
HARDING, STEPHEN: Third abbot of Meaux; b. of parents in good position at Sherborne, Dorsetshire, England, early in the second half of the eleventh century; d. at Cfteaua Mar. 28, 1134. He was educated in the monastery of Sherborne, and received the tonsure at Molesme, near Dijon, taking the name of Stephen. He became a rigid ascetic, and was one of the party which left Molesme in 1078 to found a new monastery at Cftesux and the Cistercian Order. In 1110 he succeeded Alberic as abbot. The strictness of his rule repelled new members and the community steadily grew smaller, till in 1113 Bernard of Clairvaux (q.v.) with thirty of his friends came to the monastery and instituted the period of growth and prosperity of the order. Before Stephen's death the number of houses came to be about one hundred, of which he founded thirteen in person. His ability as an organizer was great he had influence with both ecclesiastical and secular rulers, and he was the real founder of the Cistercians. Stephen resigned his office the year before he died. He drew up the Carts caritatis, which was confirmed by Pope Calixtus II. in 1119, and made a fine copy of the Bible for use at Cf teaux, revising the Latin text by the help of certain Jews who explained the Hebrew to him. Two sermons are attributed to him, and two of his letters are preserved among the letters of Bernard (xlv., xlix. ). See Cistercians.

Bibliography: Sources are: William of Mabnoebury, De rebus pulls repum Anplorum, book iv., chaps. 334-3x7, ed. T. D. Hardy, 2 vols., London, 1840, Eng. transl., in Church Historians of England, vol. iv., ib. 1855; A. Du oheene, xietorioi Norrrannorum scriptores, pp. 711-714 Paris, 1819: W. lhtgdale, Monaaticon Anplicanum, v. 220-228, London, 1849; ABB, Apr., ii. 498 sqq. Con suit: Histoire littéraire do France, ai. 213 sqq. L. Bour gain, La Chairs fmncaise au zii. sitcle, p. 389, Paris, 1879; HelYOt. Ordres -nasB9uca. vol. v., chap. -radii.: Heim buober, Orden und Kongregationen, i. 428 sqq., 429-430, 448, 452; Ceillier, Auteurs sacrés, aiv. 230-2x2: KL, xi. 787-788; DNB, asiv. 3x3-336.

HARDOUIN,r"dfl'sa', JEAN: French Jesuit; b. at Quimper (36 m. sxe. of Brest), in Brittany, 1848; d. in Paris Sept. 3, 1729. He early entered the Society of Jesus, in which he remained sixty-seven years. He wrote at first on numismatics. In 1693 he stated in a treatise that nearly all the classics had been written in the thirteenth century by monks under the guidance of a certain Severua Archontius. In a treatise, De nummis Herodiadum, he held that Herod was au Athenian, a pagan, and Platonist, and in his commentary on the New Testament he stated that Jesus and the apostles had preached in Latin. The authorities of his order required him to recant his errors, and he submitted, but retained his convictions. He i8 most worthy of remembrance for his editions of Themistius in Greek and Latin (Paris, I884), and of Pliny the Elder (1685, b vols., inusum Dellohini; revised, 1723, 3 vols.), which is still the most prized edition of this author. In his Conciliorum co7.leCtio regia maxima (12 vols., Paris, 1715), he described all the church councils from 34 to 1714, including more than twenty councils whose history had not been published before. Of his numerous other works may be mentioned Chronologies Veteris Testamertti ad vulgatam veraam>Rm exacta et nummis antiquis illuatrata (Paris, 1877); Paraphrase de l'Eccl�siaste (1729); Commentaries in Novum Teatamentum (Amsterdam, 1742). A part of his manuscripts was published after his death by the Abb6 d'Olivet, under the title Opera varies (Amsterdam, 1733).

(C. Pfender.)

Bibliography: L. E. Dupin, BibliotAdqus des auEeura eccMaiaabquas, six. 109, 35 vols.. Paris. 1898-1711; A. and A. de Backer, Bibtiofhlque den &xivaina de la compapnie do JEaus, ii. 32-48, Liége, 1872; BL, v. 1501--04; Lichten-

bareer, Ess, vi. s5-s7.


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