Scope Of Chapter 50
Fall In The EastThe Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon

Description of Arabia— The Soil and Climate— Division of the Sandy, the Stony, and the Happy, Arabia— Manners of the Bedoweens, or Pastoral Arabs— The Horse— The CamelCities of Arabia— Mecca —Her TradeNational Independence of the Arabs— Their domestic Freedom and Character— Civil Wars and private Revenge— Annual Truce— Their Social Qualifications and Virtues— Love of Poetry— Examples of Generosity— Ancient Idolatry— The Caaba, or Temple of Mecca— Sacrifices and Rites— Introduction of the Sabians— The Magians— The Jews— The Christians
569-609Birth and Education of Mahomet; Deliverance of Mecca; Qualifications of the Prophet One God; Mahomet the Apostle of God, and the last of the Prophets; Moses; Jesus; The Koran; Miracles ; Precepts of Mahomet—Prayer, Fasting, Alms; Resurrection; Hell and Paradise
609Mahomet preaches at Mecca
613-622Is opposed by the Koreish
622 And driven from Mecca; Received as Prince of Medina
622-632 His regal Dignity; He declares War against the Infidels; His defensive Wars against the Koreish of Mecca
623Battle of Beder; Of Ohud
625The Nations, or the Ditch
623-627Mahomet subdues the Jews of Arabia
629Submission of Mecca
629-632Conquest of Arabia
629, 630First War of the Mahometans against the Roman Empire
632Death of Mahomet—His Character; Private life of Mahomet, His Wives, And Children; Character of Ali
632Reign of Abubeker
334 Reign of Omar
644Reign of Othman; Discord of the Turks and Persians
655Death of Othman
655-660Reign of Ali
655, or 661-680Reign of Moawiyah
680Death of Hosein; Posterity of Mahomet and Ali; Success of Mahomet—Permanency of his Religion; His Merit towards his Country
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