


The following list of books is supplementary to the bibliographies given at the end of the articles contained in volumes I.-III., and brings the literature down to January, 1909. In this list each vocabulary entry is printed in capital letters.


Adam of Bremen: W. P. Kohlmann, Adam von Bremen, Leipsic, 1908.

Adamnan: An Irish Precursor of Dante. A Study on the Vision of Heaven and Hell ascribed to the 8th-century Saint Adamnan, with Translation of the Irish Text by C. S. Boswell, London, 1908.

Aked, C. F.: Old Events and Modern Meanings and Other Sermons, New York, 1908; Wells and Palm Trees: cool Water and abundant Rest on Life's rough Way, ib., 1908.

Alcuin: G. F. Browne, Alcuin of York. Lectures delivered in the Cathedral Church of Bristol in 1907 and 1908, London, 1908.

Alfred the Great: Asser's Life of King Alfred, ed. L. C. Jane, London, 1908.

Allen, W.: D. B. Camm, William Cardinal Allen, Founder of the Seminaries, London, 1908.

Amos: J. Touzard, Le Livre d'Amos, Paris, 1909.

Aphraates: P. Schroen, Aprahat, seine Person, und sein Verständnis des Christentums, Berlin, 1907.

Apollonius of Tyana: F. W. G. Campbell, Apollonius of Tyana. A Study of his Life and Times, London, 1908.

Apologetics: W. Ernst, Aufgabe und Arbeitsmethode der Apologetik für die Gegenwart, Berlin, 1908.

Arabia: M. Hartmann, Die arabische Frage mit einen Versuche der Archäologie Jemens, Leipsic, 1909.

Aristotle: Works, Eng. transl., vol, viii., Metaphysics, London, 1909.

Art and Church: H. B. Walters, The Arts of the Church, Oxford, 1908.

Assyria: R. W. Rogers, Religion of Babylonia and Assyria, New York, 1908.

Atonement: J.Stalker, The Atonement, London, 1908.

J. Grimal, Le Sacerdoce et le sacrifice de . . . Jésus-Christ, Paris, 1908.

Augustine: H. Becker, Augustin. Studien zu einer geistigen. Entwicklung, Leipsic, 1908.

W. Thimme, Augustins geistige Entwickelung . . . 386-391, Berlin, 1908.

Austria: J. R. Kusej, Joseph II. und die aussere Kirchenverfassung lnnerösterreichs (Bistums,- Pfarr- und Klosterregulierung). Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des österreich. Staats kirchenrechtes, Stuttgart, 1908.

Avila, Juan de: Letters of Blessed John of Avila, translated and selected from the Spanish by the Benedictines of Stanbrook, with Preface by Gasquet, London, 1904.

Babylonia: See Assyria, ut sup.

Barry, A.: Do we Believe? The Law of Faith perfected in Christ, London, 1908.

Baur, F. C.: G. Schneider, F. C. Baur in seiner Bedeutung für die Theologie, Munich, 1909.

Behaism: S. Sprague, The Story of the Bahai Movement, London, 1908; A Year with the Bahais in India and Burma, ib., 1908.

Bible Text: Biblia Hebraica, ed. R. Kittel, Leipsic, 1906.

A. B. Ehrlich, Randglossen zur hebräischen Bibel, vol. i., Genesis and Exodus, Leipsic 1908.

C. R. Gregory, Die griechischen Handschriften des N. T., Leipsic, 1908.

H. C. Vedder, Our New Testament; how did we get it? Philadelphia, 1908.

Transcript of the Turin Manuscript of the "Dodekapropheton"; tr. and collated by Rev. W. C. Oesterley, New York, 1908.

Bible Versions, B. IV.: The Gospel of St. John in West Saxon, Boston, 1904; The Gospel of St. Matthew in West Saxon, Boston, 1904; The Gospel of St. Mark in West Saxon, 1905; The Gospel of St. Luke in West Saxon, Boston, 1906; ed. J. W. Bright. The West Saxon Psalms, being the Prose Portion, or the "first fifty," of the so-called Paris Psalter, ed. J. W. Bright, Catherine Donovan, and R. L. Ramsay, Boston, 1907.

The Coptic (Sahidic) Version of Certain Books of the Old Testament from a Papyrus in the British Museum, ed. H. Thompson, New York, 1908.

Biblical Introduction: C. R. Gregory, Einleitung in das N. T., Leipsic, 1909.

Bibical Theology": W. E. Orchard, The Evolution of the Old Testament Religion, London, 1908.

W. H. Bennett, Religion of the Post-exilic Prophets, Edinburgh, 1908.

Boniface: An Eng. transl. of the correspondence of Boniface, ed. E. J. Kylie, London, 1908.

Buddhism: E. Windisch, Buddhas Geburt und die Lehre von der Seelenwanderung, Leipsic,1908.

Calvin, J.: P. Bess, Unsere religiösen Erzieher, vol. ii., Leipsic, 1908.

R. Schwarz has edited a collection of 670 letters of Calvin in Germ. transl., Tübingen,1908.

Campion, Edmund: W. Allen, A Briefe Historie of the Glorious Martyrdom of twelve Reverend Priests. Father Edmund Campion and his Companions; with contemporary Verses by the venerable H. Walpole, and the earliest Engravings of the Martyrdom; ed. J. H. Pollen, Saint Louis, 1908.

L. J. Guiney, Blessed Edmond Campion, London, 1908.



Carmelites: The Ascent of Mt. Carmel by St. John of the Cross, transl. by D. Lewis, with prefatory Essay on the Development of Mysticism in the Carmelite Order, by B. Zimmermann, London, 1906.

Catechisms, § 16: Luther's Small Catechism Developed and Explained, Prepared and Published by Authority of the General Synod of the Evangelical Synod of the Ev. Luth. Church, U. S. A., Philadelphia (current).

Cemeteries: E. Calve, Bibliografia delle catacombe e delle chiese di Roma, Rome, 1908.

Charity, Sisters of: L. Bougaud, Hist. of St. Vincent de Paul, . . . and of the Sisters of Charity, New York, 1908.

Chile: G. F. S. Elliot, Chile, its Hist. and Development, London, 1907.

China: D. Mac Gillivray, A Century of Protestant Missions in China, London, 1908.

M. Bromhall, The Chinese Empire, a General and Missionary Survey, London, 1908.

A. Launay, Hist. des missions étrangères, vols. i.-iii., Vannes, 1907-08.

F. L. Norris, China, London, 1908.

J. Speicher, Conquests of the Cross in China, New York, 1907-08.

R. W. Thompson, The Story of Fifty Years in China, London, 1908.

Christology: S. Faut, Die Christologie seit Schleiermacher, ihre Geschichte und ihre Begründung, Tübingen, 1907.

Chrysostom: Chrysostomika. Studi e ricerche intorno a S. Giovanni Crisostomo a cura del comitato per il XV centenario della sua morte, Rome, 1908.

Church and State: S. Coit, National Idealism and a State Church, London, 1907.

H. von der Goltz, Kirche und Staat, Berlin, 1907.

Clement of Alexandria: J. Gabrielson, Ueber die Quellen des Clemens von Alexandrien, Leipsic, 1906.

Clement of Rome: C. Schmidt, Der erste Clemensbrief in altkoptischer Uebersetzung, Leipsic, 1908 (in TU, xxxii. 1.).

G. A. van den Bergh van Eysinga, Onderzoek naar de echtheid van Clemens erste brief aan de Corinthiërs, Leyden, 1908.

Clifford, John: D. Crane, John Clifford, God's Soldier and the People's Tribune, London, 1908.

Collyer, R.: Some Memories, Boston, 1908.

Common Prayer, Book of: S. Coit, National Idealism and the Book of Common Prayer. An Essay in Re-interpretation and Revision, London, 1908.

Communism: W. A. Hinds, American Communities, 2d ed., Chicago, 1908.

Comparative Religion: F. B. Jevons, An Introduction to the Study of Comparative Religion, 2d ed., New York, 1908.

H. Webster, Primitive Secret Societies. A Study in early Politics and Religion, London, 1908.

A. van Gennep, Tabou et totemiame d Madagascar, Paris, 1904.

R. de la Grasserie, Des Phénomènes religieux dits mystères (triades ou dédoublements divins; anthroposes ou incarnations; apothysioses ou redemptions par sacrifice, avec leur aboutissement dans le culte), Paris, 1908.

E. Doutté, Magie et religion dans l'Afrique du Nord, Paris, 1908.

B. Thompson, The Fijians. A Study of the Decay of Custom, London, 1908.

Concordances: A Textual Concordance of the Holy Scriptures; arranged especially for Use in Preaching, New York, 1908.

Concordats: H. Rudorff, Zur Erklärung des Wormser Konkordats, Weimar, 1906.

Confirmation: C. R. Ball, Confirmation, Before and After, London, 1909.

Congregationalists: D. Macfadyen, Constructive Congregational Ideals, London, 1908.

Conscience: F. Le Dantec, Science et conscience, Paris, 1908.

Constantine the Great and His Sons: Joannes M. Pfättisch, Die Rede Konstantins des Grossen an die Versammlung der Heiligen auf ihre Echtheit untersucht, Freiburg and St. Louis, 1908. [A defense.]

Conway, Moncure Daniel: E. C. Walker, A Sketch and an Appreciation of Moncure Daniel Conway, Freethinker and Humanitarian, New York, 1908.

Copleston, R. S.: Buddhism, Primitive and Present, new ed., 1908.

Covenant: F. V. Norton, A Lexicographical and Historical Study of Διαθήκη, Chicago, 1908.

Covenanters: J. K. Hewison, The Covenanters. A History of the Church in Scotland from the Reformaticm to the Revolution, Glasgow, 1908.

J. Willcock, A Scots Earl in Covenanting Times, Being the Life and Times of Archibald, 9th Earl of Argyll (1629-85), Edinburgh, 1908.

Cross and its Use as a Symbol: W. M. Glow, The Cross in Christian Experience, London, 1908.

Crowther, S. A.: J. Page, The Black Bishop. Samuel Adjai Crowther, London, 1908.

Damascus: Ibn al-Qalasani, Hist. of Damascus, ed. M. H. F. Amedrog, Leyden 1908.

David: B. Baentsch, David und sein Zeitalter, Leipsic, 1907.

Death, Dance of: K. Künstle, Die Legende der drei Lebenden und der drei Toten und der Totentanz, Freiburg, 1908.

Deism: I. W. Riley, American Philosophy; the early Schools, pp. 191 sqq., New York, 1907.

Descartes, R.: K. Jungmann, René Descartes. Eine Einführung in seine Werke, Leipsic, 1908.

Diaspora: E. W. Bussmann, Evangelische Diasporakunde. Handbuch für Pfarrer und Freunde deutscher Auslandsgemeinden, Marburg, 1908.

Didache: A. Seeberg, Die Beiden Wege und das Aposteldekret, Leipsic, 1908.

Diseases and the Healing Art, Hebrew: A series of articles by E. M. Merrins, M.D. in Bibliotheca Sacra, April, 1904, to October, 1908.

Dogma, Dogmatics: F. Bollard, Christian Essentials, New York, 1908.

H. H. Wendt, System der christlichen Lehre, Göttingen, 1907.

A. H. Strong, vol. ii., Philadelphia, 1908.

F. J. Hall, Dogmatic Theology. Vol. ii., Authority, Ecclesiastical and Biblical, Chicago, 1908.

Donellan (Donnelan) Lectures: 1906-07. H. J. Dukinfield Astley, Prehistoric Archaeology and the O. T., Edinburgh, 1908.




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