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E, desert narrative of: 12, 262

Ea: 1, 399, 410; 3, 297; 7, 151, 160; 8, 184; 9, 122

Eachard, John: 4, 41

Eadbert: 1, 180

Eadfrid: 4, 42

Eadfrith: 4, 42

Eadie, John: 4, 42

Eadmer: 4, 42

Eadmund, Saint, of Canterbury: 4, 77

saint, the martyr: 4, 77

saint, the confessor: 4, 77

Eadwine: 4, 83

Ealdhelm, saint. See Aldhelm

Ealhwine. See Alcuin

Eannatum: 1, 405

Early Christian hymnody: 5, 425; 8, 497

Christian poetry: 1, 36, 257, 375, 388; 2, 65, 66, 331, 332; 3, 171, 330; 4, 345; 5, 284, 285, 385; 6, 288; 8, 190, 191, 268, 420, 497; 9, 262, 282, 313, 377; 10, 89-90, 333, 402-403; 11, 4-5; 12, 180, 238

Church and slavery: 10, 451

Earrings: 4, 5

Ears to Ear Bible: 2, 140

Earth, ordeal by: 8, 250

Earthquake zones in Palestine: 8, 315

East Goths: 10, 402

Easter: 2, 344, 472, 475; 3, 441; 4, 43, 282; 8, 157; 11, 405; 12, 177

chronicle: 3, 71


Easter, Communion: 4, 47

cycle: 4, 47; 8, 157

Eastern Church: 4, 48-54. See also Greek Church

on heretic baptism: 5, 236

hymnody of: 5, 425

in Japan: 6, 106

paramenta in: 8, 351

polity of: 9, 113, 114

sacraments of: 10, 141

Eastern creeds: 1, 242

ecclesiastical law: 12, 521

mysticism: 8, 69, 70

Eastman, D. W.: 9, 238

Eaton, Arthur W. H.: 4, 55

John: 1, 198; 8, 102

Sam: 1, 461

Ebal: 8, 311

Ebbo: 4, 58

Ebed Jesu: 4, 55; 11, 240

Ebedishu, Mar: 8, 76

Ebel, Johann W.: 4, 55; 10, 257, 258

Ebelholt abbey: 1, 18

Eben-ezer: 10, 193

Eber: 11, 247

Eber, Paul: 4, 55

Eberhard of Béthune: 4, 56

Eberlin, Johann: 4, 56

Ebermann, Voit: 11, 218

Ebersdorf Bible: 2, 157

Ebionism: 3, 50; 10, 283

Ebionites: 1, 203; 4, 57; 12, 208, 560

gospel of the: 1, 227; 12, 208

Ebner, Christina: 4, 58; 11, 276

Margareta: 4, 58; 5, 229

Ebo: 1, 190; 4, 58; 5, 289; 9, 346; 10, 362

Ebrard of Béthune: 4, 56

Ebrard, Johann H. A.: 4, 58-60

Ecbatana: 7, 273

Ecchellensis, Abraham: 1, 16; 7, 188

Ecclesia: 1, 264; 3, 77, 229; 8, 260

Ecclesiastes: 4, 60; 12, 386

Ecclesiastical architecture: 1, 264-271

archives: 1, 273-275; 3, 101-103

authority: 1, 383; 6, 268-273

discipline. See Discipline

fief: 4, 310

glosses: 4, 494-496

history: 3, 97

law: 2, 51; 3, 105-112; 6, 268-273; 8, 267

law, eastern: 12, 521

obedience: 8, 212

polity: 3, 237-238, 246-248; 4, 51, 62; 7, 81, 335, 336, 345; 9, 112-117, 202-204, 240, 241; 10, 71, 300; 11, 436; 12, 73, 93, 95

property: 8, 23, 333; 9, 268-271, 474; 10, 327-331; 11, 55

provinces: 8, 267

reservation: 9, 492

statistics: 11, 70

taxation: 11, 280, 281

tithes: 11, 454-456

union in Germany: 12, 79-81

Ecclesiasticus: 1, 223-224; 2, 391; 9, 307

Ecclesiology: 4, 62-64. See also Church

Ech, Leonhard von: 10, 226

Echter, Julius: 6, 265

Echternach Evangelary: 8, 302

Eck, Johann: 2, 414; 3, 151; 4, 64-66; 7, 70, 71; 9, 167, 421; 10, 184; 12, 432

Leander von: 8, 433

S. T.: 1, 104

Eckart, H. M.: 11, 221

Eckbert of Schönau: 9, 162

Eckermann, J. C. R.: 9, 397

Eckhart: 4, 67-71; 5, 5; 8, 70, 166, 331; 9, 463, 464; 10, 127; 11, 172, 275, 276

the Younger: 8, 70

Eclecticism: 4, 71; 9, 463

Eclipses: 1, 327, 404; 6, 36; 11, 137

Economics: 4, 142

Ecstasy: 3, 407, 408; 4, 71; 6, 13; 7, 486; 9, 271; 10, 4; 11, 36, 412, 413; 12, 351-352, 426, 527

in revivals: 10, 13

Ectene: 4, 72; 6, 494, 495

Ecuador: 4, 72

Ecumenical Christology: 3, 54

councils: 3, 280

Eddy, Mary B. G.: 4, 73; 9, 354; 10, 288, 292; 12, 550

idealism of: 10, 291

Eddy, Richard: 4, 73

Edelmann, Johann C.: 4, 73

Eden: 4, 74; 8, 348, 349

Eden, George R.: 4, 75

Edersheim, Alfred: 4, 75

Edesius: 1, 19

Edessa: 1, 256, 483; 4, 76; 8, 470; 11, 142, 238

Edfrid: 4, 42

Edgar, king: 4, 31; 11, 438

'Edhah: 3, 77, 229

Edict of Milan: 3, 250, 251, 434; 6, 477; 7, 371; 8, 333

of Nantes: 4, 34; 8, 81, 82; 9, 291, 422; 10, 28, 63

of Nantes, revocation of: 9, 422

of Nîmes: 8, 177-179; 10, 28

of Theodosius: 11, 326

of toleration: 9, 422

Edicts of pacification: 8, 298

Edification: 4, 76

Edkins, Joseph: 3, 34

Edmer: 4, 42

Edmund, king: 4, 30

Saint, of Canterbury: 4, 77

Saint, the Martyr: 4, 77

Edmunds law: 8, 17

Edom: 4, 78; 5, 107, 165; 6, 182, 227

Edomites: 1, 149; 4, 78

Edrei: 1, 498; 8, 314, 455

Edsall, Samuel C.: 4, 79

Education: 1, 1, 97; 3, 14, 103-105, 236; 4, 77; 9, 232

Association, Religious: 9, 479, 480

in Argentina: 1, 278

in Austria: 1, 379, 382

Baptist: 1, 473

in Brazil: 2, 255

in Canada: 2, 378

in Chile: 3, 28

in China: 3, 35, 36

in Colombia: 3, 163

in Denmark: 3, 405

Friends': 4, 396


Education, in Germany: 4, 471; 7, 267; 12, 190

Hebrew: 4, 276; 5, 322; 11, 151, 152

in Holland: 5, 320

in India: 4, 18, 19

in Italy: 6, 66, 67

in Japan: 6, 107, 109

Methodist: 7, 336

in Mexico: 7, 359

Mohammedan: 8, 30

negro: 8, 100-103

in Norway: 8, 195

in Paraguay: 8, 349

in Persia: 8, 472

in Peru: 8, 475

in Portugal: 9, 138, 139

primary: 8, 476

primitive: 12, 4, 7

and the Reformation: 11, 334

religious: 2, 440-451; 10, 83-85; 11, 151-164; 12, 190, 475–489

in Spain: 11, 28

in Sweden: 11, 182

in Turkey: 12, 40

in Uruguay: 12, 113

theological, in Austria: 1, 379, 382

in France: 11, 5-6

in Holland: 5, 320, 321, 322

in Spain: 11, 25

in the United States: 11, 343-394; 12, 89

Educational institutions, Baptist: 1, 473-474, 478

work in Palestine: 12, 518

Edward I., of England: 2, 224, 225; 5, 65; 6, 178; 12, 455

Edward III.: 9, 150

Edward VI.: 3, 177-178, 295; 4, 133; 9, 423

Edward, Saint, the Confessor: 4, 79

Edwards, Alfred G.: 4, 80

Bela B.: 4, 80

John: 4, 80

Jonathan, the Elder: 3, 477; 4, 80-82; 5, 8, 442; 8, 72, 131, 132, 133, 332; 9, 184, 401; 10, 11, 12, 210; 11, 341; 12, 360

Jonathan, the Younger: 4, 82; 8, 134; 9, 184; 11, 341

Justin: 4, 83

Lewis: 9, 219

Sarah P.: 12, 418

Edwin (of Northumbria): 1, 180; 4, 83; 8, 421

the Saxon: 1, 179

Edzard, Ezra: 6, 178

Eells, Myron: 4, 83

Egard, Paul: 9, 168

Egbert, Saint: 4, 83

of York: 4, 84

Egede, Hans: 4, 84; 7, 406

'Egel: 2, 346

Eger, Heinrich: 5, 227

Egeria: 5, 333, 334

Egfrid, king: 12, 352

Eggenstorfer, Michael: 10, 47

Egidio, Juan: 11, 30

Egila: 7, 370

Eginhard: 4, 98

Egippius: 4, 204

Egli, Emil: 4, 85

Eglinus. Raphael, 4, 85

Eglinus von Goetzen: 4, 85

Église catholique-française: 3, 22

Eglon: 6, 247

Ego, absolute: 9, 469

of the Psalms: 9, 327, 328

Egoism: 10, 344

Egward: 7, 59

Egypt: 1, 67; 4, 86-95

and Assyria: 1, 328, 330, 331

and Babylonia: 1, 407, 408

burial in: 2, 485

christology in: 1, 278

deities of: 1, 156

Exploration Fund: 4, 95

Hebrews in: 6, 50, 55, 232

and Palestine: 1, 147-149; 2, 375

plagues of: 8, 25-26

Presbyterians in: 9, 239

religion of: 1, 156; 4, 90, 91

Roman Catholic missions in: 7, 397

serpent in: 10, 365, 367

star-worship in: 11, 69

sun-worship in: 11, 140-141

Egyptian art, serpent in: 10, 368

Coptic Bible versions: 2, 132

cosmogony: 3, 299

cubit: 12, 288

inscriptions: 6, 5

magic: 7, 125

monasticism: 7, 462, 463; 8, 297

Research Account: 4, 95

Ehrenfeuchter, Friedrich A. E.: 4, 96; 9, 147

Ehud: 6, 253, 255

Eichhorn, Johann A. F.: 4, 96

Johann G.: 4, 97; 9, 395; 10, 350

Karl F.: 2, 180; 4, 97

Eichsfeld, Counter-reformation in: 3, 351

Eichstaett, Bishopric of: 4, 98

Eidelbald: 11, 148

Eielsen, Elling: 7, 91

Eight: 8, 205

Eikōn Basilikē, authorship of: 4, 435

Einhard: 4, 98

Einsiedeln: 4, 98

Eiremenon, hapax: 5, 144

Eisenach Conference: 3, 85; 4, 99; 11, 298

Eisengrein, Martin: 9, 167

Eisenmenger, Johann: 6, 45

Johann A.: 4, 100

Ekkehard of Aura: 4, 101

of Saint Gall: 10, 171

Ekklesia: 3, 78, 229. See also Ecclesia and Church

Ekron: 6, 251; 9, 36, 37

El: 4, 115

el-Belka: 8, 454

El-Bukâ'a a: 3, 152

Elagabalus, Emperor: 1, 121; 4, 101; 10, 367

Elagabalus, god: 11, 142

Elah: 4, 102

Elam: 1, 332, 404, 405, 407; 4, 102; 5, 135; 11, 250

Elamites: 1, 331, 404. Also see Elam

Elath: 1, 149; 4, 102; 8, 74, 89

Elberfeld, Dutch Reformed church of: 6, 369

Eldad and Modad, book of: 9, 340

Elders: 3, 79, 232; 8, 262, 263. See also Presbyterate

in the Christian Church. See Presbyter


Elders, in Israel: 4, 103

Eldridge, P. X.: 9, 435

Elealeh: 7, 424

Eleasar: 9, 248

Eleatic school: 8, 329

Elect, election: 2, 350, 362, 363; 10, 244. See, in general, Predestination

Election, decree of: 1, 360

doctrine of: 12, 543

episcopal: 2, 192

of the pope: 9, 129

Eleemon, Johannes: 6, 196; 10, 479

Elements, eucharistic: 4, 198

Elephantiasis Grecorum: 6, 460

Elephantine, temple of: 11, 296

Eleusinia: 12, 8-14

Eleusinian mysteries: 12, 438

Eleutheropolis: 6, 249

Eleutherus, Pope: 4, 104

Elfleda: 12, 416

Eli: 4, 104; 6, 254; 9, 248; 10, 193

Eliæ, Paulus: 4, 105

Eliakim: 10, 387, 388

Elias of Cortona: 1, 193; 4, 357, 358

of Jerusalem: 7, 477

Levita: 4, 105

Miniatis: 4, 106

in Messianism: 7, 328

Elias, John: 9, 219

Eligius, Saint: 4, 106; 9, 162

Elihu: 6, 188, 189

Elijah: 1, 96; 4, 107, 108, 109; 9, 273

Apocalypse of: 9, 339

Elijah Bashyazi: 6, 299

ben Asher ha-Levi: 4, 105

the second. See John the Baptist

Elim: 12, 263

Eliot, George: 9, 458

John: 4, 108; 5, 481; 7, 405; 8, 104

Elipandus: 1, 48-49

Elisha: 4, 107, 109-110; 9, 273; 11, 248

Elizabeth, Queen of England: 3, 178; 4, 133, 295, 296; 9, 366, 423; 11, 171

advertisements of: 1, 57; 9, 366; 10, 52

Elizabeth, Saint: 3, 240

Saint, Sisters of: 4, 111

Saint, of Thuringia: 4, 111

of Schoenau: 4, 111; 8, 70

Elizabeth, Albertine: 4, 110

Elkesaites: 4, 112

Elkosh: 8, 75

Ellasar. See Larsa

Eller, Elias: 10, 90

Ellice Islands, missions in the: 7, 413; 11, 15

Ellicott, Charles J.: 4, 113

Ellinwood, Frank F.: 4, 113

Elliotson, John: 9, 353

Elliott, Charles: 4, 113

Charlotte: 4, 113

David: 4, 114

Ellis, George E.: 4, 114

William: 4, 114

Ellwood, Thomas: 4, 114

Elmer, John: 1, 389. See also Aylmer

Eloah: 4, 115

Elohim: 4, 115; 5, 2; 9, 326

Elohist document, date of: 1, 14; 5, 186

Eloi, Saint: 4, 106

Eloth, Ezion-Gaber: 4, 102

Eloysius, Saint: 4, 106

Eltekeh: 6, 251

Eltzholtz, Carl F.: 4, 116

Elvenich, P. J. See Hermes, Georg

Elvira, Synod of: 4, 116; 7, 462; 8, 354, 452

Elwert, Eduard: 4, 116

Elxai: 4, 112

Ely: 4, 117

Elzevir, New Testament: 2, 107

Emanation: 2, 326, 327, 329; 4, 117, 118, 229; 8, 112, 331; 9, 133; 12, 131

Emanationism: 1, 203

Emancipation act: 9, 82

Embalming: 2, 308

Ember-days: 4, 118

Ember, Paulus: 4, 118

Embolismus: 4, 119

Embroidery: 8, 350

Embury, Philip: 4, 119; 7, 341

Emden, synod of: 9, 426, 427

Emerald: 9, 190

Emerson, R. W.: 11, 491

Emerton, Ephraim: 4, 119

Emesa: 11, 142

Emigrants and Immigrants, Mission Work among: 4, 119

Emiliani, Girolamo. See Somaschians

Emilie, Juliane: 4, 120

Emim: 7, 424

Eminent domain: 10, 330

Emmanuel movement: 9, 354

Emmaus: 6, 251

Emmeram: 4, 120

Emmerich, Anna K.: 11, 96

Emmons, Nathanael: 4, 121; 8, 135, 332; 9, 187; 11, 341

Emmonsism: 4, 121

Emory, John: 4, 121

Empedocles: 4, 229, 230

Emperor, worship of: 1, 315

Empiricism: 10, 264

Ems agreement: 4, 122

Congress of: 4, 121-124; 8, 296; 9, 80

Emser punctuation: 4, 122

Emser, Hieronymus: 2, 146; 4, 124, 458

En-dor: 6, 182

witch of: 1, 202

En-gedi: 6, 249

En-mishpat: 8, 100

En-Rimmon: 8, 100

En-rogel: 6, 131

Ençabots: 12, 241

Encænia: 4, 124

Encratites: 4, 124; 7, 461; 9, 260

Encyclical Æterni Patris: 10, 73

Pascendi Dominici gregis: 7, 428; 12, 61

Pascendi gregis: 10, 73; 11, 198

Præclara gratulationis: 10, 75

Encyclical Letters: 4, 125

Encyclopedia, Theological: 4, 125-128

Encyclopedists: 3, 395, 396, 424; 4, 128; 5, 218, 315; 10, 329

Enda, Saint, of Aran: 4, 129


Enders, Ernst L.: 4, 129

Endowment scheme: 9, 207

Endura: 8, 146

Energies of Jesus Christ: 7, 481, 482

Energumen: 3, 403

Engelbert, Saint: 1, 178

Engelbrecht, Hans: 4, 129

Engelhardt, Gustav M. K. von: 4, 130

Johann G. V.: 3, 462; 4, 130

Engels, Friedrich: 10, 484

England, Anabaptists in: 1, 162

art in: 8, 305

Baptists in: 1, 457-466

and Boniface VIII.: 2, 224

catechisms of: 2, 446

and Catholicism: 1, 131

Christianity in: 1, 179-180; 4, 131, 293

Church of: 4, 131-138; 6, 418; 9, 301; 10, 49-54, 76

Church of, fast days: 10, 66

Congregationalists in: 3, 231

divorce law in: 3, 455

ecclesiastical architecture of: 1, 270-271

and Innocent III.: 5, 500

investiture in: 6, 26

Jews in: 6, 59

Methodists in: 7, 332-340

and Peter's pence: 8, 498, 499

and Philip II. of Spain: 9, 21, 22

Presbyterians in: 4, 139; 9, 216, 217

Protestants in: 4, 138, 139

Reformation in: 3, 295; 8, 358; 9, 423; 11, 417

religious toleration in: 6, 478

Roman Catholics in: 4, 139

socialism in: 10, 484

and Wales: 4, 138-140

Engle, Jacob: 10, 55

John: 10, 55

English annotated bibles: 2, 158-163

Benedictines: 11, 484

Bible versions: 2, 137, 323; 3, 291; 8, 164, 165, 359; 9, 370; 10, 66; 11, 279; 12, 47, 460

church music: 10, 160

concordances: 3, 209

hymnody: 1, 39; 2, 440; 3, 292, 357; 4, 260; 5, 45, 173, 182, 429-431; 6, 304, 308, 313; 7, 98, 99, 106, 111, 216, 271, 484, 490; 8, 93, 94, 154, 186, 236; 9, 373, 382, 416; 10, 105, 129, 332; 11, 73, 74, 76, 77, 89, 108, 273-274, 466; 12, 279, 305, 306, 311, 367

idealism: 5, 442

Ladies: 4, 140

Society for Psychical Research: 9, 350

universities: 12, 99, 100, 101, 102

English, John M.: 4, 140

Enlightenment, The: 4, 141-147; 6, 337; 9, 65, 299, 394, 465; 10, 4, 24, 87; 12, 402

Enlil: 1, 409, 410; 2, 31; 3, 297

Enna, saint, of Aran: 4, 129

Ennodius, Magnus F.: 4, 147

Enoch: 2, 336; 4, 148; 10, 376

book of: 4, 443; 7, 325, 326

Ethiopic: 9, 335

Slavonic: 9, 336

Enos: 10, 376, 377

Enrolment: 9, 375

En-shag-kushanna: 1, 404

Entenema: 1, 405

Enthronization: 2, 193; 9, 130

Enthusiasm: 4, 72, 149

Enzinas, Francisco de: 4, 149; 11, 25, 29

Jaime: 4, 149; 11, 25, 29

Éon de L'Étoile: 4, 200

Eon, Eons: 3, 460; 4, 117, 499; 7, 147, 155; 12, 131

Epao, Synod of: 4, 149

Eparchs: 9, 255

Eparchy: 4, 150; 8, 383

Épernay, diet of: 9, 346

Ephah: 12, 290

Ephesians, epistle to the: 9, 412

Ephesus: 1, 315; 6, 205

council of: 8, 125; 11, 321; 12, 355, 562, 563

robber synod of: 4, 218

Ephod: 4, 150; 5, 280; 7, 45; 12, 108

Ephraem of Antioch: 7, 478

Ephraem (Ephrem) Syrus: 1, 483; 2, 397, 398; 4, 151; 5, 425; 7, 463; 9, 160; 11, 242, 239

Ephraim, Judean territory of: 6, 252

Ephrata Community: 3, 186

Ephratha: 6, 249

Ephrem Syrus. See Ephraem

Ephron: 8, 310

Epics of Babylonia: 1, 412; 3, 296, 297; 11, 264, 265

Epictetus: 4, 152; 9, 462

Epicureanism: 4, 152, 435; 9, 462

Epicurus: 3, 300; 4, 152, 153, 229; 7, 245; 8, 329

Epigraphy, history of: 6, 11

Epiklesis: 4, 153, 197; 7, 29, 236, 239

Epilepsy: 3, 447

Epimanikia: 12, 172

Epiousia, Epiousion: 7, 22

Epiphanes: 2, 423

Epiphanius of Constantia: 1, 135, 306; 3, 257, 258; 4, 154; 8, 274

of Salamis: 3, 73

Scholasticus: 4, 155

of Ticinum: 4, 155

of Tyre: 10, 382

Epiphany: 3, 47; 4, 283, 289; 12, 492

Feast of the: 4, 156

Episcopacy: 2, 339; 3, 82; 4, 156-159; 5, 221; 9, 202; 11, 126

Methodist: 7, 345, 348, 349; 9, 117

Episcopal chair: 8, 350, 351

church polity: 9, 114, 115

Church, Reformed: 9, 434, 435

jurisdiction: 1, 360; 2, 193; 12, 61

Episcopalians, Protestant: 9, 283-289

Episcopate: 1, 168; 2, 192-194; 3, 80-81, 279, 280, 332; 8, 261-265

historic. See Apostolic Succession; and Succession, Apostolic

Moravian: 12, 93

Episcopius, Simon: 4, 159

Episcopos. See Bishop

Episcopus in partibus infidelium. See Bishop, titular

Epistemology: 8, 217

Epistle: 4, 160

of Barnabas: 1, 487

of Clement: 9, 159

to Hebrews: 5, 192-195


Epistle of James: 6, 91, 92

of Jeremiah: 1, 220

of Jude: 6, 245

Epistles, apocryphal: 1, 228

of John: 6, 204; 8, 55

of Paul: 8, 55, 404-413

of Peter: 2, 394; 8, 482-484

Epistolæ Obscurorum Virorum: 4, 161

Epistolary lections: 8, 458-464

Epitome of Clement: 3, 142

Epitrachelion: 12, 172

Eponym: 4, 161

canon: 1, 327

Epworth League: 12, 476, 477

Equinox, spring: 12, 490, 491

Equiprobabilism: 6, 488; 9, 263

Equitius: 4, 162

Equity: 6, 274

Era: 4, 162

Erasmus: 2, 126, 443; 4, 163-166; 5, 402; 8, 6, 222; 9, 7

New Testament of: 2, 106-107

Erasmus (Helper-in-need): 5, 216

Erasmus, Johannes: 6, 100

Erastianism: 3, 84; 4, 167

Erastus, Thomas: 4, 167

Erbkam, Wilhelm H.: 4, 167

Erdmann, Christian F. D.: 4, 168

Erdöd, synod of: 9, 422

Erdösi, János: 2, 148

Erech: 1, 400, 405; 8, 179

Erechtheus: 10, 368

Erechthonius: 10, 367

Eremite. See Hermit

Eremites of St. Francis: 4, 363

Erfurt, Bishopric of: 4, 168

Erga Kala (Agatha): 5, 20

Erhard of Queiss: 1, 106, 107

Eri-aku. See Arioch; Rim-Sin

Eric VIII. of Denmark: 2, 224

Eric III. of Sweden: 11, 176

Eric XIV. of Sweden: 11, 178

Eric of Uppland: 11, 175

Erich of Braunschweig-Grubenhagen: 8, 43-44

Erichsön, Jorgen: 8, 195

Erici, Ericus: 4, 314

Eridu: 1, 399

Erigena, John Scotus. See Scotus Erigena

Eritrea: 1, 68

Erlangen theology: 4, 368

Erlembaldo: 8, 380, 381

Ermland, Bishopric of: 4, 168

Ernest I., the Pious: 4, 169, 494; 11, 222

Ernest I., of Saxe-Gotha: 9, 61

Ernest the Confessor: 4, 168

elector of Cologne: 4, 439, 440

of Pardubitz: 9, 153

Ernesti, Johann A.: 4, 170; 6, 174; 9, 171, 395

Ernestine Bible: 2, 157

Ero Castra: 9, 412

Erpe, Thomas Van: 4, 170

Erpenius, Thomas: 4, 170

Errett, Isaac: 4, 171

Error, as marital impediment: 7, 202

Erskine, Ebenezer: 4, 171; 9, 184, 206, 209, 215, 234

John: 4, 172; 9, 184

Erskine, Ralph: 9, 184

Thomas: 3, 477; 4, 172

Erthal, Franz L. von: 4, 172

Erythrean (Delphian) Sibyl: 10, 397, 398

E-sagil: 1, 399

Esarhaddon: 1, 332; 4, 90

Esau,. See Edom; Jacob

Esch, John: 9, 429

Eschatology: 3, 368; 4, 173-176, 414-416; 6, 334-339; 9, 332; 10, 321, 322, 492

Mandæan: 7, 148

Manichean: 7, 156, 158

Mithraic: 7, 422, 423

of Origen: 8, 273

Philonic: 9, 41

Platonic: 9, 89, 90

of Scotus Erigena: 10, 306-307

Zoroastrian: 12, 532

Eschenmayer, K. A.: 9, 467

Escobar y Mendoza, Antonio: 4, 177; 9, 263

Escobar, Marina de: 4, 177

Esdrælon: 6, 181

Esdras, books of: 1, 217; 4, 177

Eshmun: 9, 15, 18

Eshmunazar: 9, 15

Eshtaol: 6, 247

Eshtemoah: 6, 247

Eskil: 4, 177; 11, 175

Eskimos, missions to the: 4, 84, 85; 7, 410

Esmun: 10, 366

Espen, Zeger B. van: 4, 177

Espousal, feast of the: 7, 222

Espousals: 7, 198

Ess, Karl van: 4, 178

Johann H. van: 4, 178

Leander van: 2, 87; 4, 178

Essays and Reviews: 4, 178; 11, 166, 167

Essenes: 4, 179

Established Church of Scotland: 9, 205-209; 10, 299

Estang, M. D. de l': 6, 230

Estes, David F.: 4, 180

Esther, Book of: 4, 181; 10, 394

additions to: 1, 217

Esthonians: 1, 108, 109

Eszterházy, Nicolaus: 8, 424, 425

Etam: 6, 249

Etana: 10, 368

Eternal damnation: 10, 438

Etham: 8, 26; 9, 412

Ethan: 9, 327, 329

Ethanites: 9, 327

Ethbaal: 9, 19

Ethelbert: 1, 179, 364

Ethelburga: 1, 179

Etheldreda, Saint: 4, 117, 182

Ethelred. See Ailred

Ethelred, rule of: 9, 409

Ethelwulf: 8, 498

Etheridge, John W.: 4, 183

Ethical aspect of worship: 12, 440

basis of marriage: 7, 195

Culture, Societies for: 4, 183

justice: 6, 274

monism: 8, 332


Ethics: 2, 351; 3, 138, 245, 470; 4, 39, 70, 185-194; 7, 496, 502; 8, 1-3, 83, 84; 9, 41; 10, 244; 11, 424

of "holiness": 5, 316, 317

obedience in: 8, 212

Platonic: 9, 90

Plotinian: 8, 112

Protestant theory of: 7, 497, 498

and psychology: 7, 498

and Puritanism: 7, 498

Roman Catholic theory of: 7, 496

State and: 7, 497, 498

of vow: 12, 229

Zoroastrian: 12, 532

Ethiopia: 1, 253

Ethiopic Bible version: 2, 133

Enoch: 9, 335

language: 1, 19; 7, 58

Ethnarch: 4, 194

Ethnic names: 8, 76

prophecy: 9, 271, 272

Ethnology: 4, 87, 311, 313; 9, 17, 30

Ethos: 4, 185

Eththesis: 7, 481, 482

Etruscans: 3, 299

Etsh'ege, Abyssinian official: 1, 20

Ettwein, John: 4, 195

Eucharist: 1, 140, 441; 2, 459; 3, 75, 223, 224; 4, 166, 195-199; 7, 17, 18, 227-241; 8, 66-68; 9, 380, 402; 10, 83, 115, 123, 260; 11, 486, 494-501; 12, 439, 465, 542. See also Lord's Supper

dramatic character of: 8, 67

epiklesis in: 4, 153, 154

Gnostic: 12, 133

Mandæan: 7, 149, 151

Ratramnus on: 9, 402

Eucharistic congresses, Roman Catholic: 10, 83

controversies: 2, 58; 4, 36; 9, 279, 376; 10, 64, 277, 303

worship: 12, 439

Eucharius, saint: 12, 4

Euchelaion: 4, 199

Eucheria: 10, 414

Eucherius: 2, 180; 4, 199

Euchites: 7, 322, 464; 8, 144

Euchologion: 4, 199

Eucken, Christian R.: 12, 551

Eudemonism: 9, 395

Eudes, Jean: 4, 200; 12, 412

Eudists: 4, 200

Eudo de Stella: 4, 200

Eudocia: 3, 73; 6, 135; 9, 361

Ælia: 4, 200

Eudoxius of Germanicia: 4, 201

Euemerus: 4, 204

Eugene Bible University: 11, 355

Eugenikos, Markos: 4, 303

Eugenius I., Pope: 4, 201; 7, 482

Eugenius II.: 4, 202; 8, 334

Eugenius III.: 2, 63; 4, 202; 11, 175, 190

Eugenius IV.: 1, 130; 3, 125, 211, 223, 282; 4, 203, 360; 9, 76; 10, 74, 239

Eugenius Bulgaris: 2, 299

of Nisibis: 7, 463

Eugipius (Eugepius): 4, 204

Eugippius (Eugyppius): 4, 204

Euhemerism: 4, 204; 10, 198

Euhemerus: 4, 204

Eulalius: 4, 204

Eulogia: 4, 196, 205

Eulogius of Alexandria: 4, 205; 7, 481, 483

of Cordova: 4, 205

Eumolpus: 12, 9-10

Eunomians: 4, 205; 7, 113

Eunomius: 4, 205

Euon de L' Étoile: 4, 200

Euphemites: 7, 322

Euphemius: 7, 476

Euphrates: 1, 322, 397; 4, 207

Euphrates of Cologne: 3, 162

Euric (Eurich): 10, 402; 11, 130

Europe, Old Catholics in: 8, 231

European bible societies: 2, 90

Eusebeia, Eusebes: 5, 11

Eusebian canons: 5, 154

Eusebians: 1, 280

Eusebius, Pope: 4, 208

Eusebius of Alexandria: 4, 208

of Angers: 4, 208

of Cæsarea: 1, 237, 278, 279, 284; 2, 101, 181, 398; 3, 279; 4, 44, 208-211; 7, 231; 8, 156, 157, 336, 337, 339, 340; 9, 160; 10, 187, 196

of Dorylæum: 4, 217, 218

of Emesa: 1, 201; 4, 211; 9, 160

of Laodicea: 4, 212

of Nicomedia: 1, 279, 343, 344; 4, 212

Pamphili: 4, 208

of Samosata: 4, 212

of Thessalonica: 4, 213

of Vercelli: 3, 7; 4, 213; 7, 465

Eustace of Bouillon: 3, 316

Eustachius, Saint: 4, 213

Eustasius: 2, 14; 4, 213, 214

Eustathians: 2, 465; 7, 287-288. See also Messalians

Eustathius of Antioch: 1, 201, 202, 279; 4, 209, 214; 7, 30, 31; 8, 274

saint: 4, 213

of Sebaste: 1, 499; 4, 214; 7, 287-289, 464

of Thessalonica: 4, 215; 9, 161

Eustochium: 6, 126, 127; 7, 465; 8, 417

Euthalius: 2, 101; 4, 215; 11, 93

Euthymius, Zigabenus: 4, 216

Eutropius: 1, 257; 3, 72, 73

Eutyches: 1, 500; 3, 53; 4, 216-219; 6, 449; 12, 563

Eutychianism: 3, 53; 4, 216-219, 327, 328; 7, 474; 12, 186

Eutychianus, Pope: 4, 219

Eutychius of Alexandria: 4, 219

of Constantinople: 4, 219

(exarch of Ravenna): 5, 59

Evagrius, Ponticus: 4, 220

Scholasticus: 4, 220

Evangelary of Abbess Uota: 8, 302

of Charlemagne: 8, 302

Echternach: 8, 302

of Godescalc: 8, 302

Wyschehrad: 8, 302

Evangeliarium: 4, 220

Evangelical Adventists: 1, 56

Alliance: 2, 380; 4, 221-223; 9, 256


Evangelical Association: 4, 223

Church Aid Society: 3, 123

Church of Italy: 4, 226

Church in Russia: 10, 119

churches, and Bible reading: 2, 87

counsels: 3, 245

doctor: 12, 464

Italian Church: 6, 66

Lutheran Church: 7, 81

Lutheran Free Church: 7, 83

Lutheran Immanuel Synod: 7, 82

Lutheran Seminary at Columbus, Ohio: 11, 359

revival: 3, 476

Social Congress: 3, 239

Society of Geneva: 4, 224; 11, 196

Theological Seminary: 11, 356

Union: 2, 302; 4, 224; 8, 8

Union of Bohemian and Moravian Brethren: 7, 391

Union, German: 2, 302

Union of Scotland: 4, 224

work in Spain: 11, 25-29

Evangelicals of Salzburg: 10, 182-184

Evangelisch-kirchliche Konference: 4, 99

Evangelism, lay: 12, 558

Evangelist: 4, 225

Fathers: 9, 288

Missionary Church: 7, 352

Evangelization: 4, 225-227; 10, 9-21

negro: 8, 103-108

Evans, Christmas: 4, 227; 9, 185

John: 4, 227

Llewelyn I.: 4, 227

W. F.: 9, 354

Evanson, Edward: 4, 228

Evarestus: 4, 228

Eve: 4, 228; 7, 147, 148, 156

Gospel of: 1, 227; 9, 342

Evelyn, John: 10, 471

Everett, Charles C.: 4, 228

Everlasting gospel: 6, 184

Evermod of Ratzeburg: 9, 404

Everyman: 9, 478

Evidences of Christianity. See Apologetics

Evil: 2, 327; 6, 444; 7, 260; 10, 306; 12, 464

deliverance from. See Redemption

ophitic doctrine of: 8, 244

origin of: 9, 91, 362

Evil-merodach: 1, 408

Evjen, John O.: 12, 551

Evolution: 1, 347; 4, 229-234; 8, 140, 331; 9, 311; 11, 398

in conscience: 3, 243

Evolutionary ethics: 4, 192

Ewald, Georg H. A.: 4, 234

J. L.: 9, 172

Hermann A. P.: 4, 235

Ewing, Finis: 4, 235; 9, 231

Exactions: 4, 235

Exaltation of Christ: 6, 175

Exarch: 4, 235; 9, 255

Excavation in Assyria: 1, 323, 324

in Babylonia: 1, 398

in Egypt: 4, 91

Exclusion, Right of: 4, 235

Exclusive Brethren: 9, 95

Excommunication: 1, 167; 2, 439; 4, 236; 6, 268, 269; 10, 424

Exegesis: 4, 237-247; 11, 437, 438

under Aben Ezra: 1, 10

Abrarbanel in: 1, 13

accommodation in: 1, 23-24

and archeology: 1, 261-262

of Origen: 8, 271, 272

of parables: 8, 346, 347

Philonic: 4, 241; 9, 39

schools of: 1, 124, 125, 201-202; 2, 328

Exell, Joseph S.: 4, 248

Exemption: 2, 272; 3, 449; 4, 248

Exercitia Spiritualia: 4, 249; 5, 447; 6, 141, 142; 8, 71

Exile, Babylonian: 1, 413; 6, 53; 11, 255

Existence of God: 9, 464, 468

Exodus, Hebrew: 6, 50; 8, 26

Exodus Rabba: 7, 368

Exorcism: 1, 160, 441; 2, 50; 3, 402-403; 4, 250; 10, 145, 179

Exorcists: 10, 144

Expectancy: 3, 8; 4, 250

Expectation of Mary, feast of: 7, 222

Experimental science: 10, 264

Exploration of Assyria: 1, 323, 324

in Babylonia: 1, 398

in Egypt: 4, 91

Fund, Palestine: 8, 319

of North America, Roman Catholic: 10, 78

in Palestine: 10, 59

Exsufflatio: 4, 250

Exsuperius, Saint: 4, 251

Extravagantes: 2, 386

Extreme Unction: 3, 37; 4, 251

Exuperius, saint: 4, 251

Eyes, diseases of: 3, 448

Eylert, Ruhlemann F.: 4, 253; 9, 175

Eymericus, Nicolas: 7, 67; 12, 390

Ezekiel: 4, 253-256, 288; 9, 249, 273, 276

book of: 4, 253

Testament of: 9, 340

Ezelites: 1, 395

Ezion-geber (gaber): 4, 102, 103; 8, 242

Eznik of Kulb: 1, 290; 7, 174

Ezra: 2, 388; 4, 256; 6, 53

Apocalypse of: 7, 327

apocryphal books of: 1, 217; 4, 443; 9, 337, 338

and Nehemiah, Books of: 4, 257-259

Ezra, Abraham ben Meir ibn: 1, 10

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