York, 1909.

Ladd, G. T.: Knowledge, Life, and Reality; an Essay in Systematic Philosophy, New York, 1910.

Lamaism: J. Sheepshanks, My Life in Mongolia, London, 1903.

H. Leder, Das geheimnisvolle Tibet. Reisefrüchte aus dem geistlichen Reiche den Dalai-Lama, Leipsic, 1909.

S. Hedin, Transhimalaya, New York, 1909.


Lamennais, H. F. R. de: Le Prêtre et l'ami. Lettres inédites de Lamennais à la baronne Cotter, 1818-54, Paris, 1909.

Lang, A.: Aphoristische Betrachtungen über das Kausalproblem, Cologne, 1909.

Lea, H. C.: Die Werke von Henry Charles Lea und verwandte Bücher, Münster, 1908.

Leibnitz: E. Ruck, Die leibniz'sche Staatsidee, Tübingen, 1909.

Leo X.: C. F. Young, The Medici, i. 403-427, London, 1909.

Liturgics: J. B. Wainewright, The Office for the Commemoration of Peter and Paul according to the Byzantine Rite, London, 1909.

A. Franz, Die kirchliche Benediktionen im Mittelalter, 2 vols., Freiburg, 1910.

Locke, J.: In Cambridge Modern History, vi. 809 sqq., New York, 1909.

Lombards: C. Blasel, Die Wanderzüge der Langobarden, Breslau, 1909.

F. Dahn, Königthums der germanischen Stämme und seine Geschichte bis zur Auflösung des karolingischen Reiches, vol. xii., Die Langobarden, Leipsic, 1909.

Lord's Prayer: J. D. Jones, The Model Prayer; a Series of Expositions, New York, 1909.

Los von Rom: F. E. Clarke, The Gospel in Latin Lands. Outline Studies of Protestant Work in Latin Countries of Europe and America, London and New York, 1909.

Lourdes: P. G. Boissarie, Heaven's Recent Wonders; or, the Work of Lourdes, New York, 1910.

A. Imbert-Goubeyre, La Stigmatisation, l'extase divine, et les miracles de Lourdes, 2 vols., Paris, 1894.

Lully, Raymond: O. Keicher, Raymundus Lullus und seine Stellung zur arabischen Philosophie, Münster, 1909.

Luther, M.: H. Denifle and A. M. Weiss, Luther und Luthertum in der ersten Entwickelung, vol. ii., Mainz, 1909.

Lutherans: See above, Holland.

Mainz: R. Wenck, Die Stellung des Erzstiftes Mainz im Gange der deutschen Geschichte, 1909.

Mani, Manicheism: C. Salemann, Manichäische Studien. Die mittelpersischen Texte in . . . Transcription, mit Glossar und grammatischen Bemerkungen, Leipsic, 1909.

Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ: B. Bartmann, Christus ein Gegner des Marienkultus? Freiburg, 1909.

Materialism: H. Thoden van Velzen, System des religiösen Materialismus, Leyden, 1909.

Matheson, G.: St. John's Portrait of Christ, London, 1810.

Mathews, S.: The Social Gospel, Philadelphia, 1910.

Matilda, Countess of Tuscany: Nora Duff, Matilda of Tuscany, London, 1909.

Matthew: A new commentary is by E. E. Anderson, Edinburgh, 1909.

Mediator: W. O. E. Oesterley, The Jewish Doctrine of Mediation, London, 1910.

Medo-Persia: A. Hoffmann-Kutsehke, Die altpersischen Keilinschriften des Grosskönigs Dārajawausch I. bei Behistun, Stuttgart, 1909.

Methodist: W. Burt, Europe and Methodism, Cincinnati, 1909.

Midrash: M. S. Zuckermandel, Tosefta, Mischna und Boraitha in ihrem Verhältnis zu einander, oder palästinensische und babylonische Halacha, vol. ii., Frankfort, 1909.

Milicz pf Kremsier: F. H. H. V. Lützow, The Life and Times of Master John Hus, pp. 27-37, London and New York, 1909.

Missions to the Heathen: A. Launay, Hist. des missions de Chine, 4 vols., Paris, 1909.

Modernism: J. H. F. Peile, Ecclesia discens: the Church's Lesson from the Age, New York, 1909.

Moffat, J.: The Second Things in Life, London, 1910.

Mohammed, Mohammedanism: J. Schapiro, Die haggadischen Elemente im erzählenden Teil des Korans, Strasburg, 1907.

M. Hartmann, Der Islam. Geschichte, Leipsic, 1909.

Monasticism: K. Lake, The Early Days of Monasticism on Mount Athos, London, 1909, New York, 1910.

Monte Cassino: E. Caspar, Petrus Diaconus und die Monte Cassineser Fälschungen, Berlin, 1909.


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