
FAUCHEUR, f'o''ahth', MICHEL LE: French Protestant preacher; b. at Geneva 1585; d. in Paris Apr. 1, 1657. At eighteen he began preaching at Dijon and early won a great reputation as an orator. He was pastor at Montpellier 1612-32, and from 1636 till his death he preached at Charenton. In the interim he had been reduced to silence by Richelieu, who was trying to unite the two branches of the Church. Besides a large number of sermons, which are still worth reading, he published, Trains de la Cpne (Geneva, 1635); and Trttite de l'aetion de 1'oraleur (Paris, 1637). A translation of his sermon, "The Wages of Sin and the Reward of Grace" is found in Ingrain Cobbin's The French Preacher (London, 1816).

Bibliography: G. Tallemant des Rsaux, Les Historiettea, Paris, 1834-35; A. R. Vinet, Hist. de is 7nidication, Paris, 1860.

FAULHABER, faul-h8'ber, MICHAEL: German Roman Catholic; b. at Heidenfeld (18 m. n.e. of Würzburg) Mar. 5, 1869. He studied in Würzburg (D.D., 1895), and after being prefect of the theological seminary in Che same city, 1893-95, spent the years 1896-98 in libraries in Rome and other Italian cities. He became privat-docent in the University of Würzburg in 1899, and in 1903 was appointed professor of Old Testament exegesis in the University of Strasburg. He has written Die griechischen Apologeten der klassischen Vdterzeit, i., Eusebivs (Würzburg, 1896); Die Propheten,Catenen nach römischen Handschriften (Freiburg, 1899); Hesychii Hierosolymilani interpretatio Isaia; prophets; (1900); Hohelied-, Proverbien- and Prediger-Catenen (Vienna, 1902); and Die T'esperpsalmen tier Sonar urul F'eiertage (Strasburg, 1906).


FAULKNER, JOHN ALFRED: Methodist Epis copalian; b. at Grand Pr6, N. S., July 14, 1857. He was graduated at Acadia College, Wolfville, N. S., in 1878 'and at Drew Theological Seminary in 1881, supplementing his studies at Andover Theological Seminary and the universities of Leip sic and Bonn. He entered the Methodist Episcopal ministry in 1883 and held pastorates at Beach Lake, Pa. (1883-84), Yatesville, Pa. (1884-85), Park Place, Scranton, Pa. (1885-87), Taylor, Pa. (1887-92), Great Bend, Pa. (1892-94), and Che nango Street, Binghamton, N. Y. (1894-97). Since 1897 he has been professor of historical theology in Drew Theological Seminary. He has written The Methodists (New York, 1903), Cyprian (Cincinnati, O., 1906), and Erasmus (1908).


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