
BERGER, bär"zhê', SAMUEL: French Lutheran; b. at Beaucourt (10 m. s.s.e. of Belfort), France, May 2, 1843; d. in Sèvres July 13, 1900. He studied at Strasburg and Tübingen; in 1867 became assistant preacher in the Lutheran Church in Paris; in 1877, librarian to the Paris faculty of Protestant theology. He was the author of F. C. Baur, les origines de l'école de Tubingue et ses principes (Paris, 1867); La Bible au seizième siècle, étude sur les origines de la critique (1879); De glossariis et compendiis biblicis quibusdam medii œvi (1879); Du róle de la dogmatique dans la prédication (1881); la Bible française au moyen âge (1884); De l'histoire de la Vulgate en France (1887); Le Palimpseste de Fleury (1889); Quam notitiam linguœ Hebraicœ habuerint Christiani medii œvi temporibus in Gallia (1893); L'Histoire de la Vulgate pendant les premiers siècles du moyen âge (1893); Notice sur quelques textes latins inédits de l'Ancien Testament (1893); Un Ancien Texte latin des Actes des Apótres (1895); Une Bible copiée à Porrentruy (Études de Theologie et d'Histoire, 1901, 213-219); and Les Préfaces jointes aux livres de la Bible dans les manuscrits de la Vulgate, mémoire posthume (1902).

BERGIER, bär"zhyê', NICOLAS SYLVESTRE: French Roman Catholic; b. at Darnay (18 m. s.e. of Mirecourt), Lorraine, Dec. 31, 1718; d. at Paris Apr. 19, 1790. He gained repute while a teacher at the college at Besançon by essays in philology and mythology; abandoned this line of study to devote himself to Christian apologetics, and polemics against the Encyclopedists. In 1765-68 he published at Paris Le Déisme réfuté par lui-méme (2 vols.) and in 1768 the Certitude des preuves du christianisme (2 vols.), which achieved a great success and called forth replies from Voltaire and Anacharsis Cloots. In 1769 followed Apologie de la religion chrétienne (2 vols.) against Holbach, in 1771 Examen du matérialisme (2 vols.), and in 1780 Traité historique et dogmatique de la vraie religion avec la réfutation des erreurs qui lui ont été opposées dans les différens siècles (12 vols.). He also wrote a Dictionnaire


(3 vols., 1789), which formed part of the Encyclopédie, but has several times been separately edited (latest by Le Noir, 12 vols., 1876). As a reward for his services he was made canon of Notre Dame in Paris and confessor to the aunts of the king, with a pension of 2,000 livres.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Biographie nouvelle des contemporains, ii, 378, Paris, 1821; Biographie générale, v, 14.


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