select * from hymns where firstline matches "A*" order by firstline

The Christian's Hope748, 8, 8, 6, 8, 8, 8, 6A few more days on earth to spendWm. Walker
The Sufferings of Christ858sA story most lovely I'll tellWm. Walker
Tennessee28C.M.Afflictions, though they seem severe
Remember Me324C.M.Alas! and did my Saviour bleed?L. J. Jones
Coronation299C.M.All hail the power of Jesus' nameHolden
Babylonian Captivity164P.M.Along the banks where Babel's current flowsDare (?)
Ortonville10bC.M.Am I a soldier of the cross
Christian Soldier [1]45C.M.Am I a soldier of the crossF. Price
New Britain8C.M.Amazing grace! (how sweet the sound)
Idumea31S.M.And am I born to die?Davison
Aylesbury281S.M.And am I born to die?Chetham
Heavenly Armour93And if you meet with troublesWm. Walker
Hallelujah [1]107C.M.And let this feeble body failWm. Walker
Arlington285C.M.And must I be to judgment broughtDr. Arne
Alabama116C.M.Angels in shining order standWilliam Walker
Peterborough183C.M.Approach, my soul, the mercy seat
The Converted Thief9C.M.D.As on the cross the Saviour hungMore
Drummond19611sAway from his home and the friends of his youthRev. Samuel Wakefield
