
GENEVIEVE, SAINT, ORDERS OF: 1. The Canons of St. Genevieve (or of the Congregation of France, Canonici reguZarea congregationie Ganicanw): A Roman Catholic congregation established in 1058 by the transfer of canons of St. Victor to the church of Ste. Genevicve in Paris. Among its earliest members was Peter Lombard, but it first received permanent fame and influence through its reformer and second founder Charles Faure, after 1614. By the time of his death thirty years later the congregation had gained fifteen monasteries, and such was its reputation for scholarship that the chancellor of the Sorbonne always belonged to it. The members were employed in educational and hospital work. In 1646 the canons of St. Genevieve were united with the older congregation of Val des tcoliers, and in the first half of the eighteenth century they had seventy-seven abbeys and twentyeight priories. They were dissolved by the Revolution. Their library, which has been national property since 1790 and in 1850 was transferred from the old abbey to a new building (BibliotUque Ste. Geneviwe), formed the nucleus of one of the most important public libraries of Paris.

2. The Daughters of St. Genevieve (Mimmionee, Daughters of the Holy Family): A congregation established for the care of the poor and the education of girls in 1636 by Franciaque de Blosset (d. 1642), one of the most zealous coworkers with St. Vincent de Paul. Its rule was confirmed by the archbishop of Paris in 1658, and seven years later the congregation was united with an order established in 1660 by Marie Bonnesu de Rubelle Besuharnois de Miramion, since which time the name Miramiones has been used. The congregation spread and prospered until the Revolution. At the Restoration it was revived as the Swurs de la Sainte Famine, with a mother house at Besangon. There are also houses in Amiens, Lyons, Pezanas, Toulouse, and Villefranche. The sisters pass a novitiate of two years after which they are bound by simple vows. Their rule enjoins upon them


works of mercy, particularly the care of the sick and poor of their own sex and the gratuitous instruction of girls.

(O Zöckler†.)

Bibliography: 1. La Vie du . . . Charles Faure, Paris, 1698; Constitutiones canonicorum regularium congregationis Gallicanć, ib. 1676; Helyot, Ordres monastiques, i., p. xlvii., ii. 378 sqq.; Heimbucher, Orden und Kongregationen, i. 413-414; Currier, Religious Orders, pp. 171-172.

2. The Constitutions were published at Paris, 1683. Consult: Abbé Choisi, Vie de Madame de Miramion, ib. 1706; Helyot, ut sup., viii. 222 sqq.; Heimbucher, ut sup., ii. 438-439; KL, v. 301-302.


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