

FECHT, feHt, JOHANNES: German Lutheran, an opponent of Pietism; b. at Sulzberg, in the Breisgau, Dec. 25, 1636; d. at Rostock May 5, 1716. He studied at Durlach and Strasburg, and in 1661 began a wandering student life of five years, visiting a number of German universities and residing for a considerable time at Wittenberg and Giessen. In 1666 he was recalled to Sulzberg, and in 1669 was appointed court chaplain and professor of theology. He was then superintendent in Durlach until the capture of the city by the French in 1689, when he fled to Calw, and met there the duke of Mecklenburg, who invited him to Rostock. He removed to that city in 1690 and remained there as superintendent and professor until his death, enjoying the utmost esteem and refusing flattering calls to other universities. He was a genuine representative of the conservative theology of the seventeenth century, and, despite his later reputation as an impassioned polemist, was at heart a man of peace in the eyes of his contemporaries. His opposition to Pietism was sincere, nor did he fail to respect its good qualities. He was a prolific writer, beginning with philosophy and classics,

j and later touching every department of theology, although he gradually came to restrict himself to dogmatics and polemics. His principal works are: Historia eoloquii Emmendingensis (Rostock, 1694); Selectiorum ex universa lheologia controversiarum, recentiorum pr&ecipue, sylloge (1698); Philoealia sacra (1707); and the posthumous Lectiones theo logica (1722) and Compendiuni universm theologix (Zerbst, 1744).

(B. Schmidt.)

Bibliography: The "Life" of Fecht. by his son, was reproduced in Feehtii compendium, zerbst. 1740. Consult F. A. G. Tholuck, Lebeneaeupen der luthertachen Kirche

aus alien Stdnden. pp. 183 sqq., Berlin, 1859.

FEDERAL THEOLOGY. See Cocceius, Johannes, and His School.

FEINE, fai'ne, PAUL: Lutheran; b. at GoImsdorf (5 m. n.e. of Jena) Sept. 9, 1859. He studied in Jena and Berlin and, after teaching in a gymnasium in the former city (1884-86), was private tutor in a noble family until 18S9. Then until


1893 he taught in a gymnasium at Göttingen, and in 1893 became privat-docent in the university of the same city. In 1894 he was appointed professor of New Testament exegesis in the Evangelical theological faculty at Vienna and in 1907 accepted a call to Breslau. He has written Eine vorkanonische UeberlieferungdesLukas imEvangeliumund Apostelgeschichte (Gotha, 1891); Der Jakobusbrief (Eisenach, 1893); Das gesetzesfreie Evangelium des Paulus (Leipsic, 1898); Jesus Christus and Paulus (1902); Die Erneuerung des paulinischen Christentums durch Luther (1903); Der Romerbrief (Göttingen, 1903); Das Christentum Jesu und das Christentum der Apostel in, ihrer Abgrenzung gegen die Religionsgeschichte (Stuttgart, 1904); and Paulus als Theologe (Berlin, 1906).


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