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Freylinghausen THE NEW SCHAFF-HERZOG 890

to 1743 he was assistant professor and second city chaplain at Giessen; and from 1743 until his death he was minister at Frankfort.

Fresenius was a zealous opponent of the Mora vian movement and of Zinzendorf, who called him a " devil incarnate." He also opposed the Reformed congregations of Frankfort, and thwarted their endeavors to obtain free exercise of their relig ion, and permission to establish churches. Among Fresenius's many works special mention may be made of the following: Beieht- and Kommunion bueh (Frankfort, 1746); Beudhrte Nachrichten von Hermhutischen Saehen (4 vols., 1747-51); Notige Priifung der Zinzendorjfachen Lehrart (1748 ); Pastoral_Sammluugen (24 parts, 1748-60); Heil same Betrachtungen fiber die Sonn- uxd Feattagaevan gelien(1750, 1845, 1872); and ZuverldasdgeNachrich ten von dem Leben, Tode and Sehriften D. Joh. Albrecht Bengels (1753). (G. E. STErTzt.)

BIBLIOaaAPH7: A life was appended to the sermon preached at the funeral by K. K. Grieebach (Halls, 17617). Consult J. M. Lappenberg, Reliquien des Prdulsin von KletknbarC, pp. ,227-231, Hamburg, 1847.

FREYLINGHAUSEN, frilling-hau"zen, JOHANN ANASTASIUS: Pietist leader and hymn7writer; b. at Gandersheim (36 m. s.w. of Brunswick) Dec. 2, 1670; d. at Halle Feb. 12, 1739. His father was a merchant and Burgermeister of Gandersheim. He attended the school in Eimbeck, living there with his grandfather, the councilor Dietrich Freylinghausen, and studied theology at Jena, Erfurt, and Halle. In Halle he assisted Francke as well in his sermons and parochial duties as in the establishment of his well-known institutions (see FRANCKE, AuausT HERMANN). When Francke, in 1715, was called as pastor to the church of St. Ulrich, Freylinghausen became his assistant and married his only daughter. Assistant superintendent of the Paedagogium and of the orphan asylum from 1723, he became, after Francke's death, and in association with the latter's son, superintendent of both institutions and also head pastor of St. Ulrich's. From 1728 he had several attacks of paralysis, but continued his labors to the end.

Freylinghausen is one of the most noteworthy of the group of gifted men who, deeply interested in the ideas of Spener, worked together zealously for their realization. Francke often called him his right hand. He is most widely known as a poet, and is distinguished among the poets of German Pietism oy his imagination and delicacy of taste. His hymns-forty-four are ascribed to him with certainty-are characterized by Scriptural phrases and conceptions, but never sink to the level of Biblical doggerel. His importance in the history of spiritual song, however, depends principally on the hymnals which he edited, in which many hymns from the circle of the Pietists first saw the light. The earliest of these hymnals appeared in 1704 and contained 683 hymns (2d ed., 1705, with seventy-five additional hymns); the second in 1714, containing 798 hymns and seventeen psalms for festal occasions (2d ed., 1719, with three additional hymns). A selention from both was pub-

lished in 1718; containing 1,050 hymns. A complete hymnal after Freylinghausen was brought out by Francke's son, Gotthilf August Francke, in 1741. In these hymnals, the personal devotion peculiar to Pietism appears for the first time to claim an equal place with the objectivity of the older hymns. The musical part was even more of a novelty than the poetical. The melodies, .sometimes composed by Freylinghausen himself, differ from the older, ones in their triple-time, in the tripping movement of the tune with the constant refrains, and in the flourishes with which the principal part is overcharged.

Freylinghausen was 'also prominent as a cats. chist. His Grundlegung der Theologie (Halls, 1703) was even used as a guide in academic lectures by Rambach, Baumgarten and others. That the simple and instructive style of Freylinghausen's preaching was fully appreciated appears from the fact that, at the request of the theological faculty of Halle, he delivered lectures to the students on homiletics, a branch of study which was first in cluded in the theological curriculum on the-initia tive of Halle. CARL BERTHEAU.

BmwoaaAPHT: The hymns were edited by L. Grote in the second part of W. 6ehirek'e Geiatliche Sanper, Halle, 1855, and many were translated by Catherine Winkworth in Lyra Germanica, London, 1868. For the life consult: Ehrenpedochtnis Frevlinphausens, Halle, 1740; Nachrichten von den Charakler and der AmteffArung rechtechaf tener Prediper and Seelsorper, v. 188-198, ib. 1777; H. DSring, Die peMrten Theolopen Deutechlande, i. 439-445, Neuetadt, 1835; J. L. Pasig, in Knapp's Chriatoterpe, 1852, pp. 211-262; A. Walter, Leban J. A. Freylinphouse=, Berlin, 1864; E. E. Koch, Gesehichte des Kirchenlsedea, iv. 322-334, Stuttgart, 1868; ADB, vii. 370371. On his hymn-books and the new melodies therein consult Koch, fit sup., iv. 300 sqq., v. 586 eqq.; G. D& ring, Choralkunde, 159 sqq. et passim, Dansig, 1865; J. Zahn, Die Afelodien der deutachen evanpelieclun Kirchenlieder, vi. 573 eqq. et passim, GQtersloh, 1893; Julian, Hymnology, pp. 395-397.

FRIAR: A corruption of ,frater, the distinguishing title of the members of the Mendicant Monks (q.v.).

FRICKE, GUSTAV ADOLF: German Lutheran; b. at Leipsic Aug. 23, 1822; d. in Leipsic March 30, 1908. He studied at the university of his native city, where he 'became privat-docent in 1846. In 1849 he was appointed associate professor of theology in the same university, and in 1851 went to Kiel as full professor of theology. In 1865 he returned to Leipsie as chief catechist at St. Peter's, and in 1867 was appointed professor of New Testament exegesis, ethics, and dogmatics. He wrote Die Erhebunq zum Hems im Gebete (Leipsie, 1850); Lehrbuch der Kirchengeschichte, i. (1850); Gottesgriisse (sermons; 2 vols., 1883-86); and Aus dem Feldxuge 1888, Briefs aus dem Fdde and Predigteu and Reden im Felde (1891).

FRIDOLIN (FRmOLD) : Reputed founder of the monastery of SSekingen (on the Rhine, 20 m. above Basel), which is first mentioned as presented by Charles the Fat in 878 to his wife. According to the detailed but unreliable life by Balther, a monk of St. Gallen of the tenth or eleventh century, Fridolin was born in Ireland of noble parents. He