
HITZE, FRANZ: German Roman Catholic; b. at Hannemicke, Westphalia, Mar. 16, ,1851. He studied at Würzburg 1872-78, and then was chap lain of the German Campo Santo at Rome for two years. He was then appointed secretary of the Roman Catholic society Arbeiterwohl at Munich Gladbach, and two years later was elected to the Landtag, going to the Reichstag in 1904. In 1893 he was appointed associate professor of Christian sociology at Münster, where he was promoted to his present position of full professor of the same subject in 1904. He has written: Die soziale Frage und die Beatrebungen zu ihrer Uaung (Pader born, 1877); %apital and Arbeit und die Reorgani sation der Gesellschaft (1880);, Quintessenz der 8o zialen Frage (1880); Pflichten and Aufgaben der Arbeitgeber (Cologne, 1888); Wesentliche Bestim mungen des Gesetzes betreffend die Invaliditf- and Alteraversicherung (Munich-Gladbaeh, 1889); Schutz dem Arbeiter (Cologne, 1890); Normale Arbeitaord nteng (1891); and Arbeiter frage (Berlin, 1898).

HITZIG, hit'siH, FERDINAND: German exegete and Old Testament critic; b. near L6rrach (28 m. s.s.w. of Freiburg), Baden, June 23, 1807; d. at Heidelberg Jan. 22, 1875. He studied theology at Heidelberg, Halle, and Göttingen, and became privet-docent at Heidelberg in 1829. He first at-


tracted attention by the two treatises, Begri ff der Kritik am Alter Testament praktisch erortert (Heidelberg, 1831) and Des Propheten Jonas Orakel caber Moab (1831). From 1833 till 1861 he was professor of theology at Zurich. Here his upright character, commanding scholarship, and critical acumen won for him recognition, even among those who did not approve of his rationalizing tendencies. In 1861 he returned to Germany as professor of theology at Heidelberg.

Hitzig was remarkably productive, but whimsical. As in the cuneiform inscriptions he perceived an Indo-Germanic speech, similarly he sought to explain certain words of the Old Testament through the Sanskrit. Still more widely prejudicial to his scholarly standing was the constructive criticism which he professed, in contrast to the more negative attitude of De Wette. Thus he thought he could determine exactly the original condition of most of the Psalms from David's era down to the first century l;.c. Another defect was his superficial view of revelation, which he assigned to faith Geschichte des Volkes Israel, 2 parts, Leipsic, 1869-1870; cf. vol. i., p. 82), the true God having been discovered "by means of a stronger power of thought." But despite these and other untenable views, Hitzig greatly advanced the exegesis of the Psalms (Die Psalmen, 2 vols., Heidelberg, 1835-1836; enlarged into a comprehensive commentary, 2 vols., Leipsic, 1863-65). Although he derived many a Psalm from Jeremiah's dungeon, and referred about half of all the Psalms to the Maccabean era, he can not be classed as a distinctly radical critic, even among his own contemporaries, seeing that he held the decalogue to be Mosaic.

Other works on the Old Testament by Hitzig are: Der Prophet Jesaia zibersetzt and ausgelegt (Heidelberg, 1833), his best exegetical work the Minor Prophets (Leipsic, 1838; 4th ed., 1881), Jeremiah (1841; 2d ed., 1866), Ecclesiastes (1847; 2d ed., 1883), Ezekiel (1847), Daniel (1850), and the Song of Songs (1855) in the Kurzgefasstes exegetisches Handbuch zum Alter Testament; Die Sprdche Salomos (Zurich, 1858); and Dab Buch Hiob (Leipsic, 1874). His Vorlesungen über bxblische Theologie and messianische WeiBsagungen des Alter Testaments were published at Carlsruhe,1880.

A. Kamphausen.

Bibliography: A Lebew- und',Charakter-Skisrewas prefixed by Kneucker to Hitsig's Vorleaungen fiber biblische Theologie, Carleruhe, 1880. The Gednchtniarede, by A. Hausrath, is in the addition to the Aupaburgieehe allgemoine Zeitung, 1875,, no. 30; and a notice by Kneucker is in F. ion Weech, Badische Biographieen, i. 377-380, Heidelberg, 1875.


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