
HYDROPARASTATÆ (AQUARII): A sect that used water instead of wine in the Lord's Supper. They were named in three edicts of the Codex Theodosianus (lib. xvi. 5, 7, 9 and 11) in connection with the Manicheans, and were also called Encratitae, Apotactitae and Saccophori. Theodoret (MPG, lxxxiii. 369) associated them with the Encratites as adherents of Tatian (cf. Chrysostom, MPG, liii. 740; Philastrius, Hær. lxxvii.; Augustine, Hær. Ixiv.; Praelestinatus, Har. briv.). The existence of the sect in earlier centuries is not attested, although, undoubtedly, at a still earlier date than that of the Aquarians, encratistic tendencies might well have led to the disuse of communion wine. On the other hand, the practise which Cyprian censured (ANF, v. 359), of administering bread and water at communion, was not encratistie, but founded on the fear that by the use of wine in the early morning, people might betray themselves to be Christians.

G. Krüger.

Bibliography: F. Cabrol, Dictionnaire d'archdoiogie chrétimne, part ix. 2848-54 (exhaustive); DCB: iii. is3· Schaff, Christian Church, ii 495; $urts, Church History, i. 118, New York, 1889; A. Soheiwiier, Die Elements der Sucharistie in den erefan drei Jahrhunderten. Main:, 1903.

HYGINUS, hi-jai'nvs: A bishop of Rome in the second century. In the oldest lists his name stands eighth, between Telesphorus and Anicetus, and his episcopate is assigned to the years 136-40. But no dependence can be placed on the chronological data in this case. All that is definitely known of him is that he was a prominent member of the college of presbyters in Rome before the middle of the second century.

(A. Hauck.)

Bibliography: Sources are: Irenaeus, Hær. iii. 3; Eusebius, Hist. eccl., iv. 10. 11, v. 6; Liber pontificalis, ed. Ducheme, i. 131, Paris, 1886, end. Mommsen, in MGH, Gest. pont. Rom., i (1898), 13, 234. Consult: dSB, Jan, i. 866; R. A. Lipdus, Chronologie der rom%echsn Bischofe, pp. 169 bqq., Kiel. 1869; Harnack, Geschichte, ii. 1, pp. 144 sqq.; Bower, Pop", i. 11-12; DCB, iii. 184; KL, vi. 518-517.


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