select * from hymns where tunename matches "N*" order by tunename

Nashville [1]1338, 8, 6In de dark woods, no Indian nighJohnson
Nashville [2]271bL.M. 6 linesI love the volume of thy word
Natchez285bS.M.How sweet the melting lay
Never Part Again198C.M.Jerusalem, my happy home
New Britain8C.M.Amazing grace! (how sweet the sound)
New Haven159b6, 6, 4, 6, 6, 6, 4Come, though Almighty kingHastings
New Jerusalem1258sMy gracious Redeemer I love
New Orleans76C.M.Why do we mourn departing friends?Boyd
New Topia163C.M.Young people all, attention giveMunday
New Year333S.M.Eternity draws nighP. M. Atchley and Wm. Walker
Newburgh296S.M.Let every creature joinManson
Ninety-Fifth27bC.M.When I can read my title clearColton
Ninety-Third Psalm7S.M.Grace! 'tis a charming soundChapin
Northfield283C.M.How long, dear Jesus, oh! how longIngalls
