BIBLIOGRAPHICAL APPENDIX-yOLS. I-Y The following list of books is supplementary to the bibliographies given at the end of the articles contained in volumes I.-V., and brings the literature down to September, 1909. In this list each vocab- ulary entry is printed in capital letters.

AxARNA TABLETS: F. M. Bahl, Die S der Amarnabrisfe mit besmiderer ~ igung der Karwaniamen, Leipsic, 1909.

BEER, G.: Saul, David, Salomo, Tiibingen, 1906; Schabbath, ib. 1908.

BIBLICAL CRITICISM: T. Whittaker , The Origins of Christian %ty With an Outline of Van Manen'a talyt;ia of the Pauline Literature and an Appendix on Galatians, London, 1909.