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Bethany lies on the eastern shoulder of the Mount of Olives, one and a half miles from Jerusalem, on the road to Jericho. It is reached by three roads: (1) winding westward to the N. of the summit of Olivet; (2) the oldest road, striking directly up the hill, and meeting the other beyond the summit; (3) winding round the eastern shoulder. All start from Gethsemane, in the bottom of the Kedron valley. Bethany is only celebrated for our Lord's visits to the house of Lazarus on three occasions: once when Mary sat at his feet (Luke x. 38–42); again when he raised Lazarus (John xi.); and again when, in Simon's house, Mary anointed his "body for the burial" (Matt. xxvi. 6, 7); from which time, till the night of his betrayal, he appears to have slept there every night. In the immediate neighbourhood, Jesus ascended to heaven.

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