

Chapter 1:10. Thou, Lord, etc. The quotation is literally from the Sept., only the order of the words in the first sentence is changed; and it is literally the Hebrew, except that su< cu>zie are added. The Hebrew is, "Of old the earth hast thou founded, and the work of thy hands are the heavens."

Nothing can more clearly prove the divine nature of Christ than this quotation; and it settles at once the meaning of aijw~nav; in the 2nd verse, as it confirms the truth that Christ, the Messiah, being not only the Son but also the only­begotten of God, is the Creator of the world, even the earth and the heavens, as here stated. Nor can the word have any other meaning in chapter 9:26, and 11:3.

It is generally admitted that this Psalm refers to Christ; and Dr. Owen mentions three particulars in proof of this, -- the redemption of the Church, verses 13 and 16, -- the call of the Gentiles, verses 15, 21, and 22, -- and the creation of a new people, verse 18; and he adds, that the Jews themselves refer the last thing to the time of the Messiah.

Referring to the words, "as a vesture," the same author beautifully observes, that the whole creation is like God's vesture, by which he shews himself to men in his power and wisdom, and that hence it is said, that he "clothes himself with light as with a garment," Psalm 104:2.
