
Lamentations 3:22

22. It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.

22. Clementite Jehovae, quod non sumus consumpti (vel, certe non sunt consumptae,) certe non defecerunt miscrationes ejus.


The first clause may be explained in two ways: The view commonly taken is, that it ought to be ascribed to God's mercy that the faithful have not been often consumed. Hence a very useful doctrine is elicited -- that God succors his own people, lest they should wholly perish. But if we attend to the context, we shall see that another sense is more suitable, even that the mercies of God were not consumed, and that his compassion's had not failed. The particle yk, ki, is inserted, but ought to be taken as an affirmative only, surely the mercies of God are not consumed; 1 and then, -- surely his compassion's have not failed. And he afterwards adds, --

1 So the Targ. and all the versions, except the Vulg; they read wmt. "The mercies of Jehovah" is the nominative case absolute, --


22. The mercies of Jehovah, verily they have no end,
For his compassion's never fail.

23. Renewed (are they) in the morning;
Great is thy faithfulness.

"Renewed" refers to "mercies," i.e., blessings, the fruit of mercy; and God's mercies have no end, because his compassion's ever continue. "In the morning," that is, after a night of affliction. If the rendering be made literal, "in the mornings," the meaning is the same; they follow the previous nights of trouble. Blessings, being as it were suspended or withheld during the night, are again renewed in the morning. -- Ed.
