Note 175
From Chapter 31 of the Decline & Fall

Gens inter geminos notissima clauditur amnes,
Armoricana prius veteri cognomine dicta.
Torva, ferox, ventosa, procax, incauta, rebellis;
Inconstans, disparque sibi novitatis amore;
Prodiga verborum, sed non et prodiga facti. Erricus, Monach. in Vit. St. Germani, 1. v. apud Vales. Notit. Galliarum, p. 43.

Valesius alleges several testimonies to confirm this character; to which I shall add the evidence of the presbyter Constantine (A.D. 488), who, in the Life of St. Germain, calls the Armorican rebels mobilem et indisciplinatum populum . See the Historians of France, tom. i. p. 643.

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