
HENRICIANS: A name given to the followers of Henry of Lausanne (q.v.).

HENRIQUEZ, do"r^1"k6s', HENRICUS: 1. Portuguese Jesuit; b. at Oporto 1536; d. at Tivoli (19 m. em.e. of Rome), Italy, Jan. 28,1608. He entered the Society of Jesus at the age of sixteen, and taught with distinction at several Jesuit colleges, attaining the zenith of his fame at Salamanca. There he published, in 1590, his De elavlbus ecclesio;, which was condemned by the papal nuncio at Madrid for its anticurial tendencies. A still greater sensation was caused by his Summa theologise moralis (3 vols., Salamanca, -1591-93), a commentary on those portions of the Summa of Thomas Aquinas which treat of moral theology. In an excursus, De fine hominum, appended to the section on the Sacraments, Henriquez sharply attacked the doctrine of grace propounded by his fellow Jesuit Molina (q.v.). The violence of his polemic caused Aquaviva, then general of the Jesuits, to forbid him to write. Thereupon, he appealed to a general council, yet refused to obey its summons until, in 1594, he was carried forcibly to Rome. He was sentenced to leave the Jesuit order, but was allowed to become a Dominican. Nevertheless, after making his novitiate in the latter order, he returned to the Jesuits, among whom he spent the remainder of his life: In 1603 those sections of his Summa which discussed the Sacraments were plated upon the Index donee corrigatur. As a casuistic moralist, Henriquez contributed much to the probabilistic tradition of the Jesuits (see Probabilism), although he was free from any suspicion of laxity.

2. A second Jesuit Henricus Henriquez, older than the one just discussed, worked as a missionary in Portuguese India for thirty-four years, and died in 1600 after publishing a Malabar grammar and sev eral religious works.

(O. Zöckler†.)

Bibliography: N. Antonio, Bibliotheca Hispana vetue, i. 583, Rome, 1672; H. Hurter, Nomenclator literarius reeentioria theologise catholiece, i. 413, ii. 988, Innsbruck, 1881; F. Reueeh, Index der verbotenen Bucher, ii. 309 sqq., Bonn, 1885; G. H. Putnam, Ceneorehip of the Church, Vol. ii., chap. ii., New York, 1906; KL, v. 1774-79.


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