Suggestions for Books to Proofread

Select a book that you think you will enjoy; this is by far the most important factor in choosing a book to proofread!

Below are a few additional factors, tips, and suggestions for selecting a book.

*Selecting a short book for your first proofreading experience is a good idea.
*It's nice, but not necessary, to have an actual copy of the book you are proofreading. The edition must match, and many of these books can be obtained or viewed online. CCEL has page images for many of our books, but we no longer make them available to the general public. When you sign up for a book, Ken Verhulst will check to see if the .png page images are available.
*If you'd like to obtain a 'copy' of the page images of the book (assuming CCEL does not have them), start with Google books. They have millions of page images available for free.
*Once you find a book that interests you, open the book (read online) and make sure that the book has the option of 'reporting errors on this page (therefore allowing you to proofread the book).' If this feature is available, there will be a link at the bottom of every page or the end of every chapter.
*You might also check to see if the book has been proofread (this information is at the bottom of each page, and it's also listed in the Volunteer forum on the book reservations page). It is also not a bad idea to check if someone else is proofreading the book (also listed in the volunteer forum), but I will check this out before reserving the book in your name.
*Here's CCEL's Volunteer Forum Page.
*Once you've selected a book, email me ( your name and title for proofreading, and I'll add you to the 'reserved' list.
*I recommend sending me 2 or 3 or more suggestions that sound good to you, and I will respond with my 'evaluation' of each suggestion. That is, I will do some of this research and work for you.

Some Specific Suggestions
Jacobus Arminius's Works of James Arminius, Vol. 1
John Bunyan's Miscellaneous Pieces
John Calvin's A Treatise on Relics
G. K. Chesterton's "What is Right with the World [short article]
Desiderius Erasmus's Against War
François Fenelon's THE EXISTENCE OF GOD
S.D. Gordon's Quiet Talks on Power
Madam Guyon's Spiritual Torrents
Benjamin Hoadly’s Several Discourses Concerning the Terms of Acceptance with God [collection of sermons]
Ignatius's Autobiography of St. Ignatius
William Law's An Appeal to All that Doubt[very short; suggested for someone new to proofreading]
George MacDonald'sThere and Back
Andrew Murray's Selected Sermons of Schleiermacher
Friedrich Schleiermacher’s The Two Covenants [translated by Mary F. Wilson]
Hannah Whitall Smith’s Old Testament Types and Teachings
John Tauler’s Following of Christ[moderate in length; about 300 pages]
R. A. Torrey’s Person and the Work of the Holy Sprit