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Philoxenus, Ascetic Discourses (1894) pp.clxxxvii-clxxxviii. Errata





Page 43. 1. 14, read, He called His "brethren".
„ 61. 1. 7, „ which go up on the spiritual altar are.
„ 104. 1. 9, „ wickedness was.
„ 115. 1. 4, „ excellences.
„ 125. 1. 4, „ he who.
„ 133. l. 30, „ children of men.
„ 145. 1. 18, „ unto.
„ 146. 1. 20, „ wise men.
„ 159. 1. 10, „ which is within it.
„ 171. 1. 25, „ There are many.
„ 256. 1. 15, „ hastening that the.
„ 307. 1. 13, „ he hath served.
„ 369. 1. 15, „ right.

Page 386. 1. 21, read, all wickedness.
„ 446. 1. 14, „ ever so little.
„ 447. 1. 14, „ if it is thought.
„ 481. 1. 13, „ loathsome.
„ 514. 1. 14, „ conquereth.
„ 518. 1. 15, „ vengeance to come which is.
„ 523. 1. 15, „ purity of our souls.
„ 527. 1. 9, „ delete the words, "not only".

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This text was transcribed by Roger Pearse, Ipswich, UK, 2003.  All material on this page is in the public domain - copy freely.
Greek text is rendered using the Scholars Press SPIonic font, free from here.

Early Church Fathers - Additional Texts