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WHEN all the Saints that are in Heaven keep Christmas at the board,
Our Lady Mary calls a health before her Son our Lord,
Says: "Let us sing the fairest town that is in all Your earthly crown;
Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Nowell
To the Bells of Oxenford!"

Then saith the Holy Trinity: "There be We well adored;"
Saith John to Mary Maudleyn, "There we walk across the sward;"
And All the Souls that lived on earth lift up their voice to swell that mirth:
"Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Nowell
To the Bells of Oxenford!"

King Jesus saith: "That will I well, thereof rest you assured
, For I have a dwelling fair and Church with aisles so broad;
So let us drink at Christmas time to all that dwell by Great Tom chime:
Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Nowell
To the Bells of Oxenford!"

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