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tidsotion THE NEW SCHAFF-HERZOG 1408

BrBraoaRAPar: Original documents are the canons, with history of the synod and discussion, in Hefele, Coneilienpeachiehta, f. 533 sqq·, mg. trand., ii. 88 sqq., Fr. trend., i. 2, pp, 737 sqq. (espeoiallyvaluable for the notes); the socount of Athanesius in Defenoe against the Arians; ' Eng. tranal., NPNF, 2 d sir., iv. 100 eqq.; three letters to the synod, summarized in Hefele, ut sup., given in Athsnasius, .. Defence_ chap. iii., Eng. trawl., ut sup., pp. 119 sqq. The documents appear also in Manai, Concilia, Vol. iii. (important) and Haxduin, Concilia, vol. i. Consult further: W. Beveridge, Synodicon, Oxford, 1872; Z. B. van Eepen, Commentarius in canons* d decrda juris vderis ac novi, Cologne, 1755; idem, Jus eedeaiadicum univeraum, iii. 284 sqq., ib. 1777; L. T. von Spittler, Sammtliche Were, ed. K. Wachter, viii. 128 eqq., 15 vole., Stuttgart, 1827-37; F. Maeswn, Geschichte der Quellen and der Literatur des canonishen Reehts, i . 50 sqq., Leipsie. 1870; %L, x. 1705-11; Schaff, Christian Church, iii . 310-314.

SARDIS. See AsiA MirroR, IV.

SARGON. See AssyRiA, VI., 1 11; BABYLONIA, VI.,3,11.

SARPI, s3r'pf, PAOLO (FRA PAOLO): Venetian patriot and opponent of the Jesuits; b. at Venice Aug. 14, 1552; d. there Jan. 14, 1623. He obtained his education in his native city, and in 1566 entered the order of the Servites. After an activity of two years as teacher in Mantua he became priest, in 1579 was made provincial of his order in the republic of Venice, and subsequently became general procurator of the order with seat at Rome (15851588). But for a long time his mind had been growing increasingly hostile to the Jesuits, and he had consequently come under suspicion of the Inquisition. After 1606 his views found expression in the famous struggle of Venice with Pope Paul V. The pope in his blindness tried for the last time to gain supremacy over Venice by using the mightiest weapon of medievalism, the interdict. The consequence was that the Jesuits were expelled from the republic, while the remaining clergy were induced to continue the church services. This unexpected victory of the republic would have been impossible if public opinion had not been influenced in its favor by Sarpi, whom his native city had retained in its defense. Induced by patriotism and by hatred of the Jesuits, Sarpi published masterworks of polemics. The attempt to assassinate Sarpi on Oct. 5, 1607, shows that the authorities at Rome knew to whom their defeat was due. His principal work is Istoria del concilio Tridenttno di Pietro Soave Polano (London, 1619; Eng. transl., History of The Council of Trent, 1676). Its hostility to the popes is extreme; it has been translated into the principal European languages. Other works of his which have been translated into English from his Opere or from separate publications are: A Treatise of Matters Beneficiary (London, 1680; later editions with slightly variant titles, 1727, 1730, 1736); The History of the Inquisition (1639); and The Rights of Sovereigns and Subjects (1722). His Opere were issued in 5 vols., Venice, 1677, better edition, 8 vole., a Hehnetadt" (i.e., Verona), 1761; and his Lettere at Verona, 1673; Lettere i nedate, 1833, and ed. S. and A. S. Contarini, Venice, 1892; and Letters raocolte, Florence, 1863. An Eng. transl. of the Letters appeared London, 1693. (P. TsCHACBERT.)

$rnwooRAPRY: A. Robertson, Fro Paoli Sarpi, the Greatest of the Vendians, London, 1894; F. Micansio, La Vie du Pdre Paul, Leyden, 1881; A. Bianchi-Giovini, Bioprafia di Fra P. Sarpi, 2 vole., Brussels, 1838; J. N. Brischar, Beurteilung der Kontrovasen Sarpis and P allavicini, 2 parts, TObingen, 1844; J. Kraenker, Essai our la vie d lea icrita de Fro P. Sarpi, Strasburg, 1857; Ambella Georgina Campbell. The Life o) Fro Paolo Sarpi, London, 1889; L. Lavi, Fra Paolo Sarpi, Bergamo, 1873; M. Broach, Geschidte des Kirchenstawes, i. 354 eqq., Goths, 1880; P. Balan, Fro P. Sarpi, Venice, 1887; A. Pascolato, Fra P. Sarpi, Milan, 1893; G. Rein, Paoli Sarpi and die Protedanten, Helaingfors, 1904; A. D. White, Seven Grant Statesmen, New York, 1910; %L, x. 1720-28.

SARTORIUS, sdr-t5'rf-us, ERNST WILHELM CHRISTIAN: German Lutheran; b. at Darmstadt May 10, 1797; d. at Konigsberg June 13, 1859. He was educated at the University of Gottingen (18151818), where he became lecturer in 1818. Three years later he was called to Marburg as associate professor, being promoted to a full professorship in 1823. He had already written Drei Abhandlungen fiber wichtige Gegenstande der ezegetischen und 8ys tematischen Theologie (Gottingen, 1820), which was quickly followed by his Die lutherische Lehre vom Unvermtigen des freien Willem zur hbheren Sittlichkeit (1821), a work strongly emphasizing the Augustinian concept of grace and criticizing Schleiermacher's theory of election. During his Marburg professorship he also wrote his Ueber die Lehre der Protestanten von der heiligen Wazrde der weltlichen Obrigkeit (Marburg, 1822) and Die Religion ausserhalb der Grenzen der blossen Vernunft nach den Grundsdtzen des wahren Protestantismus and gegen die sines falsehen Rationalismus (1822). In 1824 Sartorius was called to the University of Dorpat, where he remained until 1835, vigorously combating rationalism, a tendency which he also assailed in his Beitr4ge zur Verteidigung der evangelischen Rechtgldubigkeit (2 parts, Heidelberg, 18251826). During this period he also delivered a eulogy on the Augsburg Confession which was later revised and enlarged as the Beitrdge zur Apologie der augsburgischen Confession gegen alte and neue Gegner (Goths, 1853), and in 1831 he published at Hamburg his Lehre von Christi Person and Werk (Erg. transl., Doctrine of the Person and Work of Christ, London, 1838, and Boston, 1848), which led to his call as general superintendent of the province of Prussia and as first court chaplain of the castle church at Konigsberg. In these capacities he strove earnestly for the defense of true Lutheran principles and sturdily opposed rationalism and kindred developments, as in his Ueber die Notwendigkeit and Verbindlichkeit der kirchlichen Glaubensbekenntnisse (Stuttgart, 1845). The most noteworthy work of Sartorius, however, was his Lehre von der heiligen Liebe, Oder Grundztage der e;angelisch-kirchlichen Moraltheologie (2 parts, Stuttgart, 1840-44; Eng. transl., Doctrine of Divine Love; or outlines of the Moral Theology of the Evangelical Church, Edinburgh, 1884), which was followed by his Ueber den alt- and neutestamentlichen Cultua, insbesondere Sabbath, Pri,estedum, Sacrament and opfer (Stuttgart, 1852). The dissensions arising within his communion in the latter years of his life called forth his Meditationen fiber die Ofenbarung der Herrlichkeit Gotten in ae$ner Kirche and besonders fiber dic